Goddard Guryon

@Goddard Guryon@sopuli.xyz
3 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

is beehaw related to lemmy?

For those who don't know, adrak = ginger and elaichi = cardamom in hindi (just to point out how smart the abbreviation is)

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More like "-20459 will be my year"

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Apparently there's a bunch of such channels that have all their content generated by bots: not just the title, but the footages and voiceover as well. They're all clickbaits with content ranging from simple word salad to blatant misinformation. Kyle Hill made a video about it where he tried to find who was/were behind these channels (spoiler alert: he tried to report the channels to youtube and got his own video striked in return)

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When the water vapor inside the jar comes in thermal contact with the ice outside, it condenses and precipitates. This decreases the vapor pressure inside the jar, which then causes the water to boil.

Boiling is not just a temperature-based phenomenon, it's also a pressure-based one: a water body maintains an equilibrium between liquid water and water vapor right above its surface. If you remove the water vapor from above the surface, it decreases the vapor pressure and shifts the equilibrium away from the liquid state, which is essentially boiling. Note that this is different from evaporation since the liquid water is not using heat from an external source to vaporize. You can also see this in daily life, for example, in that water boils at a different temperature on mountains due to pressure difference.

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Not exactly what you wanted, but njalla is a privacy-focussed domain registrar that basically buys domains on your behalf under their own name and gives you all the access to it that you need

That's some high IQ usage of a meme. Lemme see if I'm getting this right:

  • the total area of the image ( = RHS of the equation) is 1

  • you divide the image into 4 parts so that the area of 1 part is is 1/4 ( = 1/2^(2*1)). You take the first three quarters and leave the fourth quarter for recursion (I'll call it x1). That gives you 3(1/4) + x1 = 1

  • now you take x1 and do the same with it. This time, the area of each sub-quarter is 1/16 ( = 1/2^(2*2)). Three such sub-quarters and a leftover x2 gives you 3(1/16) + x2 = x1. Put this back into the first equation to get 3(1/4 + 1/16) + x2 = 1.

  • repeat until infinity; each time the area of the resulting tile is 1/4 of the previous tile (which is the 2n in the exponent part)

Edit: imma remove all markdown since it doesn't seem to work, at least on liftoff. Enjoy the lisp-like mess

The whole world's gonna smell like colon after the 3-day poop challenge

You are

A flair-like implementation would be nice for certain communities. From past experience on reddit, I can see how it could be beneficial to filter a community's posts through tags, say, to check latest announcements or new support questions. I'd personally prefer community-specific tags as opposed to global post tags (which is what I inferred from this post's content, I haven't read the RFC yet though) edit: the RFC talks about both instance-based tags and community-based tags, which is even better

Akshually, calling it GNU/Cancer would mean that GNU is a critically important component of cancer, which is incorrect. A more appropriate term for it would be Nestle/Cancer. Also, prayers for RMS

It'll get more complex than that. I'm no expert, but I'm guessing you have to consider the depth of the crust at your location, type of soil and the distance from (and time since) the last closest volcanic eruption, possibly distance from the nearest tectonic boundary, maybe even tidal forces (assuming they have a considerable impact on magma being pushed out, but this may be a bit too far)

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4 might be pushing it, it's still just GDDR7

If Audacity is not enough for you, you might want to try DAWs instead. Maybe try LMMS or Ardour (plugins need to be installed separately) for those should provide all the features you may be looking for

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That won't work tho, you need to make it sys.maxsize//2 to coerce the output into int form

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While I somewhat agree with your point about the upcoming wave of invasive AI, I don't think adopting a digital hermit lifestyle is the best way through this. Think of it as the wave of PCs and smartphones: did a lot of people get negatively impacted by it? Sure, but did all (or even most) people who completely shunned the technology come out any better? Not necessarily. As this new technology became a central part of society in the past decades, the people who did the best were the ones who actively used it while simultaneously preventing themselves from...idk, developing a sort of mental dependence on it (though the degree to which most have succeeded in doing the latter is variable, the point still stays).

Now, is the upcoming AI wave the same as the smartphone wave? Well, not really. But are our options of tackling it the same? I'd say, basically yes. And that's my point: it's better to make use of this technology in ways that are less likely to backfire. Since the premise of your captology argument is that more invasive AI will be better in convincing us to buy products, this is, I'd argue, one of the perfect spots for FOSS alternatives. What if we do end up becoming addicted to some new AI app(s) that we know is (/are) manipulative? Look for alternatives not controlled by a corporation. It's not the perfect option, but in my opinion it's certainly better than completely boycotting the technology.

Well, at least you will only find people who care about FOSS ;)

There's also https://www.fedi-search.com (haven't tried it, but it supports various search engines in the backend)

Just to add to the topic, the 'condom code' point you bring up is actually well-established in the business - the so-called 'Embrace, Extend, Extinguish' technique.

Indeed, an integer is divisible by 3 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.

