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If I really wanted to keep it I wouldn't use glue I'd put part of a balloon or a finger from a glove on the spatula and force it back in. IMO any kitchen utensil that's 2 parts like this will always fail quickly. I believe that's a force fitting with ridges intended to keep it in so slightly enlarging the piece that goes in will recreate the tight fit

I use hotel water for 2 things when I travel; showers and toilets. The 2 or 3 liters I drink is nothing compared to those. But I imagine Americans and others from areas where water isn't restricted take much longer showers and we have a habit of leaving the tap running while we do stuff like wash something or brush our teeth. That being said I'm heading to Barcelona in fall and I'll try to be mindful of my water usage

I was T-boned on my motorcycle. Like you, the driver had no malicious intent and I felt kind of bad for her as well because hitting someone is traumatic too. I tumbled about 60' down the road and spent half a day in the trauma unit in the hospital getting tests and images. Her insurance was not enough to cover all my medical. After about 6 months of care which hit around $200k her insurance was tapped out. I did sue her insurance company but there wasn't a lot there to get due to Michigan insurance laws. I didn't sue her but I did get what I could from insurance. She may be screwed trying to get car insurance in the future but I'll never walk normal again and may never be able to work in my field again. Don't leave yourself short. The future issues may be worse than expected.
My son had a similar accident to yours. His shoulder and elbow were pretty mashed up and he is pretty much back to normal now. Hopefully your recovery is as good as his was. Being young helps healing a lot.

Imagine being the copy that has to work while one does the family and one is traveling. The ethics of making a copy of myself that is for all purposes a slave would be really weird. Enslaving copies of myself, what a concept. Oh, also one needs to be kept on away for organ needs as I age or get hurt and one with a master copy in case the main "I" dies unexpectedly. yikes

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While we continue to give arms to a country committing genocide. Welcome to AIPAC power over US citizens

I've been 90% sure I was getting laid off a few times. I contracted to one of the big 3 auto companies in engineering/IT and head count reductions were pretty common. Three times it was our department getting cut. I was not overly expensive, did a lot of stuff to fill in gaps, and found ways to improve our teams so I always thought even if something happened to this team I could always land on another team. Once when we were at a site loading engineering sw on the servers my boss asked if I would mind training the sw to the plant the next day. I ended up switching from installs to training and did that for almost 20 years. I was originally hired as a systems analyst. I ended my career working in a manufacturing plant supporting the sw I trained and installed. One of the advantages of working for a large company is they have so many roles to fill and once you learn all the processes/systems you have value at a base level that can be used in many positions

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Fuck our politicians and their collusion with Israel in this genocide. Our damn oligarchy masquerading as a democracy is getting to grow old and we need to change and take control of our country through voting which starts in the primaries so we get true progressives in instead of people who want to go backwards or rollover to those with power or money to control our democratic institutions. Yeah I'm looking at the damn DNC who control our only reasonable hope for change. argh

Zionism is the belief that Jews have the right to all the biblical lands. IMO everything else is semantics.

For the last few years I've been going to festivals that avoid fricken Ticketbastard. They're still expensive but at least the money is going to the people putting it on instead of some corporate heads and hedge funders

The driving in the hills of southern Ohio can be pretty nice. I used to spend a lot of time in the Dover area. Michigan and Ohio were my sales territory for a few years

I run uOrigin, flashblock, JS disabled, No Overlays, and DDG's privacy ad on's and I have no problems with YT

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I've been tempted to sign up as well so I can stream to my TV through their app. I can block anything I want through my PC but smart TV's are too locked down for my technical knowledge so I get ad's which is unacceptable

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I'm an old fart but we learned a lot of languages in school from simple Basic to Cobol, to RPG for corporate reporting, then Pascal and Fortran for engineering, and finally C for the future. And then of course I ended up hired and placed on a DB team to write SQL for years after being hired as a C programmer. But I do feel my years in Liberal Arts majors helped me in many ways through my career and gave me a lot of flexibility to keep finding a niche as the corporate entity changed goals and methods. I trained engineering sw for about half my career and couldn't have done that without my non computer education

Israeli and extremist Jewish lobbyists have monstrous power in congress.

If you live with the Yaqui indians you can turn into a raven. /s Obscure Castaneda reference

So it's like going to the hospital. Arghh

I also run disabling addons for java script and flash as well as an overlay remover in Firefox

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I got my first notification on my Win10 Pro box today about support ending too

Yeah, I'm still sitting on my Roku for the time being. I keep all my other TV connections dumb so my TV and Blu Ray don't have my WiFi info. I did finally get a HDMI for my laptop to connect to the TV to watch racing on YT without ads which is an adequate backup option now. I have studio monitors on my PC that are better than the soundbar/Sub on the TV, but when friends are over the TV works better for watching stuff

Not all of my Ad On's are for YT, but yes I run a JS blocker and also block video's and sound on all sites except YT

I went to college in Daytona Beach in the late 70's so I have no idea how many I've been with. Maybe I should have kept a list. /s The last 40 years has been easy though as I've been married for that long.

Boston, the Cars, but there are so many one hit wonders imo

The answer is in there, maybe if you squint a bit you can see it. I was also fairly sure I was getting laid off a few times and continued to do my stuff and kept staying around.

Those pop up pages that prevent you from seeing the underlying page. It doesn't happen as often anymore but it's nice to have a way to remove them

For desktop motherboards I've usually gone MSI but my gaming laptop is an Asus and is a little over a year old. It's worked perfect since I got it and I've had zero problems with it. The Nvidia GPU and laptop fans sure do sing when I'm playing games though

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I actually do have an MSI laptop. I forgot I had read so many negative reviews of the Asus that I went the other direction. After posting that I got on my laptop and realized my mistake and remembered the negative reviews about them

It depends on the Michigan winter. I didn't put my snow tires on my car this year but I'm also not commuting to work every day anymore. I use all weather because they move water better than regular tires and the transition between cold seasons can last well over a month.

I have some weird rabbit hole ideas about Reddit doing what it did and when. I think all public spaces are being restricted if it can't be controlled as wanted by the powers that be, Reddit was outside that power and WB may be the biggest example and how stocks were played out there did not follow the designed path which was disliked by those who could restrict or stop it. I resisted leaving Reddit because I almost felt like it was designed to get us to leave the public space. But I was really spending too much time there and I feel a lot better by not arguing about issues instead of discussing them.

Odd. I'm able to listen to music there still