4 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

That is naive look on it. Meta(Facebook) is a company, it's always company interest and only company interest. The idea of fediverse is to stay out of data tracking, user profiling, not to help it in any way. Connecting with meta is workoing aginst fediverse. It might be a mistake fediverse never recovers from, even now it's really small fedi community.

Why would we as fedi users, mods and admins help meta or any other company, for what, for their interest that they sell on "we love fediverse", "cusotmer first" bla bla bla.

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Just to clarify, this post is not meant to glorify startups! Startups also have CEO and it’s same as first line in the meme.

This post is meant to start a discussion and to highlight the effects big tech having on FOSS.

It’s aginst big tech not aginst FOSS!

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Yes, that would be a great idea because it would free the email protocol taken over by all big tech.

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Obviously yes

firefox is not that clear, they get funding by google for putting google as default search engine thus helping google. We have a problem with FOSS funding

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Disagree, federating with meta will kill the fedi. It will put all power in big tech.

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How you think threads is helping in that ?

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I think we are on same page, I am aginst federating with threads

that is a whip

Same how google killed xmpp, how big tech killed email. Meta and big tech are just too powerful and they can destroy, takeover fedi with resources they have.

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Which still doesn't mean fedi should cooperate with meta or any other big tech, I dare to say not even with any company.

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Tbh, I never saw that. I'd rather argue with commie tankies all day, and look through their posts then see meta and big tech ripping apart fediverse.

I just subscribe to things I'm intersted in so that's way I don't see extermist content or any other content I don't wanna se. And no this doesn't mean "i can just block threads myself for myself" because it is just individual action that on big scale has no effect at all.

It has many options inside, shows you kinda oldschool sites.

Maybe some examples would be in order.

I agree on that. I'm looking into writting about FOSS funding with examples and proposing solutions for this issue. Just that takes a long time and a meme is easier.

i'd argue its better for software to max foss license like AGPL, not bsd that can be taken out by companies

PI is not proven to be normal number. It means that those infinite digits repeating may not have uniform distribution, so somewhere far away in PI you can start just getting 1s,2s and 3s for example.

With xmpp you could chat with people on messenger just by having xmpp account somewhere else. Now you cannot. And no email is not working just fine, self hosting email is hard now beacuse you are getting blocked if you are using big tech servers.

XMPP has it's own problems, not really pleasant user experience etc. But yes, facebook first embraced it the cut you off anyone you had on messenger.

If this happens, meta will takeover fedi.

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here you go - you can to bypass paywalls

Same story as XMPP

Now, fedi then develops in autonomus manner, as much as possible. There are problems with centralization on fedi even now without meta.

Letting them in will only help meta EEE(embrace, extened, extinguish) it.

l o l, how you deduce I'm a "paid shill". you sound more like paid shill tbh, even you probably aren't

edit: now I see i probably i misunderstood you, sorry


This is not cooperation, this is take over by meta. So far I see most fedi users are aganist federation with meta, I'm glad that's the case.

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Fair point, but AI is part of it, I mean it exists in capitalist system. This AI Singularity apocalypse is like not gonna happen in 99%, AI within capitalism will affect us badly.

Ah crap, didn't see that. Anyways don't see why not, but whatever. Mods can delete it. This was to start a discussion about big tech and foss realtionship.

That it does

I don't think companies can do that actually. It is very regulated area. Also I think there is a lot of nuclear scare going on. Nuclear is not at all dangerous as it most people think, it just sounds scary.

At present we have oil and coal companies that are responsible for a lot of deaths and burning the planet. Nuclear is in no way near ammount of damage coal and oil are making right now. So even with nuclear accidents(sounds scary yea) it's better than coal and oil.

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What ? One poster in comments said they are getting power from reactor that is same model as Chernobyl one with added improvments and nothing bad happened, I don't get what you mean by "when they're in production" ?

Are you arguing that coal is safer than nuclear ?

just wait until you hear about humans.txt, it really exitst here

effects on big tech exploiting foss, for example threads and fediverse

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How would defederation from meta lead to killin fediverse ?

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Yeah I'm not for UBI that much, and don't see anyone working towards global VAT. I was comparing that worry about AI that is gonna destroy humanity is not possible, it's just scifi.

Google, Meta and Microsoft are bad. Yes they are.

But I’m good. I want to dictate who can use open-source software and how!

If I'm good or bad is not the issue here. And I'm not dicatating anything. I don't really get what you want to say ?

It replaced content writers, replacing digital artists, replacing programmers. In a sense they fire unexeprieced ones because ai speeds up those with more experience.

The other ones don’t fail catastrophically like nuclear does.

take a look some excerpts:

December 1952: The Great Smog of London caused by the burning of coal, and to a lesser extent wood, killed 12,000 people within days to months due to inhalation of the smog.[18]

The Vajont Dam in Italy overflew. Filling the reservoir caused geological failure in valley wall, leading to 110 km/h landslide into the lake; water escaped in a wave over the top of dam. Valley had been incorrectly assessed as stable. Several villages were completely wiped out, with an estimated between 1,900 and 2,500 deaths.

as /u/afraid_of_zombies said:

All other energy techs are allowed to have problems and produce waste except for one.

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As far as the smog goes that was before catalytic converters and improved laws to reduce smog

Then take into account modern nuclear reactors, as other commenters said. Nuclear is the way to go for safest and cleanest energy of all energy sources we have. Things that are stopping it are coal/oil lobby, nuclear scare and capitalists and politicians scared other countries might make nuclear bomb out of it.

I'd love to have a nuclear powerplant in my country, we are choking here because of coal and coal lobby just makes things worse by supporting energy sources sold as "renewable clean sources" that need batteries to work on and as a fallback, when there is less sun or wind always go back to coal.

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I don't think companies care, I said > I don’t think companies can do that actually. It is very regulated area.

What I'm arguing for in favor of nuclear power sources is that is cleanest source of energy we have from all and least deadly from all. But the reasons we can't have it on the entire world scale are in short, capitalism. Politics + oil/coal lobby.

So I guess my question to you use, how does a corporation making money from something it shares with the public negatively impact you?

For example email,now it's very dificult to self host email and not get caught with spam filter dictated by big tech. Entire internet really, before we had personal websites, community forums then reddit came and take over the forums making profit of off it. There are many examples. It is true that this techno landscape now is mirror image of relations we have in our society, rich getting richer and exploint poorer, in most banal sense. In linux they put/or are putting in subscription system to unlock cpu cores only if you pay, even when you bought processor.

Look around more and you can find a lot of other examples, one more is EEE(embrace, extend, extinguis) of xmpp.

People seem to appreciate companies very much, even getting glad that "great meta is using activitypub with threads and we are all gonna be happy", in reality we won't. They will just co-opt fediverse and EEE it.

Me personally am on most FOSS hardvare and software I can be on this moment. If I find time to make feaseble to use more FOSS stuff and get away from all the corpos I will do that for sure. But only me, and small ammount of people going that way is not the solution. It has to be mass movement to ditch the corpos once and for all.

Yeah, I could put more thought into this meme, but it is what it is. When I get time I'll remake it.