
0 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's because they're still in the early stage of enshittification, "first, they are good to their users."

I hope my pessimistic ass is wrong; only time will tell. I just feel like some part of Proton's marketing strategy doesn't do it for me.

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Old Bioware stuff, aka action RPG games that put importance to story, lore, companions, and my not-so-guilty pleasure: romance.

I have a lot of emotions about the upcoming DA: Dreadwold.

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Respect 👍

More people need to learn how to gracefully accept mistake like you did, even myself.

I left r/popular and r/all but lemmy still not yet an adequate replacement for non-tech niche hobbies and interests.

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Persona 5's title screen, feels like the characters are all waiting for the player to start the game and do some shenanigans.

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I appreciate the plot twist. 👍

It's my first time hearing about JPEG-XL. What's the file format name? '*.jpeg-xl'?

Can I create it with Adobe Photoshop?

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Wait really? Is it on the stable version or do I need to install beta/nightly?

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I know you're just being hyperbolic, but there was a time when using Chrome was a smart choice.

Okay, I'm OOTL. Are the other comments being serious or just sarcastic? Why does this game garner so much hype?

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I wonder if this source of mental health decline i.e. anxiety and depression:

The researchers posit that social comparison with peers is behind those results

means that social media such as reddit (ugh) or lemmy have less negative effect or a different one? I don’t think I have problem with social comparison by browsing lemmy but I do feel like I still spend more time than necessary. Some kind of FOMO I guess.

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It would take times, the more informative content we have (even the what's your top 5 thing posts) that common people use search engine to look up for and find, the more we will get exposure, just like how reddit find its audience. Imo, as long as lemmy doesn't get into front page of search engine, I'm afraid the number of lemmyverse users that migrate from reddit won't sharply increase unless reddit does more fuckups. This might also mean, there will be inevitably one or a select few big lemmy instances that will get more exposure.

In any case, it's not necessarily a bad thing; Lemmy (and kbin) needs a lot of improvement to be accessible to most people. Let people that are tech-savvy and those who are passionate in open-source projects improve it first. Otherwise, others will try and find lemmy too complicated to use as it is right now and not interested in using it later down the road.

Just my 0.02

Hey, I like your dedication for the AESTHETIC and Kamen Rider. 👍

Just for the sake of clarity, the poster isn't from beehaw, only posted on beehaw community, so chances are they can go straight to the BG3 community in lemmy.world.

Thanks regardless! Didn't know there's a BG3 community already. I'm still in fence about buying it because of the price and my massive backlog, waiting until the full release and maybe discount further along the way 🥲

Hopefully the worst it can be is a reddit-clone and not other big social media. I wish there's a better way to aggregate all lemmy posts and make them searchable in search engines. I reckon it's the allure of reddit, the random collection of information and discussion from ordinary people you can easily find from search engine without (or at least, less obvious) marketing ploy to sell something. That's the one thing sadly can't be replaced by lemmy yet.

Maybe there should be a universal lemmy search engine for that? Not just to search communities but also for posts and comments (outside the search option in an instance because it's limited to communities that are joined by the members of that particular instances). I'm not sure how difficult it's going to be.

I can see your comment from my instance page :)

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You can even make a complete sentence that makes sense with symbols and numbers.

"Ronaldo doesn't grill 76 Canadian Tacos."

Or whatever

Reading what you previously like, I assumed you would prefer something that focus more on gameplay than (usually text-heavy) story.

If that's the case, then I don't think Ace Attorney or Professor Layton will be up your alley. Maybe Professor Layton is better because it has puzzles but tbh the games' vibe feel geared more toward kids, I still enjoyed the mystery though.

My recommendation:

  • CrossCode (I'm playing it right now, loving it so far. Classis JRPG visual but without the sluggish turn-based combat, I predict it's going to be quite long)
  • Gorogoa (Pure puzzle, kinda short)

I have use this and I can vouch that it works on most instances; I moved my subscriptions from another instance to mander.xyz using this tool.

But I also have another account in a smaller instance and it doesn't work. I'm guessing that instance hasn't been updated.

I'm more inclined toward predatory money-lending companies myself.

I don't even dare to hope for Dreadwolf to be, at least, as decent as Inquisition.

Can anyone enlighten me regarding Firefish? I tried to pick a server and there are servers with "beta", "alpha", or nothing on their mini profile on the join page. Which one should I pick based on what?

Also, I'm still not quite sure abou the connection between firefish, calckey, and misskey. Are they the same thing? Honestly, I haven't done any research.

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Is this a D:OS2 reference

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I wonder who is behind this and what's the intention.

I don't have fixed schedule, I just occasionally check for any available updates for my apps and individually update each app. App that I think isn't worth it, I uninstall. Useless app that rarely updates will stay in my phone longer than the one that does.

ML = Machine Learning

DL = Deep Learning

The link works perfectly! Currently, there's still no way to link a post from other instance that can instantly open the fetched counterpart post in the instance of the user opening the link.

Haha yes, you can see who are the madlads posting at 3AM with 5% battery left. Also, so much personality in just a simple homescreen, love it.

Offline translation, nice. I'm gonna miss Opera GX stylish theme but I'm ready to ditch Chromium-based browser again, at least on desktop :D

Edit: I'be checked the add-on, unfortunately my mother language and other popular languages are not supported yet.

Very informative. Thanks for taking your time out to wrote all of these! 😄

And it's doubly dumb knowing the conference's topic. All vapid posturing. I hope I can be proven wrong.

Thanks! No wonder there are a lot of Japanese servers there. I'll try making an account now :)

The former. I would love to start these online communities but I don't have the time nor emergy to maintain them; I'm barely browsing reddit and lemmy as it is.

For now, I can only compromise and use reddit.

For anyone wondering, FMT = Fecal Microbiota Transplants.

It's exactly what it sounds like; through oral or rectal.

Thanks, didn't realize it's an add-on. Much better because now I can use it on Librewolf. :D

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Thanks for reminding me. I used RES and curated my reddit page to only subreddits I personally followed; I forgot that many redditors have different experience than mine. Most of subreddits in r/popular (or is it r/all?) are just user engagement machine. I agree that's probably not great for mental health in a long term.

Hi, if it's still possible I would like to get an invite too