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Joined 2 years ago

Silverblue here with automatic updates enabled, I do not care anymore, it just works.

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Just try to implement user session management on a non systemd distro...

Systemd is way better than others init system. I'm using Alpine Linux on my phone and I really wait for a Fedora/Arch like PMOS project (it's on the way)

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The code is available as git, you just don't have access to src.rpm.

How is this article about desktop effects?

what are flathub issues? IMO it's easier than putting your app in Debian...


It does background updates for flatpak. For system, just move to Silverblue.

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Ubuntu, then Debian on my University computers, broken every weeks with dpkg killed while updating (students don't care properly shutting down computers).

Since we migrated to Silverblue, it just works. We can downgrade the system at any point in time, even previous release. Apps can be individually downgraded, locked at any point in history. Totally not doable with a traditional package manager.

Why using Linux kernel then, install GNU/Hurd...

some devs don't want to debug last arch/ubuntu broken setup.

TODO since KDE 3...

Yes it does

Nightmare GNOME screenshot

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Telemetry is important for desktop developers, you can negate it but it's a fact. Most users do not know what is GitLab

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Arch package spliting is not as hard as Debian/Fedora.

But IMO, it's because Fedora uses BTRFS with compression enabled.

We use Puppet to manage Linux and Windows servers + Linux, Mac and Windows client (drives, registry/defaults/dconf, ...). A package manager can't handle this properly ;)

Looks bad in comparison with Silverblue where I can pin many previous version. Thanks to OSTree, you can downgrade to any point in the history or even switch back to an older release.

It does the update here, on Fedora

Looks you're talking about flathub, not flatpak...

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Main reason I stopped using it ten years ago.

So I guess you are a desktop developer, what is your project?

systemctl start apache2 mysql haproxy

That is the reason.

At work, many Linux user, they may know gitlab but not GNOME one.

Written by an idiot who never contributed to free software.

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It's FUD, redhat is a major contributor paying developers. It's a sad news but it's crazy to say redhat just profits free contributors.

On the other hand X11 is missing an important feature: security

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RHEL code is available with git. Stop this FUD.