
2 Post – 10 Comments
Joined 3 months ago


Mustaches go above the mouth.

He got an evil goatee

Wouldn't that be pretty beneficial for your opponent in most trading card games?

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I'm not convinced that AphroditeFit20 is the person in the photo. They post a lot of different fit women on their timeline.

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Correction, NASA only uses metric. Lockheed Martin was contracted for some systems and that's where the unit conversion problems came from.

Still partially NASA's fault for not checking / enforcing units.

Finally a good version of this meme

I'd love to see what people also bought with the Scarlet version

What is this template called? I've been trying to find the original.

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I deleted the comment within a minute of sending it. I didn't think you wouldn't see the message lol.

But yeah, I didn't like the comment. I made it too snarky / the vibes were off.

I deleted it because i didn't want to get into it. Trans WLW is lesbian and is included in the meme.