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OP is implying gender transition. Do you know where you are right now?

5 more...

It's not explicitly trans (like atkion said), but it is hosted on, an explicitly trans instance.

The problem with calling these tools AI is not really an argument from definitions. The argument at its core is saying that the general public brings a lot of assumptions to something that's being called "AI", which aren't true but benefit investors.

Like, all those stories of chatgpt citing fake studies and fake case law blew people's minds. If you know what chatgpt is (a fancy predictive text algorithm) these are pretty unsurprising events, but a lot of people had heard "AI" and applied their own associations onto its perceived capabilities, which was exactly the point of calling it "AI" instead of "LLM"

The point is never that we need more democrats. The point is always that we need fewer Republicans. Democrats refuse to make things better, but they typically block things from getting worse, which is a better starting point than anything the GOP would give us.

So please, organize, protest, do whatever activism you can do, but on voting day take the little bit of time and effort to block Republicans from undoing all that hard work, even if it means voting strategically for a pile of shit.

The left will always be fighting against the administration to some extent, and through voting we get to pick our enemy, and the dems are going to be an easier fight and on fewer fronts.

I'm pretty sure it's dysmorphia rather than dysphoria. Dysphoria is rooted in an accurate picture of yourself and dysmorphia in an inaccurate one. If a guy starts going to the gym because the idea of not being able to bridal carry his girlfriend makes him feel unmanly, I'd agree that's some flavor of gender dysphoria. On the other hand, someone like the liver king thinking he still doesn't have enough muscle is definitely body dysmorphia.

But I'd agree that (similar to dysphoria) the so-called alphas often have dysmorphia of more than just the body - they worry they come across unmanly in all ways of their presentation, regardless of how much "masculine energy" they're already putting out.

Yes. People say it outgrows its premise but I'm really not sure that's possible, and I noped out after the first episode so I wouldn't personally know. Explanation point I think does a good job of exploring both the problem and why people still defend it