7 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

A kind reminder from Germany: If anyone tells that they "didn't know what they were getting into" and that "it didn't seem as bad, they cant really mean it" and "time in power will pacify them and they won't push through with their claims" - we already had this story and these excuses. I hope that we all can prevent the fascists from getting into power. I really don't want stuff I've read in history books to repeat in my lifetime. The more people know about P2025, the better - but to be honest I fear that most will just ignore it and go on with their day.

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My eyes...

One of my classmates did the Hitler salute and exclaimed "Heil Hitler" - an expression which is (rightfully) penalized in Germany, where I live.

The guy was a son of our local police officer.

He didn't got expelled, but he had a very stern talk with our school director. I presume that it was made clear to him that if this ever happens again, he's out. From what I heard last, in the last few years he was really ashamed of what he did when he was younger. I sincerely hope he is doing okay now - he got into the police, and people like him who recognize that being right isn't cool are needed.

Coincidentally my school is in Dessau; our city is well-known for producing Zyklon B, a lethal gas used in KZs across Germany, and a "case of sudden self-igniting" of a migrant called Oury Jalloh in a police cell. Obviously all the camera footage of that cell randomly broke down, there was blood found in the dining room and the guy didn't have anything to lit himself on fire with. But that all obviously is just a coincidence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not a good city to do the Hitlers salute in (if there ever was any, which - surprise - doesn't), tbh.

That changes my perspective on them a lot. Well, another lesson taken - don't jump too quickly onto conclusions.

Yes, I agree. In the end, Reddit lives off its reputation, just like every social media platform. Seriously, is there an effect that when you're long enough the CEO of a company, you begin making decisions where it is obvious that they will negatively impact the user base and thus long-term survivability of a company? Is there a term for that?

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Thank you. That is the day when I'll finally stop using Reddit. I never have thought that bots write that realistically, so thank you for proving it.

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I've delved way too deep into the fall of the Western Roman Empire. I think I know a lot about Majorian, Stilicho, Aetius and Ricimer. My gf at this point even knows who Honorius is and why he was a bad emperor. Edit: and that he had chicken :)

When I saw the meme "How often do you daily think about the Roman Empire", I knew that it was about me, because the answer is yes :/

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Am I the only one who gets the feeling that this is kinda dystopic? Like come on, this just gets crazy. It amazes me that some people think this is an ethically acceptable way to earn money.

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We met in college. We are in the same class, and just sat together.

Funnily, I wanted to organize a D&D round, so I texted in the common class group if anyone was interested. No one publicly replied, and she felt sad for me - so she texted me privately and told me that she hopes someone answered me. That's how we began texting and talking.

I think that's a cute story :)

Let's see if we hit 512 at some point - I'm rooting for ya!

Seriously, is that how far we came?

laughs in LineageOS

But seriously folks, you can survive without Google Play Store. While it definitely is sometimes not easy and there are obstacles put in your way, after a certain time you learn to accommodate. And I have a peace of mind knowing that no one is selling my pictures to data foraging companies God knows where.

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Probably in context of Meta and Threads, sadly.

That sucks, dude - you get a hug, if you want one hug

Correct me if there is data suggesting otherwise, but I dusagree that the "not kill" laws are stupid - I think the problem is that shelters don't have enough funding to care for all dogs. A law which protects animals from getting killed cannot, in my opinion, be a bad law - because every life, even that of a dog, is worth fighting for.

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Obligatory recommendation for uBlock Origin and Firefox :)

That is true only to some extent. Frances Wright, who admittedly lived later than Washington (1795-1852), was one of the most vocal public abolitionists in the USA to the extent of my knowledge. Specifically, she was a feminist and abolitionist. Both she and Jefferson were Epicureans and knew the sources well, but she drew other, more ethical, conclusions, and supported the fight for abolition.

It is important to keep in mind that she was living later than Jefferson, and thus had access to different sources than he did. However, her example demonstrates that it was not impossible, even back then, to recognize that owning slaves was wrong and unethical. While I agree that it was typical for the elites to do it regardless, I want to emphasize that the sources to recognize that slavery was wrong were already there. Many people simply chose to ignore it.

Thus my stance is that it definitely was a sign of the times that it was widespread, I think the defining feature of the time was that people chose to ignore ethical conclusions. It isn't just a sign of the time that people kept slaves - it was sign of the time that people chose to keep slaves even though they could've recognized that it was wrong and unethical.

I hope my point is understandeable. Just adding my two cents :)


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To defeat the Huns... But seriously, I am amazed at how quickly these changes go. It almost seems that they don't really care about the impact of their actions ;)

Uhhh, that sounds really nice! I think that also explain why I personally dont have the feeling that it is completely derailing, like a lot other companies. In the end, while I'm not the biggest fan of Valve, I'm more than willing to recognise the impact they made, especially for Linux gaming. Without them, we would be in a completely different spot now. I'm sure that these kind of decisions, which oftentimes turn out to be industry-changing, are facilitates by this organisational structure.

