63 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The number of times I got asked if import/export can be used instead of sync

Oh snap you're right, thanks

Don't you know this rock band: the father, the son and the holy spirit who made mother Theresa pendant

Forbidden loofah

a tech illiterate old friend of mine in his 60s got tasked with changing his simcard for new one. But the network just didn't appear. Long story short after 3 hrs of headbashing I asked him to send me the photo of simcard itself

that was a valuable afternoon for my humility

nano-simcard rotated 90 degrees forcefully inserted into standard size simcard frame which is missing micro size simcard frame

alt text: nano-simcard rotated 90 degrees forcefully inserted into standard size simcard frame which is missing micro size simcard frame

note the right side of simcard frame bulging out

::: spoiler for confused in terminology :::

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Bloody banking apps. I'm sick of them not exposing any API to make third party apps.

alt text is added, cheers

And when it doesn't work, they ram it HARDER

and then people wonder how porn stereotypes can be harmful

I enjoyed this vid and as a contribution I'll spare y'all loading 20 MB of youtube JS ::: spoiler imgur embed :::

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Shift from "diet" to healthier nutrition. Meaning slowly build a habit of eating better without overwhelming oneself.

If you eat out, inquire about more diverse menu options. Less processed food, more protein and fiber.

It's a journey, it takes years, don't rush it and you'll be surprised of the results

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::: spoiler joke explanation it's a response to colleagues putting skill of nocode / zerocode platforms in their CV and demanding onpar compensation

"subzero" here plays a double duty bc it's a cool character and also bc code, you wrote but was never used, should be counted as negative work i.e. subzero code



Chrome be like:

You sent me to this rabbithole and here's the relevant issue for those who are also interested github

TLDR: devs are on board, PR is being actively developed and reviewed. ETA is unclear but is sooner rather then never later

Love the label SMART SOLUTION ?


Sinclair success is amazing and all but the hype train is overhyped. Most of currently living will get a chance to see their grand-grandkids but immortality? C'mon

Gulikit kk 2 pro and Vader 3 Pro

No hall sensor sticks at this point is just wasteful

Heard of hexbear, lemmygrad and trio? Somehow western tankies (who never seen communism in full height) decided that current conflict aligns well with their ideology ๐Ÿ˜‘

Syncthing - to synchronize your game saves with local devices Nextcloud sync - same but for cloud Browser based YouTube - have to use chrome because it supports touch scrolling

Check for debris and cloggs anywhere you can

Unfortunately, there's noone who would respond to that. Everyone knows about ux problems yet noone knows how to approach them. Those who can help, usually do so with pull request -- and even if not merged right away, they give base for future attempts.

Open source needs quality contributions to move further. However if one cannot solve any "good first issue" by themselves, tossing $5 into the donation bin allows devs to hire those who can solve those.

Once critical mass of contributions is achieved, you get wikipedia, vlc, blender etc: dominant players with no close proprietary rivals

Thanks! I'm interested in more information detailing your vision.

Any criteria for identifying sweet spot projects where the funding is "almost right": non over or under funded (where each donation matters the most)?

That's great that you spent some time researching this -- good job, I didn't know about this caveat, thank you for informing me. However, I have no affiliation with the company and recommend to ask about this issue from Beeper team directly.

I originally started with protein diet and casual gym goings. Gym forces you to eat more protein and use up a lot of excess calories. Also, you feel energised and mentally uplifted.

Once you're few months into gym routine, you'll read up more how to hit your macros, how to restructure constituents, how to manage appetite. For now, this all Will overwhelm you and you'll have trouble sticking to any of it. I know I did.

Since you're at the start I suggest simply start noticing healthier options. Do it intentionally for few weeks before even doing anything. When you put more effort into this, you'll discover your own ways how to eat better without the need for fixed "diet".

Maybe they agreed on different license (paid for it) with element directly

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thanks for chiming in, don't forget to take your antidepressants ~~

Would be interested in more detailed followup about the search. Anything in particular stands out?

Alternative title: "Marco Rubio hails rape and incest as a solution to population decline"

Newsblur is foss app with sustainable business model. Has Android on fdroid; but desktop is web version only

a bit misleading wording that states there was no available jak3 inhibitors on the market: there was since the last year - baricitinib

Project: Joplin !

What it does right: Focus on user experience by aligning aims of product with aim of users.

Everything it does is foss, however its main revenue achieving product (cloud sync target) is focused on convenience rather than vendor lock-in. So it incentivizes the project to cater to its users.

What's so unique about it: due to lack of monetary incentive a lot of oss projects simply forget about the user and serve mostly to themselves. They fail to listen to feedback because listening to feedback means loss of resources rather than gaining them. As a result many critical bugs are unfixed for decades and UI is so dated no new users want to use the product.

TLDR: don't forget to create revenue generating module along with the main foss product

Ah yes indeed

Suzanne, tell those gentlemen who say "FBI OPEN UP" to come later this week

me: *searching for happines*

internet: you know paralysing yourself for life could work, just saying...

What helps me to do a project efficiently is to focus on limitations first: be it the budget, size, materials or tools. If I have the everything ready to create a prototype right off the bat, I do it and iterate on mistakes.

This structures my mind and makes creation process to be more challenging/rewarding

To quote Linus Torvalds "**** ***, Nvidia"

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It might be -- the image is not oc I just used it as a template ie posted a link to it and added my caption

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Replied above in the root of post replies