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Joined 13 months ago

This story sums up America. Stupidity and guns.

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Sounds like a murica problem. Maybe you're getting too much freedom already?

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This is a reminder that paying for a subscription means t&cs can be changed. You aren't buying the engine etc just a license to access/use it for a period of time. Stop buying subscriptions!

It's not too surprising that a country that had a civil war over 'employment laws' is a bad place to work.

They should also ban religions indoctrinating children.

I'd say that's its because there's only really 1 country that's going to buy it in large numbers but the reality is it's the standard ea tax. Stop buying it every year or stop complaining.

I can't believe I'm saying it but but I'm with Google here. They are sub-cons so negotiation would surely go through their employer who is cognizant. I'm a sub-contractor, I'm not gonna go to the client and ask for a raise, I'm gonna go to my employer. Maybe it's different in different regions but if I asked the client for a raise in the uk they would probably just laugh at me.

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Isn't pumping the price kinda the job of sotherbys/auctions?

Simpsons already did it

Indeed. That still happens. Just you have to have a valid reason to fire them. Not liking someone is a petty reason to fire someone. Not doing their job is another thing altogether.

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Just like your example was. There was a case in the UK like 15/20 years ago where a farmer(Tony Martin seems to ring a bell as the name) shot an intruder with a gun(legally owned). He was acquitted.

Probably the same teens paying stupid money for trainers that someone scribbled on with sharpie!

This is silly thinking. Just because you can't be bothered doesn't mean someone else can't and do a good job. You should probably YouTube component level repairs before wildly stating that 3rd party techs can't do it. They already do it but it's a bit of a learning process for each device due to the lack of documentation etc. Provide docs and access to parts and it's then alot easier for the people who already can do these types of repairs and then we can all create less ewaste.

Shock. Man who doesn't pay his own lawyers lied about paying for other people's lawyers.

It's an excellent... Simple... note taking app. Don't ruin it google

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Yeah because text is a form of communication that is really easy to get subtext/tone from /s

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Using amazon for it's reviews? Isn't that one of the least trustworthy aspects of amazon?

An interesting take. It seems that plenty of people in congress care about at least one of them... Can you guess which?

They robbed Elon in the deal? They accepted his deal. He robbed himself!

They live in one? Kinda /s but only a little

Bastion of freedom of speech so long as you are a yes person!

Is this a surprise? Many gamers unironically use the PCMR term. We all know where master race idea came from. Even those that use it ironically often reveal themselves when talking about BLM etc.

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They weren't hungover from the 70s, they were too coked up in the 80s to get round to hangovers till the 90s

Yeah people happily pay over the odds for worse experiences these days.

Leasehold is a con.

There's a big difference between the EU and Europe though. Not all of Europe is in the EU!

I still find it amusing that America made it to the moon on the back of the nazi who created the v2 rocket.

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You did well on the first one. Now you are just obviously trolling.

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Maybe not the best name. Second harvest is also a term for eating shit!


What options do you give them since nova got bought? I'm assuming nova is no longer an option you give.

4a 5g here. No idea. I want a mid level phone with a headphone jack that isn't filled with bloatware. Apparently that's hard to find these days

Fair point. I'm just desensitised to Americans killing each other for stupid reasons nowadays.

Why are American religo-fascists allowed so many? They only want 1 you big meanie! /s but only a little

Repatriate them to the USA? No, sorry, that was after the war....

They got rid of the Facebook account requirement. You now can use a meta account instead. So kinda better as I defacebooked myself and the meta account is only used on the quest

So don't buy a console at all then?

Yeah, when roaming makes more sense.

OK I'll bite. Noone is being forced to work together. If you don't like a colleague you can find a new job. But you can't get someone fired just because you don't like them, that is petty, selfish and childish. You seem to be taking extreme examples. Try looking at how the world outside America actually handles employment law before making wild assumptions that protecting employees from mini dictators means that people are forced to work together.

Is this really that much of an issue? Chill out buddy. It's text on a website. We're not murdering anyone.