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Just remember Ethan Couch in 2013 diagnosed with Afluenza, A condition where someone is too rich to understand the consequences of their actions.

He was 16. He and a bunch of friends went to Walmart. They stole beer and drove drunk. He killed 4 people on the side of the road. A passenger in his car suffered brain damage and was paralyzed.

This kid was sentenced with a 10 year parole. He violated that parole by going to a party to drink. He and his mom fled to Mexico to avoid punishment. He was captured and then given a 720 day sentence in prison.

He murdered 4 people and paralyzed one of his friends. He got parole. Violated parole. Fled the country. And then was given 2 years in prison.

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5G, Vaccines, MSG, WiFi, Socialized Medicine, Jews.

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This is the same government that says using an ad blocker, vpn, custom rom, linux and or encrypted messaging service puts you at higher suspicion of being a terrorist.

I see them enacting these policies now as the large number of pro labor protests fighting the government all over the country on pensions “reform”.

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Any smart home stuff. The story with Amazon shutting down someone’s account and all their devices is terrifying. Frankly I should probably unplug my smart speakers.

The Apple Watch is neat for health stuff but I don’t see a need for another device to charge.

OLED and Mini/MicroLED screens for PWM sensitivity. Even LED lights are starting to hurt my head.

VR/AR is just Ready Player One stuff.

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This reminds me of the Simpson episode where they are negotiating a new contract. It’s the same as the old one expect the they replace the dental plan with a keg of beer.

Season 4 Episode 17 “Last Exit to Springfield” .

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Probably being one of those exploited slaves in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the hand dug tunnels to mine cobalt. Or indebted slaves in Pakistan who spend their whole lives making bricks for taking out predatory loans.

But where I live any manual labor as I am very accident prone, or DMV and Postoffice.

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Absolutely no. Facebook is absolutely terrible. Keep them racist Karen boomers away,

-2025 Humans back in the Moon

-Late 2020’s early 2030’s new missions to Venus

-Late 2030’s drone to Saturns Moon Titan

-2030’s maybe Humans on Mars

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I want to say maybe 20% to 30%.

It’s very scary. As an ethnic minority I am only as safe as my government lets me be.

You can go from democratic Weimar Republic to Nazi Germany in a space of a few years.

I just wanted to know where Ken lived.

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Reddit killed Apollo so I now am using wef wef for Lemmy.

The business practices of Uber and Netflix are also unethical but in a different way. Uber pays basically nothing. Netflix as well as streaming pays very little to actors/writers/film crew.

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I want to see the chaos between Trump supporters versus DeSantis supporters. However I worry if Biden is the nominees then whoever of these clowns wins the republican primary will be president.

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Billionaires and corporations lobby governments and donate to superPACs(legal bribery) to have them promote their business interests and protect their capital.

Infinite growth is not sustainable on a finite planet. The billionaires aren’t going to save us. Buying stuff is not going to save us. Neoliberalism and Capitalism is not going to save us.

It almost like he isn’t actually a genius but narcissistic grifter who can move money around.

No. They just claim they can’t be racist because they have a lot of (insert affected minority) friends or that they allowed black people on their football team.

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Don’t assume malice when incompetence is equally likely.

I just deleted my Facebook and Twitter.

Ben Carson is a great neurosurgeon but the dumbest of dumb when it came to any government. He is either paid to be that dumb or he is actually just that cognitively dissonant.

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Can the grid handle it?

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Extremists are extremists.

Everyone’s got crazies.

Muslims as you said.

For Christian’s in the US they are the largest terrorist group.


For Jews (I am Jewish and Half Israeli) look at the current Israeli administration.

Frankly it doesn’t matter what religion, dogma, ideology, or doctrine you follow. Replace label X with Y. Someone will always take the rhetoric to far.

I feel awful giving him money but I went to that “museum” in 2014 with my dad and sister. We thought it be an interesting place to go and learn to drive on my learners permit. We are Atheist Jews.

What I learned while I was there (sarcastically, I know the place is all propaganda for their Kool-Ade).

In their astronomy video they specifically say that a light year is the distance light travels in a year. The way they get around the universe being bigger than 6000 light is with the explanation: gravitational time dilation and anisotropic synchrony.

They said lack of god lead to teen boys watching porn and playing GTA. Then they will commit school shootings.

Girls will get pregnant and get abortions. Then they feel bad and commit suicide.

Adam and Eve lived in the tropics with dinosaurs and penguins and all ate pineapple.

Eve at the Apple committing the original sim by defying god and set subservience to man.

Velociraptors were on the arc.

Continental drift and all the super continents broke apart and back together multiple times when the world was flooded for a year.

On the arc they brought one kind of animal and once they went free then they split off into different species.

Separation of church and state is discriminatory against Christians.

Allowing evolution thought in public schools was an assault on Christianity.

Atheism leads to poverty, hunger, famine, drought, war, death, slavers, insert any horrible thing and atheism is to blame.

They had a whole bunch of finches to show Darwin was wrong.

… It was an interesting experience. The dioramas had a lot of work. The miniatures were neat.

The whole place made me angry and frustrated. Especially once they used Carl Sagan’s name to prove their baseless ideology he specifically spoke against shit like this.

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Learning about Space. There we’re working miniature prototypes of a ship to get humans up to 12% of Speed of Light. Project Orion worked by blasting nuclear bombs behind a ram jets once per second.

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True for any mental illness. My dad will give financial support for therapy but then make me feel like shit for needing it.

“Student Athletes” -Eric Cartman May 25, 2011

How is Gaetz not in prison for raping and sex trafficking children.

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Full Self Driving is such a sim name. The feature is level 2 advanced cruise control.

I did some tech work for a wealthy old guy and his wife. They used AOL Gold Desktop Browser as their web browser as of late June 2023. His issue was caused by him using AOL. I put them on chrome with Ublock and bookmarked aol email. They should probably have a password manager with 2FA but switching from AOL to chrome was a big step.

What would happen if they had the paper but also had guns. Or black people with guns? Or socialists with guns?

How would their opinions change?

There is no logic to the justification the Christian Taliban uses to discriminate those that do not believe in their specific interpretation of a 2000 year old book.

The Montreal Protocol passed because the CFCs industry failed to lobby Reagan against the to be against Protocol. They assumed Reagan would be on their side.

Big oil saw what happened to that industry and lobbied a crap ton. Now just about everyone in the government is sponsored by them.

As much as I love astronomy and find it awe inspiring I have to say no. With current technology not at all.

I am neither physically fit nor mentally capable enough to stand space travel.

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Or Mr. Incredible being sued for saving a guy commuting suicide..

So Putin has been paying Nazis to fight Nazis and some of those Nazis are planing a coup against him.

The West has also been supporting Nazis to fight Nazis.

And now in America Nazis are coming out again and are doing Nazi things.

As someone who lives in Illinois “I hate Illinois Nazis.”


It has less than 1000 members for a very niche topic. With the subreddit so small I doubt it would start here.

Aren’t there flashlights/ dildos that do this now.

Could the add daily accumulative interest at a stupidly high percentage: like an APR but daily.

A similar thing with me. I am on Trazodone for sleep. If I miss one dose the next day I will have panic attacks where I’ll sit curled up in the shower and bawl my eyes out until I get another dose. I am chemically dependent on this medication. Whether the or not it even helps for insomnia anymore I don’t know.

This seems to be all semantics. They govern more or less the same.