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Joined 1 years ago

I guess that’s something I didn’t consider. I kind of feel like that is still creating an us vs them mentality though…

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Yeah, especially the last few years E3 really felt more like fam service than anything else. Doesn’t make much sense from a corporate perspective, huge cost and probably not as much gain to offset it.

Literally cannot believe this is how they handled things… very sad day! Worst part is, I’m sure they will be just fine and get the IPO they desperately want.

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I mean not get too far down that rabbit hole, but I would argue that we are all human beings first and we all belong to many different groups, not just one.

And I think you’re missing my point.

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Yes yes yes yes yes.

I’m a 32 yr old male with ADHD, chronic pain, past trauma, sleep issues, low testosterone, and haven’t had much stability in my life for the last 5 years. I don’t think I could have gotten through it without therapy. A good therapist will help you work through your thoughts and emotions and feelings and give you the tools to be able to function and get through those times when you are overwhelmed.

Please feel from to reach out if you want to talk more. I’ve been where you are with deciding what to do and would love to help.

In the mean time I have a couple books I would recommend that really changed my perspective.

Man’s Search for Meaning
Extremely powerful, written about the human experience from a survivor of Auschwitz.

The Untethered Soul
Probably opened my eyes more than any other book and helped me immensely with the day to day stuff.

Iron John
(Not sure of your gender) This book is about what it is to grow into a man. Not a manly man or traditional man or anything like that, but a real man who embraces his masculinity and femininity. Talks about how we need something more than our parents to grow. I think it’s still a amazing read no matter what gender you are because it does help make sense of why so many men are the way that they are.

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This makes a lot of sense! And I would argue if you just met me you would 1000% put me in the normie category. Buuut if you got to know me you would come to find out I’m a goofy uber nerd who works with a bunch of software engineers and loves technology and gaming and reading scientific journals on particle physics.

I quite frankly don’t want to be in either group because the entire concept of normie vs not normie is kind of silly in my opinion.

To me how you are talking about this is kind of exactly my point. The “normie” you are describing just sounds like an asshole and I think that’s the negative connotation and exclusion I’m talking about.

What would you categorize me as? I surf, skate, lift weights, travel, was in a fraternity at a major university, have a beautiful wife and live in suburbia in California close to the beach, started my career in finance and sales (not anymore though). On the flip side, I have ADHD, I have a masters in pharmaceutical sciences, I work with a team of software engineers, I game, tinker with my PC, I read scientific journals on particle physics and a ton of sci-fi and fantasy, I read tech blogs every day, I love the fediverse, etc.

See what I’m getting at? Like it is totally creating an unnecessary and unhelpful division in my eyes.


Right that’s the vibe I get too!

I have definitely seen it used outside of that. Again, I think the effects are largely unintentional but from an outsider looking in could be very off putting.

Love everything about this haha

Yes, that is exactly how I feel! It honestly makes me kind of sad because I truly love how awesome of a space a lot of these communities are and I think people don’t realize the effect that words and attitudes like that have on the greater experience and vibe.

Hmm. I think you’re right to an extent. I think the gatekeeping you’re talking about should come from the server level and block anything from meta or from other servers with those kinds of people.

Using the word “normie” can be off putting to people we do want on this platform which is kind of my point.

Definitely elements of this resonate for me, but that’s why I think it’s just silly. They are a needless way of creating division where there doesn’t need to be.

Ocarina of Time. Sometimes emulated, some times OG N64 and sometimes on the 3DS. Fav game of all time

I think Fidelity is cutting those valuations independent of the protests though. I have a feeling they will all (or a lot of them) make a pretty penny. I know my buddy that works there will!

I just worked this last week from home as I was sick… losing my mind! But that could also be because I couldn’t leave the house… lol I don’t know how you all do fully remote!

Seriously! I just want a college football community or magazine!!!

Yes and yes. Prey was so freaking cool. I wish it was longer!

Yes I definitely think so! Feel free to reach out any time:)

Amen! It’s my childhood.

For streaming, nahhh. The bigger screen is nice though:)

Honestly though, I still think it’s 100% worth it. Gamepass I mean. I recently switched from console and got my first gaming PC. I literally leave it hooked up in my living room and play with a controller anyways.

Gamepass is a god send especially since I don’t have much time to play. I can at least try out a bunch of games and if I get bored I’m not out $60+.

Seriously excited for this! Not enough easy to play couch multiplayer games. We used to play a crap ton of Crawl and nothing has quite scratched that itch. I know vampire survivors is coop instead of versus, but still!

For sure! I’m heading to a wedding, but I can put together what I know for you. It was a little weird getting it going, but honestly works way smoother than gamestream ever did.

Start here. I can find my sunshine settings and send a screenshot too. The key for me was getting it to work over the internet securely. I ended up creating my own vlan with zero tier one. It installs like a vpn on your mobile devices and when you connect to it, all your devices work like they are on the same network. (Sorry if you already know how this works). I trust it more than any other internet streaming and I have to manually approve each device that connects to my network.

The thing that got me was you have to use the IP address of your pc as the server name for moonlight, not the name you were using with gamestream.

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I get that this is all blowing up and very publicly, but I’m worried that there is still far too much traffic going to Reddit to make a huge difference. There will have to be something else drastic I think to really force them to do something.

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I started with just a $15 clip for my Xbox controller, but after a couple weeks of that I got annoyed at the awkward weight and holding my controller. I ended up spending the money on a gamevice flex because it has bigger thumb sticks and grips than the backbone or kishi. Still around $100 I think, but it was 100% worth it, if not necessary. I’ve also used my switch pro controller hooked up to my iPad. All of the controllers worked flawlessly, just a personal preference thing and value for $.

My team is hybrid, but I try and be in office most days! I’m lucky that my manager doesn’t mind if we do work from home when things come up.

As long as the work gets done, that’s what matters! Which is how I honestly think it should be.

I’ve been so tempted to do this, but there are some long stretches without lyrics and it’s a fairly long song too.

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Ain’t that the truth.

Lol oh I have! It just hasn’t won out over the gaps and length

Yeah I feel like it got a lot of hate when it came out because people didn’t get it. I really loved it, but then again I still like Alien 3 and Resurrection soooo…