So yeah, thank you Gabe for not making the company accountable to shareholders and actually not completely driving your user base against the wall. It is highly appreciated.

Movie: Interstellar and Inception. Great mind-changing works, and they really influenced (especially Interstellar) how I perceive the world. Very deep, but also very "on-point". Book: The Cloud ("Die Wolke") is a book about the consequences of a radioactive catastrophe. It is written in German and is a young adults novel, and when I read it it really stuck with me. Game: Morrowind - great game, very open to interpretation. It has a lot of very deep sub-tones, but also doesn't go overboard and stays a game. Big recommendation :) Also Locks Quest as a video game - it is kind of a tower defense game, but also with a character ark. I really like it. Music: The OST from Locks Quest. I always listen to it when I'm stressed, and it is really nostalgic to me.

I agree. And another exodus will happen, especially when Reddit will finally go public.

Yeah, I've seen comments about that as well. Thanks for calling them out - it is really important.

I wouldn't say ChromeOS can be clarified as Linux for the sake of this number. While it of course is bases on the kernel, it still is in the hands of one company and definitely not free software. While we may talk about ChromiumOS, I would differentiate here for the sake of control over your OS.

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Very good criterias! I think OP posted a great question, and your philosophy seems to be a very interesting merge of a virtue-based approach (that A/B is always good/bad) and an utilitarian one. I like it at a lot :)

Oh what?! Oh my gosh, these are terrible news. For all not in the loop, here is an Article.

I am really disappointed by this. This is just such a bad monopolistic practice that I'm wondering how in their right mind anyone from Reddit decided this was a good deal to make. On the other hand, it is Reddit, so what did I expect :/

Let's see how long we'll keep it up!

Great idea by the way, OP :)

Yayyyyy, we've done it!!!

Yes! I fully agree. And it feels just much more... Enjoyable. Because if a post only has 10 instead of 1000 comments, I'll actually read them and react. And gosh, the few discussions I had on Lemmy were very nice and I actually learnt something new.

I think you raise a good point, I agree. Especially that the problem is very systematic.

I think I am deeply troubled by some of the comments I'm reading. I absolutely agree that Trumps ascent to presidency is a huge threat to democracy, and it's important to do everything we can to stop it.

But in my opinion it is extremely inappropriate to wish someone dead, even someone as harmful to American Democracy as Trump. No person deserves to die for things they've done - this is the main reason why the UN urges its members to outlaw the death penalty. And when I read comments that people would want the killer to just do one job, or that he shouldn't have missed, this doesn't work with my ideal of respect for the human life.

I am really sad about these comments.

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It sounds absolutely and completely overpowered for a phone... ... Well, what did I expect ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hmm, I get your point - I think you're raising a compelling case.

I think, for me it comes down to the belief that only very, very few dogs are so aggressive and dangerous that no intervention will be able to change that. I (with great reluctance :) )agree that if a dog will never be able to get adopted, it is responsible to think if it would be more humane to euthasize him. But there are also far, far too many cases where dogs are killed because there just isn't enough money or interest in them to give them special treatment and care so that they can e.g. trust humans again and not see them as danger.

I also agree, however, that it would probably be a good idea to implement limiting measures to the amount of dogs out there, so that the problem isn't growing in scope - e.g. those you proposed. In the end though that can't be the solution to the moral question "is it okay for us to kill dogs with whom we haven't tried all in our power", it can just be a supporting factor so that we can avoid making these decisions as much as possible.

Yesss, do so! Labs are absolutely amazing dogs. Of course there are different dogs, but my lab has really made my life so much better. He has just never ending cuteness and happiness that he will make every day better. So I really wish you two the best of luck, and that your dog won't steal too much food from the table ;)

The joke never gets old ;)

Thanks - I appreciate the support. And yes, I absolutely agree.

Yes, absolutely.

And you know what?

I love it, just the feeling of actually engaging of people. Something I didn't have on Reddit. I think it really opens my eyes on how much our attention gets commercialised.

Interesting! I didn't know this existed, but I can align myself pretty well with this terminus. Thank you :)

Thank you! I really appreciate it. I think so too, especially because learning history provides one with a better understanding and contextualization of current events. I'm still wondering why exactly I picked the Roman Empire, but I also think that's a pretty nice topic to delve into :)

Once again, thanks for your comment - it really matters to me!

Very interesting article! Thank you for sharing it.

Just FYI, I can still access Reddit through the Infinity app on F-Droid on Android. I don't have a clue why or how, but it works.