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Joined 12 months ago

All the people saying "yes" are incorrect. Running on pavement and running on trails exert different strains on the body, but not less. The tendency in road runners is to end up with tibial stress fractures, and in trail runners it is metatarsal stress fractures, but the injury rates are similar. Trail running requires stronger stabilizer muscles (primarily gluteus medius) to maintain knee health in the long term, but this is a problem for both as well.

Use good shoes, strength train your gluteus medius and calves, do most of your miles at an easy pace, and you'll be running for decades, regardless of your chosen surface. You might even change it up and do both!

(My credentials are that i am an ultramarathoner and have run half a dozen races between 26.2 and 50 miles, on pavement and trail, and i have been coached by a professional ultra runner for several seasons.)

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I was born into an impoverished extremist right wing family. I enlisted in the military back when DADT was a thing. I was disowned as an LGBT teenager, and medboarded out of the military after being committed to inpatient facilities multiple times. After that, i was homeless for a couple years, living out of a car and then a backpack.

I finally ended up in this little town in Georgia, got a job at a little retail store, and moved into a trailer with one of my coworkers. Her friends kind of adopted me and i felt accepted for the first time in my life. We were all broke kids, but i told them i was going to be a millionaire by age 30. I was still pretty emotionally unstable and eventually moved on from that friend group, but it gave me the hope i needed to rebuild my life.

I slowly built a career for myself after that, working 70-80 hours a week for a couple years, until i had my foot in the door. It got a lot easier after that. I didn't quite hit my goal by age 30, but I'm close. I founded my first company at age 28, and raised a 10 million series A. My company is now worth 60 million on paper, but of course that's meaningless until we IPO. But it's profitable, and in the meantime, I've adopted a little family of people like me, and built a comfortable life for us. Life is good, and I'm content.

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I only want gay sex in media. Straight sex makes me uncomfortable.

She thinks it's hot

This is part of a slow trend towards powerful people dressing casually to differentiate themselves from the less powerful people who work for them. Historically, trends like this have been set by the elite and are then emulated by people trying to convince others that they are elite. This is the beginning of the end of formal wear in the United States. Soon a suit will mean "i work at a hotel".

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The invisibility problem is real and frustrating. People have this image in their head of trans women being caricatures of women because their only exposure to trans women is sensationalized headlines showing unflattering pictures of trans women, or people who are very visible because they're early in transition, (or in the case of repressed conservative men, trans porn). The ones who just look like cis women are invisible, and so no one knows they exist.

I like calling my trans gf a trap 😌

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"We can disappear into the world and continue to live in the shadows," he says. "But ultimately, that's not how it's supposed to be."

Ugh. I really wish people would quit saying this. I don't want "visibility." "Trans visibility" feels like an insult. I want to be invisible, and anything less is torment. Some people will never pass as the gender they identify with, but for them to prescribe their feelings on all of us is not fair.

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I've found several long term relationships off tinder as a WLW. It seems to work pretty well for me. The system doesn't seem to be working for guys, and that's unfortunate. But a lot of the pressure on women to settle for any man has gone away as women have become more self reliant. The whole thing has become far more consensual and less mandatory for survival. That's going to influence men's dating success no matter what medium people use to find matches.

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A decade ago working at a retail store. My manager told me in a private meeting that i was expendable and he would fire me for any excuse. It's not like i even did anything, it was just pure, spiteful power tripping. Later on i was bitching about what an asshole he is to some coworkers, and mimed him sucking the owner's dick. I think one of my coworkers was sleeping with him, and i guess she told him. He was crying when he fired me. I feel a little bad, but also fuck that guy.

No, they refuse to speak to me to this day. My gf's family called her to wish her a happy birthday last week, and i cried quietly wishing mine did that too.

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I once thought that if i could ever make six figures, I'd be set for life. I could have anything i wanted. Now i make multiple times that number and i can still barely afford a house that's big enough for my family of 3. I'm house poor and an emergency could bankrupt me in an instant. I'm in the top like 0.1% of income earners. What the fuck?

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You're missing the point. At a right turn, traffic is coming from the left and pedestrians are coming from the right. You focus left to make sure traffic is clear and then go, meanwhile a pedestrian has entered the intersection from the right and you don't notice them.

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This is ultimately a big part of it, and it's universal, not just in dating. Most friendships are "friendships of convenience" and the other types of relationships typically progress from there. But in western culture, we don't have any third places, and so we just plain don't make friendships of convenience anymore.

I have this 😌

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Lemmy is in a weird state. I appreciate not seeing casual homophobia/transphobia in mainstream places like 196, but they're also not exactly inclusive of actual out-and-grown-up queer people, and there aren't enough people here yet for actual safe places to exist. I posted a comment self-referentially calling myself (a trans woman ) a "f-----" or something, and it got downvoted and deleted. This was a problem on reddit, where transphobes would report trans people for using self-referential slurs, and tone deaf reddit admins would ban their accounts. Now it seems like we're going to do it again here.

Lmao that's a really good analogy. If i had extra nipples, i wouldn't want "extra nipples day of visibility" but i also wouldn't want anyone to make a big deal about me taking my shirt off at the beach.

The strongest indicator that shoes will work for you, according to the research is... Do they feel good? I'd suggest going to a running store and trying on different brands and jogging around the store. Once you find a comfy pair, you probably chose well.

