1 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They actually made the load time worse with their update. Not by a little, by a fucking tonne. Going from any interior to outside now takes like a full minute and 30 seconds, its ridiculous.

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Maybe microsoft should try reinstalling windows.

Lol, the user doesn't seem to realize that if everywhere you go and comment, if absolutely everyone is an asshole, then maybe it's you that's the problem...

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Nothing can really kill reddit, but as far as content goes I expect it will follow the same path facebook did where the only people who eventually really interact on it will be conspiracy theorists and moms.

That's ok I don't really want spyware anyway.

Because they don't want to face that their multi million/billion dollar investments are not going to pay off.

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No Country For Old Men.

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Here are the trends with previous consoles:

PS1 : 455 -> PS2 : 512 -> PS3 : 180 -> PS4 : 58 -> PS5 : 15

Xbox : 106 -> Xbox 360 : 214 -> Xbox One : 12

Nintendo 64 : 129 -> Nintendo Wii : 328 -> Nintendo Wii U : 38 -> Nintendo Switch : 174

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I bought Windows 11 early on so I'm still using it to justify the purchase on my desktop, but I moved my OEM licensed laptop over to Debian a few months ago.

Can confirm that as soon as Windows 11 is no longer supported or it gets slightly more ass, I'll be moving my desktop over to Debian or Arch or something as well.

With the advent of gaming becoming so much more accessible on linux either through native support or through something like proton, I am very hard pressed to find any reason to stay.

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Cormac McCarthy, wrote some books you might have seen as movies such as The Road and No Country for Old Men.

Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West is a crazy good book.

Shrimp > Prawn > Lobster

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From when I worked in IT:

-In your ticket, do not give a vague description and a time you want the problem fixed and then expect anything to get fixed. Often times we very much need to work with you directly to understand your problem thoroughly to investigate and fix it thoroughly.

-If you have some weird problem, it might be just as weird to us when we first look at it. We are not omniscient. What we are good at is researching possible fixes, applying them, and measuring the effect they have in actually solving your problem.

-If we didn't install it, don't expect we know anything about it. You might really like to install and use Fusion 360 over AutoCAD or something, but that doesn't mean I know where Fusion 360 is storing its configurations, or that I have a phone number to call to get support from that company as a vendor, or that I have ever troubleshot this application.

-If you're really nice to us, we might be able to offer you suggestions for problems on personal computers, but sorry, we cant usually touch it, especially if we are outsourced IT. The moment we touch your personal computer it opens us to a shitload of liabilities and it could lose me my job.

-We understand very much that typically the only time you're talking to us is when you're mad because some shit is preventing you from working, but we don't want that either so don't be mad at us about it, we would prefer you never had to put in a ticket for anything except configuration change requests.

-Pay attention to our recommendations. If we say you have to have your laptop on at a certain time of day weekly for updates, we aren't just asking for our benefit, we're asking this because if you ignore it, eventually when you power on your laptop, windows is going to force all those updates to push at once and suddenly you'll be without your computer when you're supposed to be doing an important presentation because its going to take 4 hours for a years worth of updates to apply. We have little control over this.

Then invent the technology that makes what you want to do reasonable, otherwise don't blame a drill for being incapable of hammering nails fast enough for you.

They told me I had to honor an expired coupon for 5 cents off their gas.

That is the hackiest workaround I've ever heard lol but I will give it a shot, thanks.

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"I only took a bite out of the bread, therefore I didnt eat any bread."

Hahahaha, kids.

Cancelled prime ages ago for a different reason. Don't miss it. I don't know about other places, but where I'm at the "prime 2 day shipping" pretty much never arrives in 2 days anyway.

Selling user data, selling top posts and comments to corporate marketing accounts, selling control of dialogue about any subject to sway public opinion, reddit gold, making the platform more ass.

Ok but hear me out, what happens if you inject it into your feet?

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In my experience, younger people who grew up with the internet write their texts and emails as if they are instant messaging, because they grew up with AOL and MSN messenger etc when it comes to text based communication.

Older people who communicated over text before the internet only did this in one way - writing letters.

As a result their style of texting or emailing is often very long form in comparison.

When writing letters you are limited by how much room there is on a piece of paper.

This leads to using some shorthand which used to be fairly common, but has fallen out of public knowledge for younger people.

You could argue that some of the stuff that younger people email or text informally can be just as cryptic because there is entirely different shorthand that millenials and generations Y and Z use.

If you closely examine how you casually communicate with your peers of a similar age, you will notice it can be just as odd as what you experience from communicating with generations on either side of you.

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In effect, Air Canada suggests the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions.

