3 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One of my best monthly expenses. I also appreciate being able to block low-quality domains from my search results.

17 more...

How about two batteries that can be ejected and swapped without powering off the device? We don't need to wait for super-capacitors today.

iPhones... someday. :)

Long Covid Symptoms

Check the long list of just the mental Long Covid (aka Post-Acute Squelae of COVID or PASC) symptoms:

The ER Connection

Recent findings involve research with the endoplasmic reticulum that appears to go off the rails when over-stressed breaking the mitochondria within a cell robbing it of ATP production and increasing lactate (related to metabolic acidosis) in the body:

My current reasoning is somehow to recover you've got to pace yourself just enough to encourage new mitochondria to form, but not so much that you experience PEM/crashing. The ME/CFS people have been discussing pacing for years. So:

Fail With

  • staying in bed for weeks doing as little as possible (a very slow success?-- mitochondria aren't encouraged to form)
  • trying to train it away with exercise/exertion (a quick fail-- the stressed ER will break mitochondria and flood body with lactate and set you back with a slew of acidosis-caused symptoms that will take time for the body to resolve. e.g. kidneys excreting the acid, COVID diabetes from gluconeogensis of lactate into glucose in order to raise the body's pH away from acidosis)

Possibly Succeed With

This was a purposefully supplement-free/drug-free plan.

IBM's management hierarchy is deeper than the Nine Circles in Dante's Inferno, plus you get to use JIRA.

So, did that happen just before the Tiny Desk Thanksgiving talk? I don't think they ever really explained why he wasn't using the Resolute Desk for that talk.

This is a useful take: I too will use LLMs for search-- but not for search for journal articles with data and evidence. LLMs too easily confabulate these.

LLM-as-search is fantastic when you want a no-bullshit statistical result for what you're looking for when you're wanting an overview or interactive tutorial.

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I've switched to paid search with Kagi. Best standard feature is I can tell Kagi to block w3schools, mediumDOTcom and stackoverflow from my search results.

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(making a note for myself.)

SanDisk sells very pretty expensive plastic bricks that excel at disappointment and confusion (like when a USB flash drive decides to become permanently read-only).

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I keep the keys in the hand that closes the door they lock. No keys, no close.

I don't expect that from a month-old USB drive however. A month old USB drive that write-locks itself is a lemon.

Oh that's awesome. The drop-down arrow "disapeared" with my mental blinders-- I was thinking it was only a toggle for PDFs.

The pandemic whipsawed its de-facto function the other direction: before the pandemic, public education grew to become more of a form of subsidized childcare with added politics of mandatory curricula and mandatory testing. During the pandemic, the system forced already strained parents previously reliant on subsidized childcare to become teachers and were required to be on-camera attendants for their children to complete timed assessments to "prove there was learning and not cheating", which was even more problematic when you had more than one child-- because then you had to teach and assess N-child-different things during the day where previously each child was cohorted in grades with N-concurrent teachers.

The current system treats everyone like children because it never had the plot for effective education, "compulsory education" was for the poor and it was oriented to inculcating values for adherents of religion, loyal subjects of monarchy, soldiers for state, and drones for industry. If your family had money, your education was not from the compulsory design.

Ok, you piqued me: Got a link to a guide on using Kagi for the fediverse?

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Oh man, your demo gives me Hudsucker Proxy vibes ("You know, for kids!"). I'm going to have to watch it a couple of times to understand what pnk is doing here. My initial take is pnk is a DSL of bash functions that appear to be composing together Tkinter "primitives."

An "APL" for UI. Interesting stuff.

Absolutely doable.

So, is there an opposite "disease" where the deceleration-sensitive neurons are non-functional? What would that look like?

Add: Get the room as cool as possible. Feet and hands are great radiators.

I have the big SearXNG portal bookmarked ( ) but I don't find that I ever reach for it that often. Not being able to cull lower quality sites is just a little bit of extra toil I'm happy to pay to go away.