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Joined 2 months ago

Whether or not he meant to say migrant or n- is irrelevant. It’s up to us citizens to create these stories so the mainstream media knows of the suffering of non-whites.

Whoever was controlling the camera needs to be fired.

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For real? Haha that’s awesome. My angelfire ones are all gone

Archive the entire thing and start over.

Solution? Pump those animals with more antibiotics!

Under Trump, American cities didn’t get the support they deserved. Infrastructure week was made into a joke.

But under the Biden-Harris administration, Mesa has seen historic federal funding for the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, along with investments to make sure our streets and public transit systems benefit from modern technology.

With the CHIPS Act, Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden are delivering thousands of new jobs to Arizonans and helping us grow critical industries.

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James Donald Bowman is his birth name. Tired of this ‘woke’ changing names agenda!

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Maybe after this all the various Russian teams will finally be banned completely. Country is full of cheaters anyway.

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I think it’s fucking wild that injecting ketamine into someone is acceptable

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Indian wife

Woke name change 1

Woke name change 2

Dolphin sex

Eye liner

‘Are you racist? Do you hate mexicans?’

Move onto land that isn’t yours

Cause the people to fight back

Hide as others battle in a war for you

Get mad when policy changes and you have to fight

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Weird project and weird people

They hate on James Donald Bowman’s Indian wife. They hate on that Sikh woman that spoke at the convention. Who actually believes they will hold back regarding the opposing parties’ black female nominee?

Edit: Oh this article is about the elected people in the party. Not the actual members. I guess we will be seeing more BS from right wing ‘news’ as a work around.

They have a concept of hardware

JD Vance would be able to find this guy in like 5 minutes

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Rumble is trash and should be avoided. It’s just right wing jerkoffs

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This mofo is so WOKE he changed his name TWICE.

I’m a dumb stoner with a lifetime of unhealthy food, booze and drugs. People make me feel like Einstein.

James Donald Bowman

Not Duncan but we dunkin on him

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Remember when Khaleesi was a popular name?

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That’s interesting because it seems cops have no problem injecting lead into people

This guy just watched the Awesomo 3000 episode of South Park and thinks it’s real.

It was made in 2020, James Donald Bowman wasn’t even a senator yet

And shareholders approved that massive pay package lol

Already bought my first house and not planning on having kids. I’m cool with this.

Gabbard loves cults

Grassley is turning 91 in a month. Probably mad he’s gonna die soon so he wants others to join him by not having healthcare.

Another weirdo

I wouldn’t be upset if he gets shanked

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Really disheartening to see. I know when an animal dies out back in the woods or field because the vultures, while super fucking creepy, all chill up in the trees and take turns swooping down on the carcass. They pick it clean.

Vultures definitely have an unfair reputation, I don’t even think they are ever aggressive towards humans or really anything living.

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The billionaire in question?

Garth Algar

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China is better at hiding their cheating than Russia.

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You know what else limits spending? All those dead soldiers won’t be paying taxes, working, contributing anything to their country. Big brain decision making over there.

Oh cool, a pic of animals that get tortured

Lmao I remember this half assed coup attempt. It was almost as pathetic as the one in the DRC. Weird timing on the charges considering what’s going on there right now.

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Hungary and now Israel. Where’s Logan?

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