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Joined 1 years ago

to be fair, the Raspberry Pi has never been pitched as an idiot-proof consumer appliance.

it is supposed to be a cheap way for people to get into studying programming /computing / electronics.

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the benefits of Bazzite are centred around it having good performance with nVidia / AMD / Intel GPUs.

RasPi doesnt work with those GPUs, so it makes sense Bazzite wouldn't support it.

While I normally don't give the Brits much credit, gotta say NI is not being held in the UK against its collective will. Your imagined cruel English oppressor holding on to land by force, opposing the will of the local population, is out of date in the 21st century.

Almost all Brit politicians would love to be the PM at the time of Irish unification.

Since 1998, the NI Secretary is obliged by treaty to carry out a referendum for unification as soon as polling indicates there's a reasonable chance it would get a yes majority.

It just hasn't happened yet. It probably will, within a few decades.

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"never" was specifically about the need for a passport, not the existence of stops. Stops were rare after the mid-90s, intermittently put up when there was a local bomb scare.

i'm "skipping" points that aren't relevant to the original claim, that today NI would be "free" if only England wasn't in charge. My point was that the GFA's principle of consent is respected by both the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and so the ruling class of England is not today holding NI against their collective will. Derry Girls had the GFA referendum in the final episode - please remember that was 26 years ago already, society has changed massively since then.

The main issue for most nationalist-leaning people (btw, in Ireland, nationalist always means Irish nationalist. nobody says "british nationalist", you say unionist or loyalist instead) these days is waiting for the Republic's health-care system to match the NHS in terms of affordability and quality. Everyday issues like that - most people in the north have a distrust of "the flag" being the most important issue.

Getting into alternate-history "could have ..." ideas doesn't change the real today. Nobody here suggested that, (for example) Orange marches were dealt with well, or Ireland has been treated well in history.

I did ask you what you meant by "set em loose", and didn't get an answer. Also "Welsh and Scots would def let it go" - again, what means exactly do you believe England is using to not let it go, in 2024? The NI Secretary will hold a referendum as soon as public polling indicates the time is right. Your "de-colonization" plan sounds like ethnic cleansing of the Ulster-Scots population who have been there since before the Mayflower reached America.

I do agree wholeheartedly that action should be taken ASAP to undo what Russia and Israel have been doing to expand their territories, while we're still dealing with the actual settlers, not their great-great-great-etc grandchildren.

sure, anything's good to get mad about if you just make things up.

what specifically do you have in mind by "set em loose", if not the referendum i talked about?

would you rather the six counties be "handed over" without the consent of the people who live there? how is that less imperialist than the Good Friday Agreement which you seem to be angry about?

a passport is not required to cross the border. never was. you just drive straight through, no stops since the mid-90s. I can tell you've never been to Ireland.

please don't talk to me as if I'm british.

Derry Girls is a great show, I'm glad it's popular, but it isn't a substitute for reality.

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That's a recent photo? There's absolutely no scratch on his ear.

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He only ever paid the interest, nothing on the principal, and the loan was forgiven/written-off before even the interest payments matched the principal.

This loan write-off is legally counted as "income" and if he didn't pay tax on it he's a criminal, and if the IRS don't investigate, they're not doing their fucking job.

Fabric Bellard's body of work is fairly strong evidence for time travel having happened already.

Or just genius.

the USA isn't really supposed to have political parties like you do now.

Washington and other "founding fathers" argued against a party system, and there are no references to parties in the Constitution or other original documents mandating how elections are conducted.

americans really just have to remember a long list of random numbers like how many ounces a full pint is supposed to be, huh.

i'm imagining a whole day of school like, "when people say nickel, they mean 5 cents, a dime is 10 cents, 12 inches is a foot, 3 feet is a yard, water freezes at 32F and boils at 212F..." and the children just crying into their notebooks by the time they get to miles and tons and acres.

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I'm Spanish and I don't fight bulls. I'm from Poland. Also you shouldn't call Europeans Spanish, it's considered offensive. And maybe stop saying Europeans eat pasta, we don't eat pasta.

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the letters are "supposed to be" for Latin, a language with only five different vowel sounds.

everyone since has just been making a bunch of shit up.

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it's normal for unstressed short vowels in English to all come out as a "schwa", which the most common phoneme of the language.

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A lot of words to to express "I'm an American who doesn't even have a passport."

Can't even imagine a walkable city, and talking about it like it's a far-off sci-fi concept, rather than a lot of peoples' actual everyday life. Yikes.

This one probably was a Ukrainian (pre-war stock) S-200 SAM - it was wayyy beyond Patriot range this time.

being "science" doesn't make make it harmless.

good meteorology supports military operations.

if it hurts russia's accuracy in predicting weather, it helps Ukraine's chance for surviving this war.

nobody says this particular action was a top priority, but every little resistance against the russian genocide helps.

i'm guessing because she's the only senator with a notable quantity of deepfake porn made of her.

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didn't know the album cover was from a pulsar. I'd heard a story it was some kind of ECG trace of a heart attack / someone dying.

still haven't got used to that being her actual name.

"the punchline is clearly trivial, the set-up is left as an exercise for the reader"

dude, you are a rabid nationalist, and it's affecting your perception of reality.

you're posting the same comment again and again, which doesn't even support your case, and totally missing the points that everyone else is talking about.

go for a long walk in fresh air, and maybe consider that your hurt feelings about what flags fly where don't outweigh the virtually unanimous decision of the people who have actually lived on the islands for generations.


Mehta sounds like Meta, Fasbuk sounds like Facebook. it was a joke.

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Whatabout if something imaginary?

been there once - saw a delivery of some big canisters of gas 🤔 has lots of excellent videos, a healthy community of creators, a sustainable business model, a lot of good communication between subscribers and management, and I believe is not in financial trouble so far. It's not free, but it's affordable.

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I was trying to help you see how you misunderstood, but sure. Beep boop.

there are several orders of magnitude difference between text-forums with almost all multimedia content hosted externally, and hosting/streaming video.

a big Lemmy instance is a manageable cost for a few well-paid people to run out of their own disposable income.

anything even vaguely approaching YouTube is not.

does it still stand? are Hamas using the same supply chain of altered pagers?

signs point to no.

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it's both. Williamson just tweeted today "Haitian voodoo is real".

i read it as - the Premium money is mostly going to YouTube HQ, instead of to video makers.

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prisons used to have treadmills to power machines. six hours a day, with rest breaks.

when there's an engine to replace that, of course they'd explain it in terms of how many men it could replace permanently.

saying "but look at how much power Usain Bolt can produce for a few seconds" is not relevant.

the hp unit is reasonable based on whole-day power from typical farm horses.

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One example that happens quite often is "look, Uyghurs are in forced labour camps in China", and the genetic fallacy response is "nooo that was reported by the New York Times which is an organ of western imperialism so it's all bullshit you're a westoid goon"

So now you're saying politicians should only be prosecuted by members of their own party. Go to a doctor, tell them your brain fell out, ask for help.

Pretending that civilian ships don't have people on board is a... weird tactic.

if you don't think (at least) Thomas, Alito, Barrett, and Kavanuagh are outright malevolent self-serving sociopathic evil - you haven't been paying any attention.

most of your country is nothing like your extremely privileged little bubble.

i doubt i would have time for cooking at an active orogeny.

real users just inspect the blinkenlights array.

Can confirm, at least for Acast distribution, I generally get no ads when I'm not in an English speaking country at the time of download.

However, iHeart podcasts are always absolutely crammed full of ads everywhere.

by analogy with goose,
