1 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This right here. When the company I worked for got bought by them our code got "blue washed" by a team hybrids for lack of a better term. They ripped the shit out of our code. It took us years to unshitify it.

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Examples: I turned on the duckduckgo protection, opened the official app and visited a couple posts.

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My nuts would like to disagree with you.

One that inserts a comment randomly about jumper cables or the lochness monster

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I'm using a self hosted installation using docker thats not open to the internet. Its only open to my internal network. I would strongly suggest not making it public. Especially if you have datacaps on your ISP.

However being paranoid about being IP banned by Google I took it a step further. I'm using Gluetun to host a docker container that runs proton vpn and allows other docker containers to connect to it and use the vpn connection. Also has the benefit of being a http proxy.


LOL I always used a picture of Nicholas Cage. Troll face should have been obvious.

Sr Quality assurance engineer. Specializing in ui and api automation. Also admin over the qa/dev lab.

Devs/Jr qa. Its like herding cats mixed in with toddlers eating crayons. While telling support to do their fucking job. I'm not doing your job too while you browse youtube/play games. And no I'm not pocket IT support. File a fucking ticket you fucking pinecone.

All this while raining hellfire down on dev in the form of bug reports.

6/10 up from 5/10 because they still employee me, I got a raise and they started bringing free snacks and drinks into the break room.

edit I'm a fucking pussy compared to Fondots comment. Sorry man. I would probably headbutt a pencil over doing that.

Final fantasy 14 The main story quests were amazing. Especially loved the shadowbringers storyline.

Customize it?

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Oh I thought for a second there was a choice between green and pink. Hopefully that's changed soon.

undefined> When we got home, my dad was so upset that he beat me unmercifully with a set of jumper cables to teach me a lesson - you shouldn’t expose the family to such nonsense he said. Needless to say I will never rely on online bots for movie times with my family again.

LMAO you bastard!

Bluewashed was a IBM term. Since IBMs main color is blue it went with everything. Bluetape, bluewash, blueshit, etc. Bluewashing to them was taking a program/app and doing a series of things to fuck it up.

  1. Strip out any code that might get them sued.
  2. Strip out any "bad" or "funny" comments in the code.
  3. If easily possible replace things like Apache for IBM HTTP server. Wildfly/Tomcat for IBM Websphere.
  4. Product must have an installer even if you have a product that the customer doesn't install. There's probably more that I blocked out but thats the tl;dr of it.

Oh speaking of Blueshit. If you wanted to order something like say a laptop dock for your new laptop. Try to order it through their "buy on demand" system.

Me: Ok its for my laptop so I can get work done.

Them: (Some asshat in Denmark) Denied, workstations are not allowed docking stations, mice, additional monitors etc.

Me: "hold my beer" Resubmit request: Lab equipment for the REDACTED lab, to support multiple monitors in the test environment.

Them: (Someone in France) Approved! You should see your equipment in 2-3 weeks.

Me: WTF??

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Yes but think of it as a company with mostly infinite resources to infinity shitify

Yea its pure insanity and greed. This is just one of many examples of why I have dual piholes on top of ad blocking extensions.

Fuck off twat

Hey tell your "god" to stuff it up their ass just like you need to k thx bai.