4 Post – 150 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm a systems librarian in an academic library. I moved over the Lemmy after Rexxit 2023. I've had an account on since 2009 (under a different username), and so I chose this instance out of a sense of nostalgia. I do all sorts of fiber arts (knitting, cross stitch, sewing) and love dogs.

Ah, I thought you were being racist against people who might sing a song in a non-English language.

Nah, it's just wicked repetitive and I hate it. I had a cubicle neighbor that played the radio and it felt like that frigging song played in a loop, alongside the "kars 4 kids" jingle.

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Feliz Navidad.

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USB hand warmers are your friend. Layers of clothing, so you can get less dressed once you get where you're going. If you drive in the snow, pretend your brakes have been cut and so you need much more stopping distance. Gloves that have capacitive finger tips so you can use your phone while wearing them are awesome. Walk like a penguin (shuffle feet, short steps center of balance always above your feet) on ice, so you don't slip and fall. Snow is reflective, like the ocean, so sunglasses are nice in winter.

I like you, Cock_Inspecting_Asexual. You have a way with words.

It's 4-wheel drive, not 4-wheel stop. (Ok, technically brakes can be on each wheel, but that still won't help in sufficient lack-of-friction)

I've definitely been going 10 mph in city, signaled to turn, tried to slow down, and just coasted past my turn because that's how fresh snow over ice behaves. That's with traction control and ABS.

Welp, that's my vocabulary lesson for the day. Screenshot:

Also, the dino in the upper right is cute.

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I thought it was disrespectful to wear your hat in church. Huh.

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I read an article about it recently. If a student asks to be called by a name other than the one they were registered with (for example, Benjamin asks to be called Ben or William asks to be called Sir Buttface) the school is supposed to inform the parents and get approval. A "side" effect of this is outing trans kids to their parents.

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They get really repetitive and don't add much to the conversation.

See the community I started at ! !
Lemmy member since 2023.

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Drunk driving isn't an accident.

Seconding the honorific "Mx". From what I've seen, it's decently well-adopted in the non-binary community. I've not seen it much used outside of that community--it seems to be used mostly when someone 'needs' an honorific but doesn't fit into the 1950s list. I've heard it pronounced "Mix" and "Mux". I tend to go with "Mix".

IRL, I've used "Hey, you" and "Yo!" when hollering at folks I don't know (example, "Yo! You dropped something!")

Sidenote: As a nonbinary person, I prefer not being given an honorific over being given the wrong one.

Minirant not directed at OP: And omg, if you need to go with a feminine honorific and you don't know whether the person is married, go with Ms, not Mrs. or Miss. The connotations of the wrong one are just creepy.
Not married and called Mrs="Hey, you're too old to be unmarried. Please feel judged about your relationship status"
Married and called Miss="Hey, you're too young to be married. Please feel like I don't respect you as an adult."
In all cases Ms="I don't know and/or care about your marital status and I'm trying to be polite"

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Robert Evans wrote a post on it and did multiple podcast episodes.

The TL&DR is that AI-generated children's books are crap, without a coherent storyline or any literary niceties like "foreshadowing" and "beginning middle and end". Kids are still learning what stories look like, so if you hand them AI-generated stuff they might know it's unsatisfying, but they can't put into words why their books are wrong.

I took it to be them anchoring in their own experiences and trying to use those experiences as a way to help others understand even 1/10 of what the Gazans are going through. Felt like it was coming from a place of support and empathy. I can see your interpretation too, though.

They have butter for their hot cakes. Sounds like it was adding butter packets to the order.

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The last elections in Gaza were held in 2006. 70% of people in Gaza are 30 or younger, meaning they would have been 13 or younger during that election. I don't believe the 2006 election can be held up as proof that the current population of Gaza asked for this government.

I'm still technically a mod for a small subreddit. I polled the users, they weren't interested in moving over to Lemmy.

(Edit because prematurely posted)

I'm still hoping they'll move over, but tbh it's a good bunch of posters on a niche subject and the mod team has never had to be too active. The topic had a been literally unmodded for years before the current mod team fell into it, so I'm confident we're not needed.

We're literally just a placeholder to keep someone power mad from becoming mod. (Long story long: founding mod abandoned sub, came back after years, was mad the subreddit didn't agree with his crap opinions, made the sub private, I and a few other posters made a new subreddit.)

