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Joined 1 years ago

Ragebait. It's boring and pointless, and it brings out the worst in everyone. I never understood the appeal of being a "troll" though, so idk.

Something else I don't miss, and maybe this is a little more personal, but often when I would try to participate in a conversation, my comment would get auto-removed for some rule/etiquette based reason I could never really wrap my head around. Like, derailing? I thought I knew what that meant, but had comments removed when I was like, "yeah that answer really resonates with me too! My 123 is xyz."

Lemmy so far has been much more welcoming to the neurodiverse and I appreciate the organic, freeflowing nature of conversation here.

Obviously, if someone's being provocatively hateful / an obvious troll, then nuke 'em.

But if people are just trying to join in on the conversation, don't be a pedantic dick about exactly what kind of conversation is allowed. It had gotten to the point where I was afraid to comment at all for fear I'd be doing it wrong.

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My go-to is to ask what they like to do in their spare time.

A lot of the time you’ll get answers about how they have none or how it’s filled with chores, but you can always redirect and say, if you suddenly had a bunch of free time just for yourself, and you couldn’t use it to work, what would you fill it with?

In my mind the latter gets you down to what brings them joy, and in some cases how they want to see themselves, which can tell you a lot about a person.

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I’ve been hearing good things about peertube and pixelfed, but have yet to really dive into either. Both are free and decentralized like lemmy though :)

https://joinpeertube.org (positioned to replace youtube)

https://pixelfed.org (more like instagram?)

I can’t believe I’m only now looking into the decentralized side of the social internet - I’m usually an early adopter lol. Been a boiling frog in corporate for too long.

lemmy.ca has blocked it too.

good eggs, those admins.

I’m super pissed about this.

I have a ton of client domains registered with google, and squarespace’s pricing is double.

They had by far the best platform I’ve used for managing domains. This sucks.

Yeah I think a lot of people equate education with overall intelligence, and that’s just not how it works.

I’ve personally known an anti-vaxxer with a PhD, MDs who wrote at a middling grade 8 level, and a literal rocket scientist who never could figure out his email lol

Highly educated people can be brilliant in their specific fields of study, while being absolute morons in other areas. They just had all the right opportunities, money, and the time/skills/ability to study, memorize, and pass tests.

I actually know at least a couple high school grads whom I’d consider more broadly intelligent than some of the MD & PhD holders I’ve worked with over the years.

Someone did make goblincore, but it’s still mostly empty and I’m not talented enough to contribute lol

I loved looking through all the mossy green nature pics, tiny ecoscapes, mushrooms, frogs, and forest-witch style craftsmanship from people much more creative than myself

Nacho Libre

lol I know, it’s a silly ridiculous fuckaround, but it’s sweet and stupid and wholesome and sometimes that’s what I need.

I can and do appreciate artistry in cinema, but you didn’t ask about that. Nacho is one film I’ll just always be happy to watch.

It also got me through half of a stay in a hyperbaric chamber when I got the bends, and I’m very claustrophobic, so big credit to it there. Panic attack didn’t start until the speakers malfunctioned five minutes into Amelie, and I was suddenly too hot and 1000% certain the chamber was going to catch on fire and kill me.

Nacho soothes.

Even if they did (they won’t), they can pry my mini out of my hot, irradiated hands.

I think the best we could hope for is a simple firmware update, assuming enough of the right people make noise about it. I’m sure Apple would much rather we all just bought new phones though, so they won’t do anything unless they have to.

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That’s an overly simplistic take.

Over the years, ads have become louder, bigger, more intrusive, more voluminous, and alarmingly much more “personal”

I value my peace and my privacy.

I support creators with donations, subscriptions and purchases. If it’s an exclusively ad-supported service that does so respectfully and reasonably, I might whitelist it.

Everything else gets blocked. I use AdGuard and their extensions, and a VPN set to a Swiss geo helps with the rest.

Someone did make goblincore, but it’s still pretty empty and I’m not creative enough to meaningfully contribute.

I loved looking through all the happily amateur mossy green nature pics, tiny ecoscapes & terrariums, all the mushrooms, frogs, and foresty crafts & creations from people much more talented than myself.

The issue isn’t that the rooms don’t exist in this house, but more that the smaller niche ones are still just a couple shy people early to the party, waiting for the extroverts to show up lol

/running /bikewrench & /cycling /askscience & /science /autisticwithadhd /onguardforthee /ontario /kingstonontario /ontariogardeners /canadianinvestor /cozyplaces /ifyoulikeblank /notthebeaverton /oddlysatisfying /plantclinic /renovations

Also Select a Set was a very cool little music themed sub that I enjoyed participating in.


