4 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Valid question, fuck those downvoters.

If your goal is to get away from this AI shit show, Kagi might not be the answer, according to their own blog.

I will search for a very interesting article you should read, before deciding to give kagi any money.

Edit: found it

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Who puts up with this shit anyway? Go buy an Apple. You can eat it while installing Linux.

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Two of my reddit using friends have never heard of lemmy until I told them about it a few days ago. Although they are quite invested in the FOSS world.

I am here because I read something about Lemmy on reddit, two or three times. More exposure on reddit would show many people that there is an alternative. It wouldn't convince millions but maybe enough to let some niche communities grow.

His reply was so serious, I didn't dare to whoosh him. What if that reply was a joke as well? The internet is a scary place.

I heard rumours that there was a giant animal involved in the making of Linus Torvalds. So please refer to him as GNU/Linus, or GNU+Linus.

That's a bit black and white of you, isn't it? I don't like this approach ("can't afford to be any less productive"). I am a freelancer and I certainly can afford to be a bit less productive and earn a little less money by supporting and using free software only. And making you belive that you have to use the most efficient tool - no matter what - is exactly part of what keeps bad acting companies successful.

Sorry to hear, I feel you:

I wanted to delete all .m3u-files in my music collection when I learned:

find ./ -name "*.m3u" -delete -> this would have been the right way, all .m3u in the current folder would have been deleted.

find ./ -delete -name "*.m3u" -> WRONG, this just deletes the current folder and everything in it.

Who would have known, that the position of -delete actually matters.

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We have all these conveniences now and somehow people are not happier. Maybe the improvements you showed weren't improvements after all and society should have spent more time to focus on people instead of developing and selling the next great music platform.

You are missing the point when you tell people to go back to cable, encyclopedias etc. because it's not about those things, it's about escaping into an idealized past while being depressed in the present. They should have your sympathy.

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Please ELI5: How does this solution work? You tunnel yourself in your home network with a VPN on your PI? How is that safer, isn't there still a port open?

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That is simply not true.

I can only assume, that these downvotes are meant as a not so smart joke.

We could call it Plasma/Linux or as I've recently taken to calling it, Plasma plus Linux.

I tried what you are describing: Using a Pi4 and loading lineageOS (KonstaKANG) on it. Before that I tried libreELEC with Kodi or something like that.. Internet via WLAN. Both setups suck. Everything is slow, input with my cableless keyboard/touchpad is laggy and I am not using the TV because of it.. Watching jellyfin on my smartphone is more convenient.

But I am new to all this stuff, so maybe I missed some ways to optimize this setup. Next time I will just take a long HDMI cable and connect the TV with my main PC.

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I had fun playing Dink Smallwood (I think the Dink Smallwood HD Version on Android). You run around, solve tasks, and work your way through the story.

It is, as you described, not actually great, but great in a sense that you can have much fun with it. I especially liked the humor.

I like the video by Chris Titus Tech:

He puts about 40 Distros into a tier list and I completly agree with him. Spoiler:

Supreme: Debian, Arch

Amazing for new users: Kubuntu, Mint, Zorin, Nobara

Devil: RedHat, Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS

But it is a nice short introduction to the goal of each distro.

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My father printed the GNU license 100 times, rolled it up and gave me a good beating with it. The only true way to learn about the four freedoms.

I agree with you, Apple shouldn't be supported in any way and I think of them as e-waste as well - their repairability is a joke. But before I knew anything about GNU/Linux I bought a Microsoft Surface Book 2. A friend introduced me to Linux and the project linux-surface convinced me to get rid of every Microsoft software I had. Maybe Asahi will do the same for other people.

Reading your comment on GrapheneOS with the open source Client Jerboa, attained from F-Droid. And all thanks to Lemmy (AGPL)!

Can't confirm, for me the contact, calendar and notes sync is running so smooth and maintenance-free, it feels close to magic.

It doesn't suck, it's just different from what you are used to. Especially the compatibility to Excel-Formulars impresses me.

But of course there are open source alternatives. OnlyOffice is often recommendet if you prefer the Microsoft Office look. I think you could also self host it to make it a real alternative to google docs, but I haven't looked into it.

