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I think what everyone needs to realize is that it's already too late. It's been too late and it was too late months ago. There are no other options. The world will suck but will most definitely suck less than one being led by Trump. You have two effective choices, vote Biden or don't. It's unfortunately all we have at this point.

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I'd agree with you, except that we're in the dark timeline where the DNC has burned us hard by making dumb electoral decisions. We're basically given another chance at 2016 where we have a democratic shoehorn vs a narcissistic authoritarian. I'm actually getting to the point where I regret not voting for Hilary because of how much of a shit show those years were.

So, yes, I'd love to vote for someone else, preferably like Bernie, but it's far too late to recampaign. Especially since it's less than 5 months prior to actual elections. Given what was accomplished these past 4 years, I'd actually be okay with Biden if he would meaningfully do something to help Palestine.

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Here's a link to the actual Trendmicro article:

Not sure why OP's article linked the version from 2 years ago.

Also an article with more info:


My understanding of these articles is that there is a hacking group that is targeting public facing servers that are exploitable using other methods and utilizing this sprysocks software to create an opening for them to remotely access the server. If that's the case then this shouldn't affect most Linux desktops or isolated systems. Let me know if anyone has more info.

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It's not different for the Internet. We've always had people that have been opposed to ideologies separate from their own. Book bans aren't anything new and neither are restrictions to free speech. Nazi book burnings and the US Red Scare are extreme examples of this. It's all a symptom of nationalism and ethnocentrism, just a different place/time/media. What really sucks is that the nationalists have a lot of power now all over the world, and we're slowly seeing the results of that.

This isn't about saving the kids. This is about controlling the populous.

For real.

It looks like the actual number of candidates were 958 and only 15% of that number were reserved for testing, the rest were used in AI training data. So in reality only 144 people were tested with the AI and there's no information from the article on how many people were formally diagnosed of this subset.

I think everyone needs to remember that we have essentially turned this virus into the new flu. We'll probably settle to pushes for yearly vaccines to reduce symptoms and the chance of passing it on, like the flu. And if you're not immunocompromised or elderly, then think of those around you who might be. They are the ones you're affecting as well as yourself if you get this vaccine.

Here's an article on vaccine immunity timelength and how it compares to the flu: Time.

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So, what you're saying is... the law actually doesn't make sense. It should be that if they were a convicted felon, then that should be disclosed along with their old name. All of the other conditions here seem unnecessary unless we want to include name changes in general, which then they need to add a space on the actual form to include this.

It might be that someone wanted to change something that was on a website before the archive could get to it too.

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For real. I didn't realize how bad all of the YouTube alternatives are. They are just flooded with neo-nazis and bigots. It just sucks with how we really don't have much choice other than to use something like newpipe.

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For real. Can anyone say that they guessed this would actually be a headline 7 years ago?

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So, Israel shot down an incoming missile while it technically was in space. I can only imagine that this is the start more of headlines like this.

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I used to love Vivaldi, but eventually it being a chromium browser forced me to switch back to Firefox and it's children. If they switched over to using Firefox as a base rather than chromium then I'd consider it.

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Sure, this is better than what we're currently doing but the more we look to entrench ourselves in less polluting nonrenewable energy, the more excuses we have to not switch to better alternatives.

The more I read about them, the worse it gets.

It seems like auto manufacturers are using vehicle footprint as a means to reach higher safety statistics instead of actually designing safer vehicles, which in turn directly impacts gas efficiency.

It's like a rat race to the biggest consumer trucks we now have on the road; the more truck-class vehicles we have, the less safe it is for cars. So they make bigger vehicles to accommodate and the cycle continues.

From what it's describing, it sounds like it would only impact Linux computers that allow SMB1 access, such as domain-joined systems with samba access allowed. It sounds like this would target mainly enterprise Linux deployments but home Linux setups should be fine for the most part.

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Everyone has some great recommendations. I didn't see anything about Ubiquiti so I'll throw it out there since I've had a good experience with them. The Dream Machine is for home/small office setups and is fairly inexpensive for what it does:

Edit: it's now the dream router. They changed the name it seems.

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Looking at Wikipedia, it seems like USB 4 has a 120Gbps asymmetric mode as well. That's wild!