For most of recent history, we were routinely beaten and raped by cops, and legally murdered by men who felt insecure in their masculinity. Things got better for about a decade, and now they want us to return to the way things were. If the GOP were trying to bring back sundown towns, forced labor for made up laws, Jim Crow laws, etc. we'd call that a genocide too.

I got medboarded out after a suicide attempt related to being trans in the military under DADT. At least i didn't get OTH, although I'm still not eligible for a VA home loan.

It'll get old after like 6 months. Then you'll have the entire rest of your life to hate boob sweat just like everyone else.

😮‍💨 another banytrans community to block

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I used to smoke. Roommate and i quit at the same time and kept each other honest. It worked out really well and we're both still grateful to each other a decade later.

That's kind of a ridiculous take i think. It's more likely that one single person has too much power and uses it to enforce their morality on others. Tale as old as time.

That was my immediate thought. This is obviously the output of an LLM.

Prompt: "list the ways the 1% (or the most affluent and powerful segment of society) is actively preventing true ownership of the things we buy"

Wildfire smoke 😭

Portland, OR. My budget realistically maxes out around 600k, and so far at that price all i can find are weird houses from 100 years ago with various flaws or in bad neighborhoods. Good houses seem to start around 750k.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, the vast majority of people under 50 seem to be in polyamorous relationships. I'm fairly new to poly, but I've done a lot of reading and therapy, and it's working out pretty well for me.

I do tend to be people's anchor partner, so I've admittedly never experienced the pain that comes from being a secondary when you wish you were a primary. My anchor partner tends more towards relationship anarchy and doesn't like hierarchical relationships, but i made it clear that my expectation is to be the priority in her life. We've made it work, although it takes a lot of communication.

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You can lose about 7% of your bodyweight in a single day before it starts to impair your performance. For a 180 lb person, that means you can lose almost 13 lbs of sweat. The average human stores about a day's worth of calories in muscle glycogen. Once you burn through that, you'll experience something called "hitting the wall". People who aren't trained for this will quite literally just... stop working. They'll fall over and not be able to move. With training, you can make your body better at burning fat to keep your muscles moving even when you surpass the limits of normal human endurance.

Source: used to run ultramarathons and do alpine style mountaineering

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It's a precious gift. I look for the others who care too much and then hold them close 🥹

alias mybad='git add -u && git commit --amend --no-edit && git push --force-with-lease'

I really like some aspects of it. The loose billowy pants are nice for summer heat, and you can make an interesting silhouette with them. But i absolutely can't stand the boxy cut tops. I see more and more zoomers rebelling against these trends and wearing flattering cuts. The thing with fashion in $current_year is that you can wear whatever you want. Shopping is annoying but still possible.

My suspicion is that these trends were driven by manufacturers reducing inventory during covid.

>Be me

>Good relationship with gf

>Toxic ex who i am madly in love with suddenly pops back into my life


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it wasn’t rape-rape

It almost never is. Reminds me of that one scene in Bottoms. "Gray area stuff counts too."

Lemmy is super uncomfy for women right now. The women i know are either still on reddit or just gave up on social media altogether.

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My gf almost never farts. She's given me a complex about it, i stg. She says she trained herself not to by sheer willpower, and in spite of living together for almost 2 years, I've only caught her like twice.

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I don't think you're understanding my point. Trans-ness is, for me, defined by gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria, by its very definition, is the pain i experience by not looking like a cis woman. Visibility is not a thing i want to celebrate. Visibility is the affliction.

Can everyone be stealth? No, absolutely not, and being trans should be normalized. But i still feel very uncomfortable with my debilitating endocrine disorder being used as a point of pride, in the same way gay pride is.

I'm gay, and I'm out and proud of that. I love being visibly gay. But being trans is different because it's not a thing i want to be.

So that trans youth growing up see trans adults in their community

When i was a teenager back in the early 00s, i went to a trans support group. It largely consisted of older transitioners, age 50+, who were not living good lives, through no fault of their own. But it was a very dark experience for me. I expected that my life would play out like theirs, and i would join the 41% club. I never thought that I'd get to experience just being a regular girl, and that part still seems surreal a decade later.

This is a common experience for young trans people seeking support. This is "trans visibility" and it harmed me profoundly. What would've been really nice back then were successful role models who make their trans-ness an incidental detail. We have those now, and they're not what I'd call "visible" to cis people, although they don't hide who they are.

so that trans adults see older trans people.

I'm still waiting to find older rolemodels. Most of us are really sad when we get older. I don't know how similar this is to the general lgbt population, but I'm concerned. My goal is to build a little family, and then just live a quiet life and keep each other close.

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If i have a crush on any of my friends then i just sleep with them. My gf and i are ENM, and we talk about our friend crushes openly. But the truth is, I've got more of a desire to have friends who i don't have any sexual tension with recently. I've gotten a bit sad with people wanting more of my attention when i don't have any left to give. My gf and i meet each other's needs for physical intimacy pretty well. I mostly just want more masc bros to do bro stuff with.

One time i took my gf high into the mountains next to a thousand foot cliff, and we put a blanket down and...

We didn't die! No regrets 😌

But how come some instances show posts from more communities than others? How come i can register the same username multiple times on different instances? How come it's so difficult to subscribe to a community from a different instance?

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