For proof, take the polynomial representation of an integer n = a_0 * 10^k + a_1 * 10^{k-1} + ... + a_k * 1. Note that 10 mod 3 = 1, which means that 10^i mod 3 = (10 mod 3)^i = 1. This makes all powers of 10 = 1 and you're left with n = a_0 + a_1 + ... + a_k. Thus, n is divisible by 3 iff a_0 + a_1 + ... + a_k is. Also note that iff answers your question then; all multiples of 3 have to, by definition, have digits whose sum is a multiple of 3

Return on investment in just 37,561 years, start building today!

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Been using it for about a month now, and I quite like the repertoire or keys it gives. The only feature I personally find missing here is a clipboard history (it has its own buffer for copying text as far as I can tell, but users can only copy and paste through it, not see its contents)

They gotta sell it somehow. "Meta's own Twitter" only worked for so long, so maybe this is part of a rebranding effort (or maybe a simple typo, who knows)

If only it worked; the mentos would start disintegrating by your saliva and the coke would already form bubbles as soon as it enters your mouth thanks to the rough surface inside 🤓

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... Google products, such as Google Ads, ...

Really? Just deactivate all my accounts then :O

...username checks out

"Something something safe haven for freedom something something free from religious propaganda" - my cynical ass trying to interpret this post

Holy shit dude, that was actually very helpful! I'll need a few more go-throughs to fully grasp every piece here, but thanks a ton for writing it so precisely.

Based on this though, is there no way to have port-forwarding except setting it up explicitly in my router? I ask this because 1) in my personal setup, I'll be switching between wifi and mobile data quite often, and 2) I may end up on an institutional wifi after some time, in which case I won't have access to the router

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I guess that depends on what you were testing. If you were changing your email ID on one of your social media or other accounts, then it may become a bit of an issue, as compared to just sending yourself an email from your gmail account

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Too lazy to check, but is this the Rivest from the RSA algorithm?

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Like you said, there's a metric ton of steps involved in the overall process, and our understanding of each of these 'levels' of organization varies quite a bit. Closest to my personal expertise is the sub-cellular and cellular level, for which I would refer you books or papers in developmental biology, developmental genetics, and epigenetics. I can give you a couple bloopers to get you excited though:

When it comes to deciding where different organs will form (again, from a sub-cellular level), it essentially starts from a concentration gradient of certain proteins/chemicals inside the zygotic cell. This gradient then determines the level of activation of other proteins, each level then leading to different biochemical cascades which, once more cells have formed from the zygote, determine which organ systems will come from them. Messing around with this concentration gradient can, thus, dramatically affect an organism's development, leading to, for example, a body with just 'left' organs on both halves, just 'top' organs on both halves, missing an entire organ system (like circulatory system and heart) and so on.

A more or less similar process occurs to determine the shape of organs. As a simple example, when some animals with regenerative capabilities (like axolotls) lose a limb, they are able to regrow the limb to the exact same length as before. Turns out, each cell on the periphery of their limb has a certain concentration of receptor proteins on its surface, which acts as a molecular 'signature' of that cell's position in the limb. These signatures provide information on how far to grow the limb for regeneration, and some chemicals, lile retinol, can even override these signatures and fool the organism's body into regrowing the limb from scratch on top of the place of regeneration.

I hope these examples give you an introduction to the mechanisms involved. There's obviously a lot more involved, so I would again highly recommend textbooks and research papers if you're interested.

The post right above this one in my feed just happened to be one, so here you go

As someone who is often unable to even enjoy soda because it immediately starts bubbling up and only remains as a sugary liquid by the time it reaches the esophagus, I guess I can't replicate your observations. Also, I guess I need more water in my mouth before I can let Jesus into it (for a more pleasant experience for both of us)

I've been putting off learning docker for a while now, guess it's finally time to dive right into it. Thanks for the info about freshrss, I'd been looking for ways to get more into cybersecurity and this might be it

ಠ,_」ಠ why tho

Basically this. I just read it as "exhibition + sale". Also, yo is this not common knowledge? I've seen this thrown around everywhere (I mean the phrase) and thought the whole world uses this phrasing (o_O )

Oh interesting (now, if only I can recall this the next time I need it)

I did try launching a website on my local network, but widening it to the public network is what I was confused about, like you said. But the idea of overlay network sounds interesting, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!

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Going for a RasPi might be a bigger hassle for me due to the market, but I suppose I can try the rest on my laptop as easily. Thanks!

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That may be exactly what I need when searching for some highly technical problem lol

Paint it as a chemical reaction in order to understand its equilibrium state. We basically have:

H~2~O (gas) ⇌ H~2~O (liquid)

By sealing the jar with the water already boiling, we initialize the system to be in a state with equal(ish) amount of both liquid and gas. Then we allow the system to cool down so that the liquid water is no longer boiling. Now the system sits at an equilibrium between liquid and gas states.

Now, when we put ice on top of the jar, the water vapor condenses and gets converted to liquid, pushing the equilibrium to the right. But this decreases the overall pressure in the system since fewer particles now occupy the volume above the liquid's surface. This is essentially the system trying to pull itself back towards the original equilibrium i.e. towards the left of the equation, which it does by making more water vapor i.e. boiling.

This reaction-like picture helps in visualizing the system better in some cases, so I tried to add it alongside the pressure dynamics scenario. You may be interested in Le Chatelier's principle if you prefer this.