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Good lord some of the names in that list…

What horrifying company for an instance with such a seemingly benign and inclusive name.

The lemmit or whatever bot was the first “user” I blocked here.

It might not have been bad if they’d stuck to news articles, but so much content is more personal in nature and it feels gross to see it botted.

I’m not going to give advice or empathize with a bot who basically just stole someone’s question or story. OP isn’t even here, they aren’t going to see our comments. Just feels like talking about someone behind their back.

One of the things I love about lemmy is how much of the content and conversation is actually authentic.

Those bot posts are spam and need to go away.

That 🤑 emoji’s a bit on the nose though, isn’t it

Honestly, not much helps so I’m here for other ideas too.

If I can’t remove myself to a quiet place, noise canceling earbuds are my go-to as well. I have airpod pros too, and they’re ok, but Jabra’s active noise cancellation has been by far the best in my experience. So far, anyway.

Going outside does help, too. It’s not quiet, necessarily, but sounds bounce differently, so it’s much less overwhelming.

I used to think of “blocking” as an extreme measure, but for us individuals, it’s really not. You get to decide what your feed looks like. Especially here.

BAMO -> block and move on

What flipped the mental switch for me was facebook, of all places.

I hate it and was off it for years, then we moved to a small town with no subreddit, only a damn fb group. Man I went on a blocking spree with all the proudly terrible people, and now I have both an actually useful local town group AND a separate handy list of people I don’t need to bother meeting.

Because I’m tired of wearing them by the end of the day, and most of what’s on our household tv I’m not really watching anyway.

Also if I’m messing around on my phone, glasses need to be off b/c distance, and I’m not about to put them on/off every time I switch focus when I’m just trying to relax.

I will wear them if I’m watching something intentionally, though. Like a nature documentary or something with visuals worth appreciating.

The regex redirect feature is another massive pro. I hope they bring it into Orion as well.

I already use Stop the Madness for this, and probably will continue to as it’s a more global solution, but having it built right into the search engine at least shows they’re taking real steps to hand control back to the user.

You know… I’m not sure I’d recognize my own voice if I heard it

Yeah for me, the only draw back to reddit is in its history. There is a wealth of knowledge in those archives, and when I’m looking for balanced and useful answers from actual people (without affiliate links or bot-generated seo bs, or being “marked as duplicate” of another post with 13yr out of date answers lol) it was the best source for the longest time.

Used to be, anyway.

We’ll get there, we just haven’t had the time yet.

When I do open an r/ link that answers my question now, I’m doing it with their tracking, “features” & ads fully locked & blocked, then dipping right back out again. They really ruined a good thing.

So many…

The Hidden Athlete (long form interviews with endurance athletes)

No such thing as a fish (fun conversational about random weird factoids)


The One You Feed

The Debaters (stupid Canadian comedy debates)

The Art of Manliness (dumb name, decent content)

Discovery by the BBC

Ologies with Alie Ward

The Emma Guns Show (idgaf about beauty stuff, but love her quality of life & mental health topics)

Trail Runner Nation

Maintenance Phase

You’re Dead to Me (bbc history in a light funny way)

Oh good, they’re making it slightly bigger 🙄

No mention and probably no hope of a new mini.


I will never not laugh at this.

I mean at some point it’s got to burn itself clean …right?

Also mostly happy with my iPhone 12 mini

My only real gripe with it is that I want a better camera.

I can sideload or mod enough with scripts to suit my purposes, so no issue as far as flexibility goes. But I want better quality photos and videos without having to lug out the “real” gear on a trail run.

Chaps my ass that phones just keep getting bigger, and the mini’s been all but phased out. I’m a small person with proportionately small hands. Why stop making phones we can fully fit in the back pocket of women’s jeans, or use with (mostly) one hand?

omg I didn’t even know this was a thing… but knowing doves, it’s immediately self-explanatory

their “nests” are just so bad

I love them so much with their 3 scattered sticks on pavement

If you live near water, kayaking can be an incredibly immersive pursuit in nature that doesn’t really tax the body (unless you want it to)

Trail running is another one of my favourite things to do, but while much safer than MTB still can have some risks… minimal though, comparatively speaking

Oh I like this idea.

Friday I’ll be Dead by Erik Sumo

It’s chill and atmospheric, a bit psychedelic, and really shines with some high quality headphones. Rich sound with lots of layers, but with a nice stripped down retro sort of feel.



