1 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I seriously don't know how Danger 5 didn't get more popular, it's one of my favorite shows

I think piracy is copyright infringement. But like who cares if some big corpos get infringed upon by some dudes.

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They seem to just make everything worse, and I don't think anything only eats ticks. Not to mention the diseases they carry.

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I like to crisp up my burrito in a pan after I roll it. if you brown the side with the opening first then the juices trying to escape soften up the tortilla enough to get cooked together. It's like welding a burrito shut.

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I see Jersey schmucks up here with their pavement princess trucks getting stuck in the snow all the time. I see locals in a Corolla or fiesta or other tiny light car make it just fine in deep snow. One of my bosses at the ski mountain used to drive a mini Cooper an hour to work every day.

This is a skill issue.

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I don't know, maybe I should be angry or something. But Activision/Blizzard have been pretty shitty for a while now. This will just be more of the same and more of me continueing to not buying their games.

Haha, my browser is called curl

Is this bait? Because like, you could be rendering, simulating, running virtual machines. Lots of stuff that aren't web browsers also eat ram

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Well usually more people means a higher bill, more people is more work. Lots of places even just add gratuity to the bill once a group size is large enough.

But tipping is dumb, and working in the service industry sucks... I have no easy solutions.

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Are you proposing we move from cottagecore to goblin core?

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Born just on the cusp of Gen z, so I'm debatably a zoomer. But weren't pagers a big thing in hospitals for a long time? I certainly saw them while watching scrubs as a kid.

Or that children are being sacrificed to them. Crucification was a state punishment, so maybe they are trying to say that governments are complicit in the crime? Maybe?

Or maybe that children are our saviors/future, but they are being sacrificed on the backs of these topical issues?

Art is hard.

I mean most people from the US ask "What the hell is wrong over there?" About Florida pretty regularly. So clearly the other 49 states also have no clue either.

That's why I bring the cute women mountain biking, and then they complain when we have to bike up a hill...

I read Birmingham and for a second thought this might not be in the US, oh how foolish I am.

I used to think that gun laws/ownership in the US was workable, I know lots of responsible gun owners, and have shot a couple guns myself. But I'm just tired of all these mass shootings, at this point maybe we should just get rid of them.

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I live in upstate New York, just about every town has a golf course. I personally love the game, but I honestly don't think their that bad for the environment up here. For many people it's their third place.

Like we get plenty of rain, and most I've been to are nestled near the edge of the forests. The APA regulates the shit out of what you can do. And it's really not much of a waste of land. If I want to go for a hike or trail run, I have dozens within biking distance and maybe even 100 within 30 minutes of driving.

It's farms and their cow shit fertilizer releasing gass and it's runoff polluting the watershed that's doing the most damage around here. But like I say, the APA does a pretty good job most of the time.

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It can be surprisingly difficult to get good crust in the US. But I can understand not always wanting to eat the crust in America because some pizzarias just don't care enough to make a good dough.

I use a safety razor. Never had a nick and replacement blades are so cheap they may as well be free

"Yep, you'll have that on them big jobs."

  • the contractor probably

I can't remember so much of what used to be me, it astounds me sometimes. But also it doesn't really bother me. The me I am now was shaped by what was regardless of my knowledge of it. Those past parts of me have passed through me, and new parts are yet to come.

I guess I'm just not a very sentimental guy.

Stop referring to myself as old...

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I mean, getting in shape has made my knees feel better. And when I talk with the grey beards they corroborate. If the pain is muscular fix your muscles

Even if you're forklift certified? Or other heavy equipment operator (crane, excavator, front loader, big truck)?

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Wow, "treat cops as if they are criminals"

That's a piece of advice I'll share around

College towns usually mean that the town doesn't have any identity outside of the college. In some ways that's nice, because you have a big community right there. But in other ways the town won't really do anything without the college.

Sorry it's been a really long week and the brain worms are getting to my language center...

Why not synthetics? Sure they smell worse than wool, but a synthetic fleece is very warm and will stay warm even when wet, and will dry faster than cotton.

I've been called an idiot here a couple of times, but I think I'm drawn to the irrationally angry people

Yeah, I didn't particularly enjoy base fallout 4, but I could see a lot of potential there. It felt like "if only I could change these things, then it will be good".

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I thought they were talking about the lamprey project, but no! Nexus has their own cross platform launcher downloader thing. Super stoked!

Why would you get 12 months off for the duration of your 9 month pregnancy? Do babies take longer to make in other parts of the world?

This law is about when you have a fetus on the inside, not a baby on the outside. Maternity leave in New York is only 12 weeks however, which sucks.

I did not know it was a trend or whatever until reading all the comments. But I probably think about the Roman empire most days.

Yeah if it lasts more than a couple minutes I just walk away, my presence is not wanted in that conversation anyway.

Smells like bitter almonds, which smell like bleach. (I really hope I'm remembering the contents of this video correctly, because if I wasn't, that would be embarrassing, but I don't have the time to check right now)

I think it has to do with the st. Lawrence. But yeah the queebs are weird.

I was trying to mention things that weren't just web browsers. Since it seemed the comment was about programs that use more ram than they seemingly need to.

Edit: There's like photogrammetry and stuff that happens on phones now!

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Just listened to it. Yeah I get it

Bloat is just a meme, it comes from a time when sysadmins would need to optimize every aspect of a system to get the most out of it (like not using vi, because it took up too much space/memory). You will never need to get that much performance out of your machine.

I try not to install programs all willy nilly. If I want to try something new, I'll fire it up in a vm. I mean this about programs from 3rd party sources, and compiling from source. Anything in the repos is good and will uninstall cleanly too.

On fedora you get more programs through RPMfusion. It's sort of official, but also not. And you can also check out the copr repository, this is more like fedora's aur. Opensuse's open build service also sometimes has packages that work for red hat systems.

When I first started I wanted Linux to work just like Windows. It took me a while to shift my perspective to the way Linux people do things. I don't know how to speed up that process though.

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I don't think anyone can be so familiar with the Japanese language and culture to fully understand gintama. It's still amazing tho

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I really want to make a joke about C, but I'm not a very good programmer. Maybe:

"A magical tome that makes you feel insecure."

Weight and weight distribution are both important, but a pickup will usually perform better in snow with more weight, like 500 lbs of sand in the bed usually does the trick.

How you apply power to the road surface is also very important. Not enough weight and you will just spin tires. Break too aggressively and you lock up. Pedal to the floor and your tires are spinning. Overcorrect your turns when you start to slide and you'll never get back straight.

My car is a little older and actually drives better in snow with the traction control off.