The airline also argued that the chatbot's response to Moffatt's inquiry included a link to a section of its website that outlined the company's policy and said that requests for a discounted fare are not allowed after someone has travelled.

So what Air Canada is saying is "If the bot says you're supposed to get this deal, we aren't liable, but if the same bot also says you aren't supposed to get this deal contradicting itself in the same breath, then that should be upheld in court to benefit us".

Sorry lol, you don't get to have it both ways.

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Fuck no, I have 4 years of industry experience and my industry is basically falling apart. I haven't been able to find work since March. Even construction labour jobs requiring no experience wont call me back. If I cant make something work soon I might just decide to french kiss an electrical socket.

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The problem is that in its current state, there are inherent flaws which a corporation can abuse to destroy what to a lot of people on it consider to be the purpose of federated social media, which is lack of corporate control.

Consider that a company with the resources of meta could create hundreds of thousands of instances across all federated social media to the degree that you cannot tell what they own and what they don't until it is a statistical likelihood that your account is on a corporation controlled instance.

Consider that existing instances which are privately owned and operated could sell their instance to a corporation and no one would necessarily be any the wiser.

So you are right, in its current form, I do not believe in federated social media for the future, because it has no preventative measures to avoid such a thing outside of hosting your own personal instance, which a lot of people do not have the resources to do.

They already fucked me on this years ago. One day I logged into Uplay and Battlefield 3 and my 2 other games were just fucking gone. Haven't touched them with a 10 foot pole since.

What the fuck is the selling point? Less features for a color??

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The horror isn't in killing yourself, the horror is living in hell so that other people can feel good that you're suffering instead of dead.

Marx's theory of alienation rings a bell:'s_theory_of_alienation

Sure, i2p or the invisible internet project is a FOSS project which acts as an anonymous network anyone can potentially access, and host on.

It does this by creating end to end encrypted peer to peer tunnels between its users and then sending data through itself via a path between some of the 50,000+ volunteers that make up the project. The path data takes is random so a third party seeing any communication in full is highly unlikely, and even at that, its still encrypted.

The software that implements this is the i2p router, and when using the i2p router you become a node on the network like everyone else using it, allowing pieces of anyone's data to move through your router, just as your data moves through theirs.

The UX/UI is very good for new users and makes it easy to access, or host. Particularly, to my understanding, i2p is also very popular for torrenting due to the nature of how it works (in comparison to similar projects such as tor, there is an entire built in solution for torrenting included with i2p).

Calls other guy an anti social loser

Pulled out ad hominem in the same breath

Congratulations, you played yourself hahaha.

Just in case you were not aware and you find it more suitable for your needs, they do sell devices such as this for very cheap:

They are recognized as a typical wireless keyboard on most systems.

Like some other people here I still use an iPod classic for all the music in my car. Haven't had iTunes installed to change the music on it for 14 years.

Buy a stanley thermos. If you leave it on a train track, it would probably derail the train and you would still have hot/cold liquid in there.

Attention seeking behavior in a healthcare environment including faking a medical condition, or intentionally worsening a real condition are pretty glaring symptoms of Munchausens.

So they are acting this way because they are sick, just not in the way you're accustomed to.

The ethical thing to do here is to put them into contact with mental professionals.

I kind of imagine it will be the same thing every rockstar game has become. Some pretty ok story with every mission just devolving into a shooting gallery.

This is our government in a nutshell. Don't like guns? Ban them from licensed owners instead of working against smuggling or changing the license requirement from a PAL to an RPAL. Don't like gas cars? Ban them instead of working on public transit and infrastructure. Don't like the flipper zero? Ban it instead of either licensing purchase and use like a billion other radio devices that exist, or holding car manufacturers responsible for ass security practices.

Can't wait to find out what they don't like next, I wonder what they'll do? /s

Grab my always packed camping pack and rifle case + ammunition, get in car, drive to airport, call 911 on the way and inform them that armed individuals are breaking into my house providing the address and hang up immediately, park car at airport parking lot and pay with card, take taxi back into city with cash, get bus ticket with cash which takes me out to the woods/mountains, camp there until I can't.

It would also be wise to immediately book a one way ticket to anywhere on the way to the airport and then not use it.

Even if they have access to my payment details, the last things they would see are parking for the airport and buying a plane ticket.

They would need access to the airports CCTV to determine that I did not actually board the flight.

If they had access to this, and were able to get access to the city CCTV as well, the best they could possibly determine after many hours or days is that I was last seen taking a bus west.

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Yeahhhhh, I don't want a company which itself previously settled for a hundred million dollars in a gender discrimination suit to have every persons intimate personal data.

Very much true, made this account last year on June 4.