Joseph Grimaldi [Nikola Orsinov]

@Joseph Grimaldi [Nikola Orsinov]
3 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

My Microblog-Fedi:

(See it makes sense i have one that's grimaldi and one that's orsinov)

Calckey, a fork of Misskey, by ThatOneCalculator

guess i just haven't been a reddit user since i was 13 and depressed xD


I just set up mine! Because i'm soooo fucking based and so fucking cool :3

How about you provide me with a SOURCE!

Well here you are:

Eugen respondend though:

And there were other screenshots of Eugen saying he was meeting with Meta Maybe no secret deals- But an NDA meeting.

The thing is: the average person with admin skills can probably house 100+ users at almost no cost, or comfortably out of pocket

maybe a few donations soo thats what decentralisation hopes to achive

I am hosting this server behind a dynamic ipb6 address, which a script send to the cloudflare api every time it changes

As long as you have a DSLite ipv6 non-nat address, you can be on the web - with compromises xD

My parents are still behind a dynamic ipv4, which is not behind a NAT

Thank youu! We had a few funny ideas (19€/yr) (19€/yr) (taken) (48€/yr)

there were a lot other ideas but they were all taken or a bajillion dollars

Suree in the grand sheme of things getting a non-residential ip shouldn't be too hard

But i still think it's one of those pieces of red tape that have killed a lot of diversity

This is absolutely a reason to close your home server -i mean if you're buying an VPS anyway that uses the same bandwidth it would use with the server set up there

Why keep a server in your garage? And then you're not truely independent anymore, because of a small policy somewhere

I DO think garage hosting is an important part of an ecosystems freedom.

I can garage host fedi, and i AM in this very moment. For web services it's just DOS Protection that we need Men in the Middle for. Which is sad but, actually not an artificial requirement.

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That specific startup idea sound cringe though Idk it 's more about time investment that my projects don't get finished right?

If i would put in more hours they would be done products. Idk i'm a programmerand not an ideas guy so the work i'd need to do is quantifiable

Buttt executive function is hard

Thank you so much

Thats huge

It is! Block instance ...

Most germans are on, and they block residential ips. So it's impossible to send them messages. So i had to abandon my efforts.

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A VPS is rented

Thats like not understanding why people own a home I mean yah i coul get a static ip i guess that would actually make sense

?? This is clearly not what i'm saying. Residential Hosting is technically possible - everything works as intended, it's just that a tiny bit of extra logic on the recievers side rejects the delivery.

That's very different from...? Demanding the air? Hosts it?

I just think the requirement is red tape, and i have no idea why yall are so ready to accept, that you shouldn't own the machienes you run your code on, if you're not a company.

Suree, i am a bit oblivious, it may be that it's as "easy" as calling your isp. It's just that my isp never picks up, and sends the pinkertons after me to get me to stop calling.

A VPS is basically just a complicated way of making an account with a large infrastructure provider imo if i can't have a raspberry pi, that costs only electricity, and have it host an email server

the protocol is not open! at least it is more closed than i'd like - it's open enough for companies, granted

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?? then clearly, i CANNOT run an email server? without buying my way into a higher status of ip address?

i can host fedi from residential ip's, and that's a huge part why it's possible for us to talk right now (of course, i need cloudflares help for this, since i have no ipv4 address - but other than that)

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