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Joined 4 months ago

What I like more is that it looks like only half the win10 users are switching to win11

Edit: -1% win10, +0.5% win11

Oh that's me. I'm tired and bored so I'll share my story.

I was "depressed" because of working an abusive toxic job and commuting 2 hours a day for dimes. While at the same time spending my free time in the doomerism of r/fvckcars

Filled out the doctor's questionaire and was diagonised with anxiety, and depression. I even had the bottle of pills before the hour was even over.

Lost the job, and swapped my pass-time from pessimistic r/fvckcars to more optimistics YouTube/notjustbikes

No more depression, never needed those anti-depressants because it was never a proper chemical depression.

To many doctors just want to medicate the symptoms and never bother to consider the sickness underneath.

Apple is highly restrictive on their OS and over priced. They are extremely pro consumerism with heavy marketing and engineered obsolescence to ensure you are always pressured to buy their new tech, and they are historically very strongly anti-right-to-repair.

Microsoft is bad. But at least they are primarily a software monopoly.

Currently learning dutch through Memrise on my phone and spaced repetition on obsidian.

Its slow going due to being swamped in school work. But i've found it more effective than my highschool french class ever was.

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Not loads per say, but the workers are exposed to more radiation than a nuclear reactor operator would be.

I practice polyphasic sleep and reducing blue light is pretty important there to avoid messing your circadian rhythm.

The community recomends wearing the orange laser protection glasses, the same ones laser cutter operators use. Because that's what glasses actually have to look like to filter blue light.

Dang most of these resemble my old reddit favourites.

I'd probably spend my time learning IT, computer hardware specs and maybe networking.

Maybe build a private file sharing | streaming service for my apartment, and start a website blog.

Perhaps also persue digital art and finally learn how to use vectors.

Maybe also make a YouTube channel and spend my time educating others.

But alas, im bound by my need for an income and will spend the next few years trying to persists as a (almost) new mechanical engineer bachelor.

I kept saying "yes but", as I read this. But then you said podcast, and I was like ooooh yeah I can do without YouTube. Just need my guys to ship their audio as a podcast.

Its insane that they've been rolling out crazy ideas every damn week.

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Not too bad. It was 4.5$ for one of those smallish bottles last I checked.

I need vivaldi workspaces and tiling on a non crome browser.

Slurp + grim.

Over, unless you have a holder that covers the wall.

The instant I'm out of school im deleting my windows install. I also have the sleep mode being useless because windows just wakes up sporadically.

What exactly are "all the clones" I know opera gx, and Vivaldi are on this list, but what other 'clones' exist?

Incase anyones looking for it, the background looks to be Azari, drawn my LAM.

Whats that icon pack? I really like the obsidian and firefox icons

I've used that mod. Its nice, but a bit clunky. It'll be great to see it seamlessly integrated in base game.

Its going to be fun