
2 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don’t know, a lawn with just a small portion mowed and the rest standing tall? That shit would haunt me in my own afterlife.

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Cool, but you know who isn’t getting a free lunch now? Those millionaires who worked so hard for that money. What have those kids done to earn theirs?

/s, to be clear. I wish these cool places to live (e.g, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Michigan) weren’t so fucking cold. Why can’t there be a nice liberal southern state?

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I remember driving through Iowa and seeing vast fields of corn and learning that the majority of that corn was not even destined for human consumption. That kinda blew my mind.

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Uh, I use bar soap and it doesn’t smell bad. There a loads of small, cottage soap makers who are making really great (and great smelling) soaps. I just prefer those over body wash or whatever.

Two that I often quote:

Into each life, a little rain must fall. (almost always delivered sarcastically)


Well, people in hell want ice water.

I loved that woman. Wish I would have known her better.

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That or “only following orders.”

I know the answer would be ridiculous if we ever even got one, but I would love to hear about these intolerable abuses or threats of abuses these people were (and presumably still are since, you know, they weren’t successful) facing. That’s not to say there aren’t people in this country dealing with some pretty intolerable things, but I just don’t seem to see them (or hear about their issues) at Trump rallies.

It’s old.reddit.com or nothing for me.

I read this as “Erection Ejection” and for some reason that shit alone cracked me up, then thinking of Trump saying, “Erection Ejection!” cracked me up more. Well done, I needed the laugh.

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Honestly I think this is better on the whole. Not if you were going to get your loans forgiven - I get that - but for today and tomorrow’s borrowers, this policy will be a positive thing and will still help current debt holders, too.

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It’s like when some places in the US stopped testing for COVID - no tests = no positive results = no COVID. Flawless logic.

Shower beer. Amazing after a hot day mowing / at the pool / exercising / etc…

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He TeLlS iT lIKe It Is!!!!1!!1!!1!1

I’m your huckleberry.

Not that his followers would have believed this in real time believe this now.

BG1 and 2 are some of the most beloved CRPG games ever made. On reddit, the Baldur's Gate sub was still very active and I would guess people were continuing to do full play-throughs at least once a year, myself included (and that's like 20 years after BG1 came out). I don't know of many other games with that kind of following, so I'm not surprised at the interest in BG3. Plus, it looks like the devs really took their time and delivered a great game at launch, which doesn't really seem to happen much these days.

When Brandi Carlile’s voice cracks and she belts out the chorus near the end of The Story, it’s just incredible. There are better singers, technically, but the pure, raw emotion conveyed is powerful (to me anyway).

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Actually, Cunningham’s Law says nothing of the sort. If you look at the source material as I have done - and in the original Phoenician, because so much is lost in translation otherwise - you’ll quickly note that Cunningham is really attempting to convey the hopeless sense of man’s search for purpose in a cruel, unforgiving world. While some scholars debate the literal truth to this sentiment as expressed by the author, it is generally thought plausible if not outright likely that these writings followed a catastrophic life event of some sort - the loss of a child or death of a spouse, witnessing the end of a great civilization, a dick pic delivered to the wrong person. While the specifics aren’t known, what we do know about the author is that he would likely be further distraught at the loss of control and ownership experienced with a misattributed “law” on the internet should such a thing even be imaginable.

I love a good Metallica song just as much as the next person, but I would not classify them as alternative by any stretch of the imagination. Not even in the 80s when this song came out. Just seems… odd.

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Well great. Now I need to find somewhere to stream They Live. Thanks, OP.

Right on par with the old, “Hurr durr of course it’s hot, it’s July!!!1!1!!1!” comments. These are the same folks who, when faced with a polar vortex in December or January, proudly and obnoxiously crow about “global warming.”

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I am but a simple human - I see a Fahrenheit 451 reference, I upvote it.

Do you need sneakers, or would boots be an option? If so, that opens the door to Goodyear welted boots whose soles can be replaced when they’re worn out by a cobbler. They’re also generally comfortable (especially after being broken in). You can go from premade boots (e.g., redwing) to custom boots; costs escalate quickly the more bespoke they are, obviously.

There are some Goodyear welted sneakers, but boots are probably easier to find.

I know it’s probably not the most popular suggestion, but the goodyearwelt subreddit is a great place to look for recommendations and reviews and post questions.

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You know Trump is a loser, and I know Trump is a loser, but he did win an election, and there’s a not-insignificant portion of the voting public who would vote for him today despite knowing all we know about him. So, sadly, the fact that the on-air “talent” still love the dude is on-brand for them.

Big Brother.

And I vote to remove all the Wisconsin Republicans from office effective immediately.

And my “vote” (likely) has the same actual power as theirs.

I would say any niche sub remains pretty good. I look at a lot of camping and outdoors stuff, and I don’t notice a change there, either. But yeah, the “popular” subs are not nearly as “good” as they were (whatever that means…).

Oh, but surely giving Russia that territory will ensure peace for our time! Now go home and get a nice, quiet sleep.

/Neville Chamberlain

60 songs that explain the 90s.

“Many organizations that attempted to force a return to the office have had to retract or change their plans because of employee pushback, and now, they don’t look strong,” says Kacher, the president of Career/Life Alliance Services. “A lot of executives have egg on their faces and they’re sad about that.”

Well, boo fucking hoo for them.

…bare, prolapsed anus.

I, too, am something of a gardener.

…always been on the lookout for polar bears.

This is a reality I simply cannot fathom. How often are they actually observed “in town”?

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I honestly wonder if this has ever actually been the case.

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Nope. Definitely just you.

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If I were single or, heck, didn’t have kids, I think I could pull this off. I have done a few conferences at cool locations where my partner comes along and that was doable, if only just. But with a partner and kids in-tow, I know I don’t have the discipline to truly work while they’re all out doing fun touristy things. Maybe a an hour or two, or a half-day at best, but no way I’m going to want to (or be able to) stay chained to the desk, no matter how nice the view is. But that’s just me and what I know about myself.

I have so many questions.

I agree. Would I rather have no cancer? Absolutely. But if my body is going to crank up some cancer cells anyway, I’d rather have chronic (but managed) cancer and keep living than just cancer that will kill me.