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Joined 1 years ago

The main rule was that if you visited the sub you had to post a meme before you left, (obviously unenforceable) but that's why all the posts have "rule" in the title. It ended up being a very queer friendly and fairly horny subreddit, somewhat notoriously so lol

Nah not just one company. Reddit, Twitter, basically every social media, streaming services, every site adding stupid ads and auto playing videos, etc. It all adds up

Great! That'll be awesome for the two people that bought it

The irony of this comment duplicating 😅 but yeah you're right, there needs to be a lot of streamlining first

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The whole thing is fucking deplorable

If this is the case then what's actually the point of it?

Using Sync, which just released, you can filter instances you don't wanna see. I did the same with lemmynsfw lol

Meh, while I totally get what you're saying I think there's something to be said about these stepping stones between dying closed source platforms and developing FOSS platforms. Especially since most content people are used to and want to engage with is on said platforms. Not everyone wants to jump onto new platforms with learning curves, but this is an in-between for the people gaining awareness.

That, and having a fundamental disagreement with the way a platform is run or what telemetry they harvest doesn't mean I don't like the content there. Social media has been a constant battle between the owners, the content creators, and the regular users. At the end of the day people use it for community and connection, even if venture capitalists are hell bent on destroying their product.

goddamn you 😂

The account is specifically for mocking people, thus the name. They take someone to direct their hate at and that translates to real harassment. It's built to hurt people, especially LGBT people. Groups built on "destroying the woke mind virus" are a scourge to humanity.

StartAllBack is good but I personally use and prefer Start11

If you can sideload Android apps SmartTubeNext is a great option

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Some people (myself included) tie the music they like to a part of their soul, and exposing that to someone who may treat it with complete disregard feels very vulnerable

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I mean, I feel like we're already seeing attempts at Stage 7. I live in California but damn it's fucking scary being a trans person in America right now.

How is that Google's fault?

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This is the first I'm hearing of this, interesting

bitcrushed wilhelm scream

Incredible article. Thank you for sharing!

Probably just depends on how websites or apps handle it? I'm using Liftoff and that's not a link for me

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I'm going to see it in 70mm on the 28th and I'm sooo fucking excited! I got center seats near the back too, it's gonna be epic. I wish there were more 70mm IMAX theaters so more people could experience it but I understand why there aren't lol

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I hadn't heard of Clipious before! What are some of its advantages over SmartTubeNext and ReVanced??

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I know 😔

Relevant Vsauce video

I had that issue with Jerboa a lot so I switched to Liftoff, it's much smoother!

The apps I've been using have been glitchy, or at least's performance is, so I keep going back to Boost just because it's such a great app experience. I haven't been going to it as much though, it feels a bit ruined for me. Like there are still great people and communities, but I feel like I can't engage now because it gives data to the admins. And the quality of content overall has gone down between some subs still being dark, other subs protesting by pivoting to joke and NSFW content, and a lot of high quality users moving to Lemmy.

For the most part I avoid negative content, but I was on a lot of subs that had to engage with it (r/LGBT, trans subs, etc) Plus I like to be kept aware about what's going on with legislation regarding human rights in the US so that can be a bummer I guess but I don't blame the platform for being the messenger. So I haven't really noticed a mental health shift but I have been trying to move away from reddit and do other things I enjoy, so I guess that counts? I've been reading and playing video games a bit more which is really nice.

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Same, that was a slight glimmer of hope in the pile of shit

It does kinda feel like a porn site! Dirty and guilty almost, useful in the moment and then you realize you don't really wanna spend any more time there than you have to haha. It makes me a little sad though because I feel like I've learned so many interesting things there, found so many niche hobbies and communities over the years. But like you said it's just a website and at the end of the day it's the humans who make the communities. Doesn't matter who's hosting it, I think we'll always find a way to gather and share cool things with each other. I'm hopeful in that way for the future of the fediverse.

And yeah, finding something better to do with my time other than feeding my addiction to information via infinite scrolling is definitely a good thing. Data paralysis, info stasis, whatever you wanna call it, is numbing and and I think so many people use it as a crutch and vice because life is hard and inaction is easier.

Hmm interesting, it probably just needs to be updated

I used Nova for years, but it felt increasingly outdated so I switched to Action Launcher. Then it too started to feel outdated after a few years so I switched to Smart Launcher, which I've been loving. I miss AL's side drawer but SL has a lot to offer if you want something slick and simple, with custom widgets and layouts. I recommend you check it out!

I just used PowerDeleteSuite to overwrite and delete my messages. I've also been using reddit for about 11 years. It feels sad in a way, like I'm losing a friend. The communities could be really great sometimes, and it'll take a while for the fediverse to truly catch up in terms of growth and features. I left my account active so I don't lose my saved posts but it might as well be dead, the app is garbage and the site is dying.

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I've never actually seen anything in 70mm IMAX, so idk! But I love the vibe of analog film and the way it looks, so to experience Nolan in the way he intended it at essentially 16k resolution is likely going to be incredible. Five hours is quite a lot though, especially to then watch a three hour movie. Maybe if you made a weekend out of it and stayed at a hotel or camped somewhere? I'm lucky that the closest one to me is only a 45 minute drive

Ooh that'll probably be really good too!!

Ah okay that makes sense

how the hell did you and the person you're replying to get your names to look like that

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