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I think amenities fees should be illegal. When I asked what amenities, they said "housekeeping, the free wifi, the exercise room".

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It is likely to disrupt shipping in a major US port. This will have repercussions throughout the economy until the port is fully reopened.

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Can't they just remove Tuberville from that committee? The fact they don't shows they are complicit.

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You know how Trump likes to project? First the whole birth certificate thing, and now this. I'm becoming increasingly convinced he is an illegal immigrant.

When you are campaigning to establish a dictatorship, you don't need down ballot candidates to win.

How to make a terrorist. 1. Remove their voice. 2. Suppress their opinions at every level. 3. Ignore anything they say. 4. Leave them no outlet. 5. Leave them no peaceful means of expression. 6. Let that fester and simmer for a long time.

The main Russian news organization is call "Pravda", which is Russian for "Truth". Their social media arm therefore, translated to English, would probably be called "Truth Social".

He is not even from Alabama and doesn't live there nor own any property there. He lives in Florida.

Fines will teach those people who have no money to get more money.

When I lived in Idaho clothing stores were not allowed to put women's underwear on display. Women literally had to leave the state to buy underwear. (This was before Internet commerce became mainstream - back in the 90's).

Maybe the world's problems would be saved by now if you hadn't distracted her. Thanks a lot.

What do you think we are spraying when we spray for mosquitos? Of course it is to help the little flying pests turn Christians gay. Really. Have you ever seen the mosquito population actually go down? Do you really know what is in that spray? You just assumed, and now you too are gay.

Often the VC's, if they have control of the company, will bring in "gray hair" managers to try to turn things around. The kids formerly running the show may or may not stick around. The first thing the gray hairs do is cut back to a skeleton staff, cut the snacks, and even coffee. They'll try to sublet the surplus office space. One startup I worked at had a fire sale on desks and laptops and such. I got some good deals. Infosec goes out the window, as do most new features. You trim back to the barest minimum infrastructure and staff. If your books seem reasonable, then they try to sell what is left. It can be very strange being one of 5 or so essential staff left after 50 or 100 of your coworkers are gone.

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I'm guessing it doesn't run on chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese.

Partisan gerrymandering only works if people consistently vote for the same party regardless of the candidates. It also helps gerrymandering work easily is that we only have two parties.

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And you'll notice a direct correlation between ultra conservative religion and extreme poverty.

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"One day at a time. One hour at a time. Let's just get through this one little task."

Find a conference that specializes in your tech. Network like crazy, hand out cards, and give a talk if you can. You want to build a personal brand with your most interested potential customers. Be prepared to state how much you would charge and to do some back of envelope scope assessments. Follow up with the people you met after the conference is over. Organize a tech meetup in your town too.

They are going to lose it even more when they watch the new Willie Nelson/Orville Peck video.

He was also closely connected to Epstein.

Some people are above the law.

There is a movie coming out in a few months about a US Civil War:

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I believe you can grow them as long as they are more than 150 feet from a white pine tree. The plants were originally banned because they were blamed for some sort of disease that jeopardized the lumber industry.

Didn't he get convicted of fraud for "Trump University" already?

The Supreme Court is setting them free however.


The next one since they completely ignored the last one - and got away with it.

Biden is a neoliberal centrist. If leftists vote for him it is because they have no other choice. It is why his support is so weak at the grass roots. And so strong amongst the capitalist elites. His far right opponent is a racist and crook, but runs a strong populist game. Those are our only two choices.

I think it would be uncanny if a partner didn't grow, age, and evolve with you and the world around you. Nothing seems to stay the same. While one dimension may fade away, others emerge. If you are lucky, you get to grow old. Daydreaming about starting over, trying something new, and feeling young again is natural. At least with current technology, it is mostly just daydreams.

When he was CEO his travel budget was over $1M per year. I always wondered about why he needed to travel so much, and how he could still do CEO stuff too. He was legendary for his flashy cars, wanton disregard for traffic laws, hatred of anyone he deemed unattractive (to the point of firing them), and insistence you listen to hip hop all day while you worked.

There is a strong movement to hold a constitutional convention before the next election. It is backed by a right wing group called ALEC. They think they have a loophole to make it happen and the new speaker of the house backs the idea. I think if they had a wider majority it would already be happening. They will rewrite the rules to ensure a hard right anti-civil rights candidate wins.

I've been using Alacritty (on Wayland) for the past few years. I like it's customizability. My only real complaint is that there are times when I really miss having scrollbars. After reading this thread I'll have to give kitty a try. I think I tried it a couple if years ago and was not impressed, but maybe it has gotten a lot better since then.

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He won't win. By honest means anyway. If we rollover and let him cheat his way into power we deserve what we get.

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You can already return complex data structures using jsonagg and recursive queries. I can see wanting to make that easier and more intuitive to do. Current sql does not restrict you to just 2D table data structures though.

The "Internet" isn't actually a thing. You can disrupt large portions of computer interconnectivity by targeting popular service providers and the larger traffic hubs. Because there is no central junction or single vendor or provider it isn't really something that can be completely shut off in one brush stroke. Note that television and voice calls and all money uses the same infrastructure. Selectively shutting off somethings and not others would be even harder.

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I hate fixing other people's code. It is one of the reasons I don't like letting an AI write my code first draft either.

It is less about being on the fence versus being motivated to actually go vote. Most people are like "whatever", and "my vote doesn't matter anyhow" and "if I vote, I'm going to get jury duty". If the politicians can't get people to vote, they lose.

It is usually my first choice card for things. I think they have the best customer relations, web site, and terms of the major card companies. I really hope Capital One fails to acquire them.

White males from privileged backgrounds for "the win". Too bad for Florida because it's been proven over and over that a diverse organization has a strong competitive and productivity edge. At least the white boys will have somewhere to strut.

Having looked closer, kitty just looks too complicated. I just want a nice terminal. Kitty doesn't have scrollbars either. I'll stick with Alacritty for now.