Avoid Openoffice, it sounds similar to Onlyoffice. It is the predecessor of libreoffice and deprecated.

There seem to be many ways to reach the same goal:

  • run Jellyfin in Docker in a VM in Proxmox
  • install Jellyfin Server in Debian in a VM in Proxmox
  • install a Jellyfin LXC container on proxmox
  • ... Probably more

I try to find the best way for me.

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What is the name of the client software on the pi? How did you connect your pi to an amplifier?

"Hop on the discord server".. Boooo. What happened to the good old Forum. Searchable and all.

Follow me on instagram for more great criticism.

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I just started to build something here! My setup so far: Raspberry Pi 4 running Home Assistant OS.

On the GPIO-Pins I have a Module sitting that goes with the name RPI-RF-MOD. Now the Home Assistant-Pi works as a CCU3 base station for all my homematic IP gadgets.

On Home assistant I use the add on Raspberrymatic to connect to different Gadgets (Power Plugs, Thermostats, Window-Sensors) which then again are introduced to home assistant with the help of HACS Homematic(IP) Local.

Now it's working! I plan to automate my thermostats with the HACS Better Thermostat.

It was a lot of reading for a beginner like me. But with small steps and a lot of time everything is actually quite comfortable to reach. And most important: the devices can't phone home, nothing is able to connect to the internet directly.

Wanted to write the same. Normaly I would suggest Mint, but OP sounds like they are ready to learn and endure some things to end up very happy with Debian, the mother of all distros.

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There is really only one rule when doing the handstand, and you broke it.

I didn't, after two years of Linux only. When is my turn?

Have you tried the instructions on their github page?

I haven't tried that, but would be happy about a feedback from you if it works. So that I know what to do if I switch from Herbstluft to Sway one day.

Proxmox could be the perfect learning environment for docker, just make a new VM if I borg something. I will look into it, thanks. Just not for this specific project, Jellyfin on Debian sounds good for me.

I am a total beginner in this regard, but maybe maybe this could help you:

Check out PBR - policy-based-routing. On OpenWRT there is an app for this task, vpn-policy-routing (together with luci-app-vpn-policy-routing for a GUI inside LuCi). This app helped me to route all traffic coming from my PiVPN to the WAN interface, instead of my commercial NordVPN. Now at home all my traffic goes to NordVPN and when I am not at home I can easily VPN into my home network.

Other than that, the OpenWRT Forum is very helpful, don't hesitate to ask your questions there.

Aaaand here is the takedown notice: takedown

Drawing with tikz in real time would be a baller move!

Lemmy interpreted the * as something cursive. I try to edit it like I mean it.

If you want to support Microsoft then at least give them your personal data too. Don't tease the poor corpo :-(

You put your ability to work efficiently into the hands of Microsoft. If they stop development or go into a direction like google did with ad-handling in their browser, or unity with their payment-methods, or does whatever a greedy company does, your tool is broken.

The time and effort you put into a piece of software is valuable. And deciding to put it into a Microsoft-product instead of a true free piece of software weakens the competition. Monopolies in the making shouldn't be supported.

All the add-ons that are made for this Microsoft-product are wasted time, as soon as Microsoft fucks up - and they will. This time could have been spent in better ways.

And my last point why using VScode/ium is a problem is that it is advertisement for Microsoft. It could be a gateway to look into other Microsoft products for young developers. If you recommend them a FOSS tool instead, you might win some for the idea of a more FOSS world.

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Mature would be to know that you are the problem and that this is a moral war. The problem is your dependency on a tool made by a bad acting company.

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Why would you recommend Canonical/Ubuntu to new users when there are better distros without proprietary snap stores you have to work around.

Ubuntu is a good and stable distro, the community is great and it's good that you feel at home with it. But that doesn't make it an obvious choice for beginners when there are simply better alternatives for them - talking mainly about Mint.

I hope selfhosting becomes even more convenient. It already is for tech savy people, but I mean 'buy a Pi and press a button'-easy. It would take away the power of so many big companies.

As OC said, free, opensource, no ads. You don't need a Spotify-Account for that.

If you want to get rid of Spotify even more: Try the app ViMusic. Every Song for free, no ads, etc...