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Joined 12 months ago

Go for it. Really.

A quick reminder : you don't need to watch Netflix.

There is no "second right" in France. The law is simple : Don't wear visible religious sign at school. There are private religious schools if you disagree with the public system.

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It's been more than a year since every decision Microsoft has made has gone against the consumer. What is the target ? Sinking the company ?

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Agro-solar is a win win. Solar is the fastest and the most economic energy to deploy.

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Are set to ? I thought it was their business model.

Life cycle is shorter and shorter specially if the product is not a success. This one was expensive and buggy. Probably launched too early.

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You forgot to mention that the abaya is compulsory in Saudi Arabia (except for tourists) and Qatar.

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A new journey on the oceangate brochure

This is not just a theory. There are evidences. Until you relay CCP propaganda.

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In many way iOS had copied android and sometimes they did it late (multitasking, ...)

I am one if the 1.3 M. I not gonna pay 80 bucks per year to watch Grogu.

Use of their lyrics what for ? Everything Hurst music publishers prospect to profit. This greedy industry doesn't even retribution the artists correctly.

It looks like Microsoft try to do everything to be hated.

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Leak: Elon Musk said he wants X to be a gaming app, too...

The law is there to remind that no religious sign or clothe are accepted into the public system. People who disagree with it can go to the private school.

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Putin waited patiently that all the wagner's guys were in the same plane to make a strike. They were enough stupid to take offer him such a good opportunity. Wagner's troops were already in difficulties now putins has cuts the heads.

CO2 with her jet flea jumps may be


The question with desalination is always the same what will you do with the salt ?

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What is your URL ? You need extra traffic 💸


Then what will happen in Gaza when Palestinians will be gone ?

He blocked himself people and now he is pretending that's its a non sens....

Right, but it still expensive and it makes +30% of wastes

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It's not insane, but this separation has been done in 1905. In France the state is separated from the church (and by extension the religious). It's not radical it takes roots in the principle of equality.

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They said they will not change the business model. Can we trust them ?

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Costs are increasing.

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Any flatfile cms should do the job.

You could try and setup up a password page to keep it private. It's super simple to maintain and secure. You just need a vps and a domain.

Upnote is a masterpiece

Signal the anonymous messenger asking for your phone # to register... I didn't check if they changed that but it was such a good joke

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  1. Grab $
  2. Manipulate critics
  3. Caviar taste better than tomatoes

It's half dead best timing for IPO launch.

Best comment so far

I agree let's promote shorty and crop top in Quatar.

First really modular phone. But the conception and logic of LG was sometimes very disappointing like the humidity sensor on the mainboard blocking the touchscreen on the G5. That was betting against customers.

I've tried bitward3n but I use buttercup and it's fine.

So why is it mandatory for women in Quater and Saudi Arabia ?

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