You may have to set the refresh rate manually to go higher than 60hz. Things should look much smoother.

Run 'xrandr -q' and see if it gives you multiple refresh rates for your displays.

Also, what GPU are you using?

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In my mind it makes sense that the more extreme people tend to gravitate from public circles and tend to land in places that have less moderation and more freedom of speech unfortunately.

For real. All I see is people blaming the victim.

Nah, what they described is more like SSO between websites.

This really isn't shocking news. Tons of industrial devices have poor or out of date security. This is why you always segment off your Operational Technology on your network.

I think it is. The more awareness people have, the more solutions we'll have to work around this global fuck up we've inherited. Use glass, foil, or PFAS-free silicone food containers. Get a water filter that removes PFAS. Buy different cookware without PFAS.

The idea is to avoid exposure where possible. Currently it's impossible to avoid it entirely and this has probably been the case for years. Hopefully we can have produce and products that don't have it in the future.

True, Bernie got screwed and we're in a worse place for it. But if we knew the amount of damage that Trump would've caused I think a lot more people would've voted Democrat.

What does that mean?

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Thanks for sharing. It's disappointing that so many think that teaching and learning from another perspective should be illegal.

Yeah, but the problem is it's after it gets bored of eating everything else.

It sounds like the issue you're running into is 2 parts:

  1. Using a dedicated device for Internet connectivity.
  2. Broadcasting wifi evenly throughout the house.

I think the best implementation that stays within your constraints would be to purchase a hotspot with Ethernet capabilities (like MiFi or Cradlepoint) and place it where you can best get reception. Then buy a couple meshing access points like Ubiquiti APs and place them throughout the house. Run an Ethernet cable from the hotspot to one AP and then mesh the rest. If you can run Ethernet cable to each access point using a network switch, that's even better.

It largely depends on the program. If the application has native Wayland support then it usually works pretty well, but apps that only run on X11 (which need to run through Xwayland) may be a little glitchy. It will depend on a lot of different variables including drivers, model, libraries, kernel, etc. But later this month Nvidia is to release new drivers that allow "explicit sync", which should address a lot of this I believe.

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My main concern is they issue a ruling so precise that it's blurry.

That sounds a lot like the constitutional amendment they just removed the teeth from. I'm scared to think how they will screw this one over; especially since we have an authoritarian on the table.

For efficiency and quality of service. If you have to tighten a hundreds of fasteners with specific amounts of torque then this would make the work go much more quicker than using a manual torque wrench.

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Agreed 100%. They should be forced to add the cost of handling and recycling the material. Honestly, this should've been done with all plastic from the get go too.

I think I read somewhere that you'll basically need 130 GB of RAM to load this model. You could probably get some used server hardware for less than $600 to run this.

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I'm pretty sure they're taking about Xi.

The originally posted article looks like it linked to the older version of this malware. I just linked the newer version of the report from yesterday that I found through a different article.

Looking at the policy on the website here it looks like it's actually fairly reasonable. If you make less than x, are using a listed governmental assistance program, or qualify for the low-income isp plan then the cost is $30/month for 100Mbps Internet. The benefit that's listed in the article is the current subsidy that would remove the rest of the cost.

It seems like they are still researching the actual effect but it's sounds more that it's breaking the chemical bonds apart by using electrical energy on concentrated areas of the chemical. My hypothesis is that it's like how electrolysis breaks the bonds between hydrogen and oxygen in water.

Sorry, but Sabine Hossenfelder is a no go for me. In several of her videos, she cherry-picks her sources to fill the narrative she wants to portray and misleads the viewer into thinking what she says as pure facts rather than her own take. She actually makes me question if she's a right wing shill.

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The excuse always has been that there isn't one energy storage solution that takes up minimal space, has the same efficiency, requires little maintenance, doesn't affect the environment, is cheap, and works everywhere. There are tons of solutions that would work but as soon as one of those prerequisites are lacking, the solution is deemed inadequate and we're back to the slow sacrifice of the environment. Anything short of perfection isn't enough to be convincing.

Yeah, I'd argue HA is more established as high availability than home assistant but that could be my networking side talking.