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Joined 1 years ago

You're downvoted because you're comparing one day record temp to a full month of record highs.

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They've launched the Falcon 9 88 times this year dwarfing the nearest launch provider 10 to 1... They're doing fine.

Lisa needs braces

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Considering Latin America has had multiple coupes caused by the US I can see why their populace is bit suseptical to that sort of rhetoric.

Still waiting for the swinging 20s

Dude definitely had a rapey vibe even after confronted.

I wish our school systems would take note. Our school offers free breakfast and lunch in the spirit of improving lower income student's performance, but the only breakfast items they offer are of the convenience food variety, or high sugar cereals.

he went so fast through my trailer I didn’t see him”.

Lidar would still prevail over stupidity in this situation. It does a better job detecting massive objects cars can't go through.

They actually added a correction at the end for that

So are rentals scooters still popular in US cities or has that trend subsided? Last I heard people were getting fed up finding them everywhere, problems with vandals, etc.

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What happens when all new cars do this and the older used cars dry up? We need laws to prevent this, but i just don't feel like that's going to happen unless China is the one doing the data collection.

You get a subscription and you get a subscription!

I kinda hate the XP UI

I miss Windows 7 though.

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Hmmm indiscriminately bombing areas of suspected terrorist... Who'd a thunk it!?

They're the same picture.

Now double dipping is where things get questionable.

It would be the last straw for me as a premium subscriber. Many of the channels i subscribe are putting their better content on nebula anyway.

I was recently asked to mentor someone on another team, but being as though i haven't had a raise in over 2 yrs and coworkers I relied on are laid off I declined that 'opportunity'. I would mentor another teammate because it helps me individually, but ill be damned if i stick my neck out for the company who is making record profits quietly shedding good talent and hiring new cheaper replacements.

I love how literal and concise German can be.

i imagine it was the humidity from the ambient air and not from his head.

For its prevalence in usage i always wondered why the iso standard desigation could't be an easier to remember round number.

If thats the case I think someone needs to call the fire marshal. No way I'd feel safe in a building which could lock me in like that.

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exactly why you just don't need to make shit up.

Exactly this! Its counter productive to adressing the legitimate criticisms. This happened with Trump all the time. They want you to make stuff up so they can just say fake news to the real nasty shit they're actually doing.

But its too hard to implement! Give us money! (telecoms probably)

I'll even settle for turning off electronic ones at sunset

When I first heard of the fediverse without understanding the architecture I envisioned something like torrent networks, where the larger the network the stronger the network. After learning more I'm not sure that's the case yet. Hopefully that is the endgame.

I would want to be in a place where I could enrich an existing community by self-hosting and synching content of that community and offering my small chunk of bandwidth to that community. I realize there is no community synching between instances, but I feel that's where it should be to prevent corporate control of communities in the future.

It may suck but its a path to get off fossil fuels which are worse overall. Also, alternative battery technologies are being developed that have less lithium and cobalt needs. I would like to see interchangeable batteries from manufactures so new batteries can easily be installed on old cars without it being a hardship to the owner.

The case literally has zero to do with an affair

I would think it has relevance to establish intent to commit fraud. I'm not a lawyer so no idea if motive matters for this sort of crime.

Has anyone tried the search function on reddit lately? Its broken (moreso than usual)

Walter White has entered the chat

Can't escape them.. they spam the MLB playoffs with those commercials.

This is probably good for the local air pollution in cities. I have more than one Indian colleague whose parents developed lung cancer and were non-smokers.

I mean I would think calling yourself God's Army already implies you're psycho.

I like the concept if disposable CC numbers, but looks like i need to link both to my bank account. Anything like this that can link to another credit card?

It will at least curtail some of greenwashing they do to keep their stock price up. Also in the case of cigarettes it helped reduce cigarette usage even though people already have their preferred brand generally use.

I wonder what they did with the Royal' with Cheese... Technically they could shrink that too since it doesn't have 1/4 pounder in the name.

For me it was only by the square because the dispenser was jammed.

Succession music intensifies

Most lecture halls don't usually lock you in though. This gate appears to require a key both directions.

Most bathrooms in schools have no windows. Mistakes happen people get locked in!

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using brightening agents like sea salt for instance.

Is this something that would be combined with desalination plants for drinking water?