0 Post – 329 Comments
Joined 10 months ago She is the one with a medical degree, so you don't have any authority over her opinion, sounds reasonable for her to make her stance out of concern, even if she is wrong.

I'm also an engineer, and that's why I use my knowledge to try to influence the party.

Here’s a brutal truth for you then. Being a raging, unapologetic jerk won’t progress your political goals. It’ll only make them harder to achieve.

My goal isn't to convince you, only show how you are wrong so people looking at this post will be influenced by it. Looking at your profile, you are too far gone.

No, you are an asshole.

I think the Green party is better, that's why I vote for it. Google "democracy" and find out why!

Send them an email and discuss your issues. They are the only voice in politics that supports the science of climate change.

Democrats don't have imperfections, they are fundamentally flawed because they are corrupt.

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He lied about student loan forgiveness.

He has us barreling towards WWIII and has destroyed our reputation on a global scale with our support of genocide in Palestine.

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Joe's crime bill is absolutely fascist.

Your lack of support for Democrats may end up empowering people who will throw me in jail just for who I am

Your support of Dems is what prevents a real opposition to fascism.

You’re entitled to your opinion dude, but you were a major dick here.

Truth hurts, don't care.

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Imagine watching that debate and saying someone is a clown for not voting for them.

The poor is the most clear. Also black people, just look at our prisons, and the crime bill Joe Biden wrote

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You're right, misread

No, you can vote for whoever you want. You all on here are too lazy to gather support for another party.

I'm voting for Jill Stein. And I got one out back.

it’s better than not having to scratch to find it.

There's no need to scratch. They openly support the genocide of children.

The real fool is the one that puts no effort into change.

Right, you should educate yourself.

The US repeatedly told Israel

While sending them 3 billion a year, if they wanted them to stop they would threaten to stop sending the money.

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Incredible win for Mexico, viva Morena!!

I agree 100%.

I am, Mao was right about landlords

Yet, in an odd twist of history, it was Newt Gingrich, one of the most conservative speakers of the House, who laid out the blueprint for the Affordable Care Act as early as 1993.

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Thank you for dunking on all these ignorant western chauvinists in this thread.

I use it in my car

I'm voting for the Green party because of your post, thanks!

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The only way to change that is to vote for candidates that support other voting systems like ranked choice voting.

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Then you're not a green voter though

I do understand simple politics unlike yourself. Obama made no effort to mobilize his massive base that got him elected to put pressure on those senators. It's not your fault, you just are unaware of the power a president has. That's okay. You've got a lot to learn. You won't learn anything acting like a child on the internet though.

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That's a lie. They only got a small fraction of the sick time they demanded, and that's only for some workers not all. Now you use those exploited workers as a political tool.

Very hypocritical considering your previous comment.

Yeah pretty much lol, I don't know why people believe this without any sort of technical data to prove these accounts are Chinese, shouldn't be hard to do that, then you have to prove they're actually working for the government and not just some of the 1.4 billion people there that can use VPNs

I'm not pretending we have ranked choice voting, in fact I know we don't, that's why I vote for candidates that support ranked choice voting.

I'll be voting for the candidate that does in each level of government. The greens would run more congressional candidates if you would support and fund them instead of voting for their opposition.

Where were you December 2019? 2015? I was voting green and supporting and donating to the greens.

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Source: your ass

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Voting for Biden is a sure way to show support against ranked choice voting, instead you could build support for an opposition.

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if all third-party voters had instead voted for Hillary Clinton.

You mean the Libertarian party that got 3x the votes of the Green party? They aint voting for Dems, ever. Same with Green party voters so your argument is void.

In each of these states, the number of third-party votes was significantly higher than Trump’s margin of victory.

Most of which are libertarian votes, also you are not entitled to any votes, that's not how it works.

I’m not trying to place blame. But I am trying to suggest that we first need ranked voting before we can have more than two parties.

Which is why supporting and building the Green party is so important, so we can fight for RCV.

If you want Green (on Election Day)… you get Trump.

If you don't want RCV or universal healthcare, you vote for Biden.

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Except Nancy Pelosi, remember when she cried on the floor of the house because Pelosi made her vote for Iron Dome funding?

You clearly do not understand politics. You asked for a tactic, I gave you a proven one. Get over yourself little one.

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I agree, it's shameful.

That didn't work, Bernie is an independent that tried running as a Dem, but undemocratic super delegates and a biased media stopped him.

AOC and the justice democrats also failed and do whatever Nancy Pelosi says

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Congratulations on throwing away your vote

You're doing way worse than throwing away your vote, you're voting FOR genocide. If you and other Dem voters who want to feel good about yourself weren't cowards and voted Green we wouldn't be perpetuating a genocide in the first place.

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