I believe it’s a legal thing where HR has to track the ethnicity (if applicant discloses) due to equal employment. Basically the US federal government wants to know if a company is discriminating against a protected class during hiring and employment
LK-99 is a room temperature superconductor. It’s a big deal, because it means that energy can be transferred with 0 loss and it doesn’t require loads of cooling to maintain that property (unlike “traditional superconductors” that need liquid nitrogen and other cooling to have that property). An analogy would be like if you got paid all of your paycheck all the time instead of having taxes taken out. The money you get paid is energy and the loss is taxes
There’s controversy that LK-99 can’t be replicated
Going over to the programming side, sometimes you’ll work on a feature and when others go test it, it doesn’t work. A common excuse heard is “well, it works on my machine”. Docker containers solve that problem by essentially (but not really) making a copy of “my machine” and letting people run the program/feature on that copy
So the joke is, if the korean researchers were able to create it in their lab environment (their machine), why don’t they just make a copy of their lab and let others use it
this is a very gross oversimplification, so feel free to suggest any corrections