1 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

IT pro | Generic white dude | probably high.

It's almost surreal reading how silly religious mythology is, and how silly it seems to even allow it in conversation about reality. But here we are. We're still taking seriously the imaginary friends some dudes made up before we knew why it rained. And the humans in power still use those fictions to subjugate and control the masses.

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They went full malware.

The US values its weapons over decency.

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Listen. Listen and make sure they know you hear them. Actively engage in thier interests. Be honest. Just don't bullshit them. Daughters know. Mine are 27 and 11 and those are my biggest missteps along the way.

Oh, also be wrong. Be wrong and accountable. And learn.

I remember being told that an adult could sleep in a car, but with a child, sleeping in a car is considered "endangerment". Doubly so if you're a CIS gender male with a female child. This was a Texas CPS social worker. We just had a flood and were brainstorming ideas for temporary shelter for folks.

This feels like the natural choice doesn't it?

I've been living in coastal Southeastern Texas for 44 years. Im 46. In 2017 my county rezoned us as a flood zone because of the Havey flooding caused all the poor planning. An entire section of the state reclassified because "interstate highway" needed to be bigger.

They've been building the same 50ish miles for at least 27 years. All they've managed to do is ruin what was naturally occurring barriers and eroded our ability to maintain habitation. Or to expect a reasonable ability to protect against a disaster.

We're leaving 3.4 acres my grandfather bought in 1986, and gave my sister and I in 2007.

And that's just MY story. We had 375 neighbors in my area and at least 30% have moved on since 2017.

And that's just one coastal city, in one state, in one country, on one continent.

I don't have a lot of fantasy about humanities future.

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I replied to the wrong comment thread, my apologies. As for this one, I am not bound by a mythology that says "you shouldn't judge". As history keeps reminding us, religions and the subjugate nature of them, are the absolute worst thing to happen to humanity. I am going to judge those that keep spreading it's lies.

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I don't think anyone "hates" him. He's just an absurd human that no one takes seriously. And we all agree we have much more dire things to discuss than what rich white people are calling managers about now.

There's zero fun in calling out the awful things that the xtian mythology alone has done, and conveniently forgiven itself for. ZERO fun is had by anyone but those wielding the hate, and bigotry. There's centuries of bones buried that tell those stories.

Wow, so this is what it looks like when a country decides to stand up for it's people and protects our privacy. Neat.

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I stopped using all social media that insists on taking control of my content a long while ago. History has taught us that the laws flow with, and follow the money. And Meta has a lot of it. Just don't use the products, and use these examples as to "why" you won't when pressed. It's gross that we are wanting to be a part of a product that isn't for us. Why would you want to exist in that, when it is such a difficult experience? I just can't wrap my head around it.

Maybe I am just out of touch with the what the majority thinks, but this is honestly surprising. I am very glad to hear it, but yeah, I didn't expect this reaction. Maybe from us Linux folks who just like reiterate the FOSS sentiments in protest, but not this. It's refreshing.

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It was too far from the metal for me. But it is a great distribution. Especially if you're looking for fancy pants gaming ability or just turn-key ready to roll MS alternative.

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That guy sounds like the dude that "works" at my house too.

I think my 11 year old was the most surprising.

Campfire smoke definitely has toxic ex vibes.

Looks like an old Major Geeks theme for 2006.

I ain't even going to lie. That was my jam in the 80s.

I too experienced the "get off my lawn" moment recently. I am also "newly old". Is the Lemmy federation reaching other universes in the multiverse now, and we can see our "others" posts?

I bet it's just the weed. or coincidence.

I can't hardly take them or anyone that tosses the xtian mythology around. Why should we? History hasn't shown us a "god". Only shifty humans arguing over imaginary friends.

Can we stop letting them in positions of power already? They obviously aren't fit for leadership or power.

like a heart-shot elk bounding off into the bushes

This person has some stories, I bet! 😅

😀 I sure sound like it. Debian these days though. I'm too lazy for Arch anymore.

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Well, they tried to warn them.

More room for us if they can't follow suggested instructions.

Absolutely! When I was 20ish and new, yeah. But it hit me about 3years ago thats ALL I do professionally is automate as much as I can to make life easier for users and companies. Why am I not doing that for me?

On a side note, I'm seriously loving the immutable distributions. I'm thinking that's my new direction.

Sorry to rattle on lol

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"Healthcare" implies it's something useful and available.

It is "luxury health". If you can't pay, you don't stay.

Wish they would just say that instead of all this other abstract nonsense like health-care.

I feel like this was the point of the protest as well. Squeeze the squishy, parts of the system/laws. In this case one single human that manages a lever of that system. Have them speak in objection against the law, then tell the people what it's realty about.

Mission accomplished in my opinion. All the weak parts are exposed and it's absurdity is up for demonstration.

You know I didn't realize until now there was actually "confusion". I just thought I was a dolt for forgetting the package name or confusing the command name. Heh!

US citizens be like: "It's fine with us, buchy'all needta keep all that over there!"


This is the only objective point to illustrate. Laws aren't monolithic across countries. We wouldn't have countries if they were.

I left about 1.5 years ago. All of the major socials that is. And honestly, in places like this, it felt kinda "empty". So I'd peek in every once in a while just to see if I could figure out what it is. And it's all the obviously controlled noise that is attached to every aspect of me using the service(s). Location, device type, browser type, personal demographics, political stuff etc. I deleted everything shortly after that.

It was the noise I was missing. Just the garbage and the noise. I don't think you can fully appreciate how prevalent it is until you don't have it occupying so much personal real-estate. (time/space/attention)

If we could all just agree that no religious mythology is actually valuable, we'd solve that issue.

correct way to install is flatpak most of the time

It's probably SUPER intimidating how many options there are for something as simple as "package management". Who to trust. etc. People are just rough, and unkind. Stick with what works for you. What your'e comfortable with. That's honestly the ONLY important aspect of this whole Linux endeavor. Complete control of YOUR computing experience. That gets lost in opinion and subjective conjecture more often than I can stand, honestly. It really is SO much saner on Arch, though. You're absolutely correct. That's why I stick with it myself. It gets out of my way and lets me do what I want to do.

This reads like a National Lampoons film. Were the Griswold's present?

That's a very poor understanding of how laws and regulations are ratified and passed into law. A consumer org can't just say "hey, don't do this!" and they just have to stop.


I couldn't possibly say.....


I am definitely still bad at the projects thing. Like, I'm not even sure I still have projects. More like things I used to want to do, but can't because my "I don't wanna" gets in the way. But I still want to finish them.