1 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just tryin’ to get federated. Find me on and, too!

everyone knows scholars lead to education and education leads to a “woke” populace that doesn’t put up with this bullshit. gotta keep everyone dumb as bricks …

Not when it comes to fascists, no.

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I am 46 and started my career in tech but now work in another industry. I think it’s people with inquisitive minds rather than an age demographic. If there is something new and cool to check out in tech and it’s easy enough for busy people to understand I am all over it.

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Link is so non-binary

Because it’s likely theater …

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I have been told I have a dad bod and it does not look like Starlord. It does look like Andy Dwyer at his fattest, lol

Rotflol. Thanks for attending my TED Talk.

That’s how I found Reddit. Digg platform fucked around and found out. I hope the same for Reddit.

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Also the bean memes are not helping 🤣

Yeah, if you look at the backend re: things like Apple blocking tracking data it’s clear marketing can very much exist without a ton of metrics. You just have to be creative with the advertising. It also helps to be solid on the content and placement, ie where people are receptive to messaging.

Wait until he starts talking about how he didn’t do anything, it’s fake news generated by AI. He’ll say the hands are all wrong. They aren’t tiny

I just deleted my 15-year old account. I was on the fence because it was a part of my life for so long. I thought I’d just hang on to it juuuuussst in case. Today’s news about things made me realize I wasn’t even holding on to anything real. Now piggy can’t make money off of my contributions to Reddit. The last two weeks on here have been more fun than the last 7 years of that place.

I certainly hope this person is really in marketing. I would agree that a lot of digital “metrics” are a scam. It’s all in the presentation of said metrics.

However, this article is comprised of poorly-sourced anecdotes and full of buzzwords and conjecture. The grammar also makes me question the validity of the storyteller.

I can’t gate-keep “marketing” but buyer beware on this one.

Edit: hey to all the downvoters - I’d love to know why, specifically, I am wrong?

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I had the same worry but my first post on Lemmy got more traction than I thought it would! Just post about beans and you’re golden …

This is the first 18 years of my adult life. Closing that gap up now, though!

Phase 1 - Lemmy after dark Phase 2 - ??? Phase 3 - Beans

That’s my guess - a coordinated effort to look weak to root out any issues with the clans that run each area. Loyalty check and you get to fuck with the West’s head a bit. If Putin wanted him dead he’d already be dead. There are useful idiots out there and Putin loves to look better than everyone else around him. Reminds me of a former US President …

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I’m not sure if this comment is sardonic or sarcastic or genuine in tone so I can’t respond.

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One good comment deserves another. Cheers!

It is hard enough to love yourself without wondering if people secretly think your body is vile

I defer to you then. Thanks for sharing 🙂

The only thing I see social doing well is amplifying messages via cheerleaders and providing a channel for servicing the external client.

What will you do when that entire thing tips and crushes you under it?

I dunno - isn’t that essentially a jail sentence if uncovered? Misleading of investors?

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Does content from show up in my feed or do I also need to subscribe to the lemmit instance to see it?

Please also let me know when it hits TestFlight. This looks dope!

If you ran it through MS Word or Grammarly you would see it needs some help.

Toward my comment or the article?

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Oh, lol, yeah. I have been in marketing communications for almost 20 years across tech, finance, and other industries and there is a lot of jargon that’s worthless. I do agree with the author that much of marketing can be shooting in the dark and knowing when to actually do something worthwhile with ad dollars can be hard. Digital marketing requires specialty knowledge most marketers dont have.