
142 Post – 334 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

incredibly autistic, sorry

no, not related to or imitating any other goat. 🐐

i can usually understand most political views, but libertarians just make me confused

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the footage of her being paraded through the streets of gaza is certainly one of the more disturbing videos

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She was one of the women raped to death and then paraded through the streets. That and she was a foreigner.

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Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer.

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funny how when Palestine makes a claim, Lemmy just eats it all up.

but when Israel releases footage and coordinates to support their claims, everyone is suddenly questioning.

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They are a sexist, racist power-mod who regularly bans users they personally dislike. Because they controlled hundreds of subreddits, if they banned you, they banned you across pretty much the entire site.

They are infamous for encouraging male suicide, getting away with their hate speech and selling drugs to minors.

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She was a foreigner and arrived in Israel to attend the rave. She was also paraded through the streets of Gaza, one of the first viral videos that came out from the recent conflict.

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Hamas has never tried for peace.

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Hamas. Terrorists.

The same people who use gaza as civilians and then blame Israel for the casualties. Their bosses are currently in Qatar, the same Qatar that has an explosion of meetings with different media mongrels during Fifa, particularly elon musk.

In the footage the terrorist runs into the hospital's underground carpark

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Actually, King Charles has been a very outspoken man regarding the climate and environment ever since he was 21. He's always been very proactive regarding the environment and sustainability, even suggesting a military-style campaign to target climate change and natural disasters and the importance of talking to plants

of all the fuckers at Cop28, he's one of the least fuckeriest.

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Oh, it wasn't for free.

Awkwardtheturtle is supposedly the Digital Marketing Manager, Assistant Director of Web Services, Digital Communications Specialist, and Digital Media Strategist in the Innovative Learning Technology Initiative, all operated from within the University of Southern California. Most of their work consists of creating media strategies for pharmaceutical companies. They have a constant Slack channel with direct access to the admins at all times and regularly met with the admins in person. From their qualifications, they likely provided Reddit media strategies.

They still have some of their numerous alts online, which they're currently being outed.

Worth noting that the subs their alt manages aren't participating in the blackout. Curious that.

According to Lemmy's developers, there is no genocide of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang and you'll be banned from lemmy.ml if you mention it

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tankies be like

"Wikipedia is unreliable, here's our wiki where we source reddit comments"

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I'd much rather hear what Egypt has to say than Iran.

Unlikely to occur. Beehaw's admins hate dissent and anyone questioning them. Well before the blackout, they literally had a "no sources" rule because users kept questioning the mods. Likewise their current "rule set" states what they say, goes, and that everything is up to them, not the rules. They say that with all cases (except obvious trolls), that they will always warn first. I have yet to ever see any kind of warning from any of their admins.

They were being questioned on sh.it and on lemmy.world, so they blocked both. You can check their modlog to see just how little spam they had to deal with.

You can also pop in to look at their discord to see how much they dislike the criticism.

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no thats her

i dunno why they're destroying their own stuff to riot over migrants

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and dont forget reddit is also the home of the most inciteful Chinese propaganda platform with /r/sino

I personally got banned because I got into an argument with the admin there. They wrongly assumed that I was American and made a claim to counter my argument, I then pointed out their mistake that their claim doesn't apply to my country, and then -- Boom, banned.

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i mean, anyone who watched the footage can tell that she was pretty dead

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So far everything the IDF has released is matching with what Amnesty reported in 2014

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you've got it

You also get much more freedom too. You can create communities.

reminds me of something

US, Russia, China -- All gotta chill

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depends on the sub for reddit. Worldnews is heavy Israel, while publicfreakout and therewasanattempt are very heavy palestine

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Welcome to Lemmy

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"uhhhh, actually you can live without your skull"

Twitter probably

It's not tho

Most likely refusing the admins.

Awkwardtheturtle is a part of the Powermod Slack Team, who aren't the best friends with the Reddit admins.

You are now banned from beehaw.org

This is what it is btw

i dunno how this is offensive

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I hope it changes to be more moral. Taking down those scam centres could be a good start.

Highly recommend using mediabiascheck.

But if you're looking for neutrality, social media ain't the place to be, especially not lemmy.

tag yourself.

im blue hat

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you're on lemmy, what do you expect?

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hear me out. luigi's nose. just imagine

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