
2 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Football manager.

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I want to tell you that no french think of it that way.

Of course not, that's the point though. It is your first language, so for you that's the norm. But for the rest of the world with another language that's weird as fuck.

This is the best way of posting links. I agree. Let's all get used to this. Also DMCA bots can't get it.

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Base64 decode:

::: spoiler spoiler bWFnbmV0Oj94dD11cm46YnRpaDoxYWVmOTg5MjczMDY4ODdiODM3ZTRhNWUxNDQ5Nzg5ZTYyN2ZlMmU0JmRuPVl1enUlMjBFYXJseSZ0cj1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGYnQzLnQtcnUub3JnJTJGYW5uJnRyPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZyZXRyYWNrZXIubG9jYWwlMkZhbm5vdW5jZQ== :::

It isn't wealth that breaks or makes it. The system, and in this case the shareholding system makes it or breaks it. Valve owner Gabe is insanely rich (in the billions I assume) yet, because the system he put up, it is consumer friendly.

The system is the one, not the people.

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Capitalism, its bubbles and inflations.

Are the mods that made the megathread here? That's what important. Content.

In my country, we had been saying that the government was doing business with Israel, even though they were condemning on every public forum. It took only 1 journalist until the whole public saw the hypocrisy. 1 journalist against all TV channels and internet trolls. (Here 95% of all TV channels are sponsored by government).

I remember telling this years ago, yet this man, who also had to leave the country for his other journalist work said it at the right time with the right tools.

So, what I get this is, don't stop telling the truth. Even though nobody listens now, people will when the right time comes.

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Users flood the community with low-effort content to karma farm

That's where the mods kick in. That's why Askhistorians are awesome and some other subs are not.

Subs die or prevail with the mods at hand. If the users grow, but the mods do not, and it becomes too much for the mods to handle, it will fall. It's easy logic.

The problem isn't the quantity, the problem is moderation in regards to the quantity of the userbase.

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All I can say is that I manage a team of people and frequently get the following two messages: “I don’t want to come to the office. I feel very isolated working by myself at home - oh my mental health.” What are we supposed to do with this?

So your team of people work in the office? And they rather work at home? What's exactly your point?

I downvoted, and got banned. Worth it. Wish I was banned for "mistakenly calling her Empress, or "yo big girl" or something to troll her.

the thing is that db0 (the previous top mod) should have made it clear that each post contained a bot autobot that told us to go to lemmy the main forum and that r/piracy is temporary.. This would probably make that subreddit close as soon as possible, which would be our first choice in the first place.

But neither db0, nor other mods are ready to leave that subreddit, they want r/piracy to continue. So that's why they are not linking to this site.

And I don't care honestly, I will as many of you also will do probably, will focus on my own needs, and if r/piracy isn't according to my needs I will leave. I mainly use it to get news about the piracy world to be honest.

I hate many countries, USA included. But not the people. Heck I even hate my own country.

The thing is, the people don't run those countries.

But, also I do need to mention that the laws that are being made do affect the society and their ideas.

I use them all, but whatsapp prevails all, because Whatsapp was there first.

What's more important is that we know whatsapp is not the only device, and can be easily replaced.

Capitalism is in the end, fighting for monopoly. They rather lose money in foreseeable future, and probably ever, than allow adblockers do their thing for small user-base. Because they want max. control. I can only assume companies that do not go to arms race with their consumers are thee ones that aren't public traded companies.

You are actually right.

Every other post is about that site. It’s like getting a new girlfriend but constantly talking about your ex.

Where is the question? If you were sincere, which I don't think you are, you could have worded it much better. For example: "Is it better if we do not talk about that site...?"

Are you using firefox? I mean, does Ublockorigin on firefox help it?

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The detoriation of the subreddits. Lots of subreddits, especially now, are not good moderated so very low effort posts, lots of reposts and toxic comments being rampant.

Really doubt that, but what we can do, what they can't do that there is to help people more in a direct way here. Questions, requests, we can give links encoded in base64 so basically help people out in a better way.

I doubt the new mods that are there want to help piracy related things there, because that wouldn't help reddit admins.

yup. Good moderation makes or breaks the community.


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I as a Muslim, do not believe in patenting ideas already, because you can't deny copying ideas. But most Muslims don't know about this, unless they actively ask this question. You can also not restrict someone else with what they do with after you sell your product to them, unless it's something haram you want to do of course.

But, and there is a big BUT here, you can't copy someone elses brand. You can't put someone elses name on it and sell a product without asking for permission first.

Also, neither USA, nor any other country is following the Patent law when it comes to things when it really matters. Power and politics matter, and if you think about it, it is hypocritical of them to apply the patent law when they want and not apply it when they don't want, but if you think about it, patents are actually made so only rich gets richer and poor people don't copy it from them. It's to protect the rich.

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I disagree. Memes are memes. No need to think further or get offended.

Think like this: Not everybody is 7/24h on this site, so for them it's new and funny.

I suggest to post any links here encoded in base64 (see 64decode.org/) It’s easy encryption/decryption.

That way the DMCA crawlers can’t get to it. That is how some forums operate, and I love the idea.

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This is not Streisand effect, because the censoring happens on reddit. Anyone on that platform is already there.

Newsflash: Humans also sacrifice pieces in chess. Chess engines are mathematical beasts that are designed for these things only. But what is more important: Chess engines also needs to be made by humans.

I think Twitch has gone to shit lately, because of their decisions, but I don't know the numbers. Do you have any info about this?

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Also, some might suggest bots, and scripts to auto-remove comments and posts to help for moderation. While this might indeed help, there still needs increase in mods eventually if the userbase grows, but maybe less more than it is needed without any scripts.

Think like this: You need to go from point A to point B. You can do it walking, you can use a bicycle, or you can use a car. All of them needs energy (moderators). Some more than others. If you use tools, you need less, but still you need to use it. And if the distance of these two points become bigger, you need more energy, but of course a car helps tremendously, but still you need to focus on the car and use energy.

So a 1 person moderators with all the tools, bots and filters won't help much if there is an user-base of millions in the community.

Exactly. I think it has to do with the old way of thinking. They might think that working in office is more productive.

Sincere question, how do I use the block feature, I mean, can we filter out certain words? I only know of blocking of users.

If someone wants to join facebook, just go to that webpage, and if you want lemmy, then come here. I don't get why we have to have a centralized social media platform for all the internet..

I think people are less excited for new games than it used to be.

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nothing. Private trackers are overrated. Unless you want some obscure things.

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Wow! Thanks. Appreciate it.

Counter-strike was in the 2000s though right? Or am I gone mad?

That's just the Red Alert series, but ok.

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Yea you are on to something. Care to share?

In the past, some publishers intentionally spread the fake game, where there were annoyances, or limits in the game, there was one where it bugged out or something when you came to the endboss, etc. The weird thing about this is that the p2p community just went with it, and there wasn't a correct version much later on. Everybody just shared the faulty game.

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