0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's real, i feel dirty after looking it up. You're welcome

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Imo the EU should finally block the shit out twitter instead of warning about it, this is getting dangerous.

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Absolutely nuts to have users pay for engagement. It seems like the worst possible solution to me...

They say there are plans though, how much are they and does this mean there is some kind of "care free plan" for an outrageous amount of money that allows unlimited access?

Doesn't make it any better but rape was always a part of pretty much any war in human history

I think it's just that we hear a lot more about individual cases in the social media age, but correct me if i'm wrong...

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Got that too (Firefox and ublock origin). So far i can just click the X and continue to watch without ads. Pops up about every third video.

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At least it sends standard SMS to everyone without an iPhone. Wouldn't call that 0 interoperability

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You don't understand correctly:

"The DSA proposal maintains the current rule according to which companies that host other's data are not liable for the content unless they actually know it is illegal, and upon obtaining such knowledge do not act to remove it."

No idea how you came to that wild conclusion lol

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Yeah, you would also think they must have had someone with two thumbs who would be able to bend it slightly...

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Thank you! The cause might actually be "Enhancer for Youtube" in my case. Didn't know it had its own blocker.

You may not even want to hear it because you're obviously so far up your own ass that you wouldn't be able to but:

  • Most computers ship with Windows installed, maybe they didn't "choose" anything

  • There are a lot of people who need to use Windows professionally, Linux is not always a viable alternative at all

  • People are allowed to prefer Windows for their own reasons and still complain about the shit MS pulls off without immediately being attacked for "installing malware"

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Oh no, speaking ill of the dead! You wanna say some nice things about Hitler, too? She brought this on herself.

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The tweet

No it's not, except on reddit.

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Their VR game Saints and Sinners is pretty good

Got it on PC, Android, iOS, Switch and PS4 and the only version i ever really played was Java lol

The overheating issues shouldn't have happened in the first place, but there is no high-end phone in existence (except maybe some gamer phones with active cooling) that is actually able to sustain high clock speeds without overheating. They all throttle at some point, this might really be just a bug that is fixable via software.

Well yeah but it's not real in Buddhism either

You keep talking about choice even though there isn't one for many people. And why wouldn't they be allowed to whine about it? To call out MS for their constant bullshit is absolutely the right thing to do imo.

Your initial comment was not only incredibly condescending and presumptuous but doesn't help anyone. And it's also absolutely the last thing people wanna hear who keep getting invaded like that by MS all the time. So you kinda deserve the backlash, sorry you don't see that.

That actually made me feel pretty young. Got it when I was 6 and it was already out for a couple of years. Feels like 100 years ago.

I just do drugs for the dopamine and then do nothing for days, checkmate.

Siri was always shit but somehow managed to devolve even further lately. I never trusted her to do more than than turning lights on or off but now this shit happens:

Me: Siri, turn off the lights in the living room


Imagine living in a mansion with this cunt

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lol yes please

Except this is UK intelligence, not side A or B

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Idk to call that shit show Twitter is kind of an insult to Twitter at this point

Very interesting, thanks!

Idk I try to take care of my bike but replacing the chain and adjusting the gears is something I'll probably never wrap my head around

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Wow, thanks. Always assumed E2E was enabled by default. That sucks.

Of course they are "on a certain side". But the assumption that the british ministry of defense is spewing ukrainian propaganda instead of sharing their observations is total bullshit, which i was referring to.

Haven't played a single assassin's creed game in like a decade but gotta say this looks like a lot of fun. Hope they do a PSVR and PCVR version, though. The graphics in the trailer look really impressive for a Quest title but i'm guessing the Quest 2 version isn't going to be very enjoyable.

Love that so many games from my childhood get VR support! Much prefer this over remasters because I get to experience them in a whole new way with all the nostalgia intact

In addition to what the other commenters have said: They don't just sell light bulbs but also motion sensors that can even measure temperature.

So they wouldn't just be able to tell which room you're in at any given time but may also be able to tell when and for how long you shower or how often you cook food in the kitchen based on slight temperature changes.

And if you wanna get really paranoid: Hue Sync analyzes what's on your screen and synchronizes lights accordingly. Who knows what is really going on there if they pull this kinda shit lol

Is piped not functional? Personally don't use it but thought that's what people use on here

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Got it, gonna post YT links from now on, that piped bot seems to handle them anyway.

And yes, Zach is awesome! Highly recommend checking out his channel before you buy new phones. Or just from time to time for the entertainment factor.

I mean you probably don't care but try running anything Adobe or commercial 3D software on Linux. It's still pretty shit for casual gamers that don't wanna get into the technical stuff. I'm sure there are a lot more industries that need to rely on Windows because of specialized software that either isn't available on Linux natively or just runs like crap through wine.

It's 15 ranks that unlock outfits and wearables. Really don't know what else to tell you or what kind of answer you're looking for.

I disagree. Those prices are pretty typical for most (proper) german restaurants and i would even say some of it is on the more affordable side. Also, while tipping culture isn't what it is in the US, giving less than 10% will make the waiter almost certainly hate you.

That's no excuse for that outrageous "service fee", of course.

The OG Vive is a really horrible experience compared to modern VR headsets already. There are incredible technological advancements being made and to say all VR is doing is waiting for some Star Trek technology is incredibly ignorant. And frankly an insult to those super talented engineers that are breaking new ground on a yearly basis.

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I'm glad you enjoy the game but compared to the level of detail and polish Read Dead 2 had five years ago Starfield feels straight up antiquated imo

I get that but I feel like we're much closer than you think. Hand tracking has been a thing in budget headsets for years now and it's really solid. There are quite a few really fun experiences that don't require controllers at all.

Apple is about to ditch controllers completely, combining hand tracking with eye tracking. The displays are almost as sharp as real life and headsets today are fully wireless, standalone computers while being 50% slimmer than your Vive. Oh yeah, they also map the environment automatically and have high definition 3D passthrough with AR capabilities.

A lot of that stuff was considered science fiction when the Vive was released. What you want from VR is happening within the next decade, no lightyear jump needed.

YouTube is a monopoly and there are so many talented content creators on there, even for niche interests. What are you talking about? And what the fuck does "necessary to watch" mean? I want to watch what's fun and interests me and that's all on YouTube.