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And iirc the historical reason it's not disrespectful for women to keep their hat on is that hats were much more integrated into women's hairdos. So, it'd be a whole production of removing hat pins, re-arranging curls, etc.

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Are you suggesting that

  • that Hamas is importing kids from outside of Gaza into Gaza, or
  • There's parts of Gaza that aren't an active war zone that Gazan children can be brought from ?

Yep. That's why I'm here again. My reddit app may work for now, but the writing is on the wall in bigger, bolder letters.

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Seconding--neat article. The Connecticut house looks spot-on. Kentucky... not so much.

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This last election, I googled the candidates and voted for the ones that hadn't tried to ban books at the local library.

I finally found a job that I enjoy and isn't wicked stressful. I'm looking forward to going in on Monday to fix a bug that reared its head over the weekend. It's lovely.

My previous job had little downtime, lots of deadlines, and paid more. I took mental health days a lot.

Current job pays 2/3 as much and I love it. I don't call out nearly as often.

I'm wicked sorry, I don't have a good answer. You could try Mx and see how it feels. I've dropped sir/ma'am for folks that I know, or that appear my age or younger. I still use it for older folks I don't know out in the wild.

I, personally, never take offense at being misgendered in a Southern accent if I'm called "ma'am". I grew up in the South and to me it just feels like someone's trying their best to be polite and I take it as intended. Sometimes I also just misparse it as "man", which feels a bit informal, but whatevs. Miss still feels creepy, but I get that less now that I've hit 30.

If you're working at a drive through where there's a customer/service worker dynamic, I'd 1. go with ma'am or sir 2. accept it if someone corrects you, and 3. recognize you're more likely to be yelled at by someone for using a 'new-fangled honorific' than for misgendering someone.

Edit: Oh! I have replaced "Thank you sir/ma'am" with "Thank you, kindly" and that seems to work for me.

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I debated adding a picture of my dog, but that felt like a bit much. Also, I never spent time on forums that allowed images in .sigs . They looked nightmarish.

See the community I started at ! !
Lemmy member since 2023.

I know I love making time on a busy work day to volunteer for a large company that doesn't respect my efforts. Maybe they'll send me a sticker or something.

Take a look at this daily brief put out by OCHA (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs). It's dated 6 November 2023.

Their "Data on Casualties" tracker is more detailed in its breakdown, but is slower to update (as noted on that page).

Edit: So, of 5918 adult fatalities listed, 2550 (43%) were women. It's not clear to me at first glance if the remaining 57% are men, or if there are some undetermined folks mixed in.

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It was surprisingly easy to get my dextroamphetamine prescription through a (local) telehealth doctor. Of course, I know I have ADHD because I'm not addicted to the meds and, in fact, keep forgetting to take then.

This comment made my Internet today. 🏆

Have you tried the "turn all your clothes hangers around so they hang backwards, then get rid of anything that's still wrong ways around after X time" trick?

Yeah, me, too. I just ended up with wonky hangers and an attachment to the stuff I never wore because I kept checking the hangers and seeing it.

I firmly believe that lack of exposure to people of different cultures or races leads people to be racist and not necessarily realize it. If you're never around X, how can you know you have an inappropriate reaction to X?

To illustrate this, I didn't know about my escalator phobia until I moved away for college. I entered the mall, saw these moving stair-things, and felt a deep fear in the pit of my stomach. I hadn't seen an escalator since I was a toddler and, if you'd asked me on high school, I'd have denied having a phobia.

(I've successfully worked on my phobia over the last decade, showing that changing inappropriate reactions is possible)

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Could be traveling and was dropped off at the terminal too early to be allowed through security. I've done that---got dropped off at Logan airport at 9 pm for my 6 am flight. It's when I could catch a ride. Ended up sleeping in shifts with some other college students in the same boat, all heading home for winter break.

I have a whiteboard on my desk. It's the only effective "to do" list I've found, for me. It's covered in chicken scratching. I erase stuff as I do them.

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Same! Well, TBH chicken often tastes gross to me (grew up with a parent that thought 'boil it in maybe-salted water' was the way to go). But there's plenty of non-beef options! Tofu, turkey, textured vegetable protein, it's all good. (TVP's great for things like sauces, where you just need the texture of ground beef, but the other flavors would drown it out anyway). Even a peanut butter and jelly sandwich makes for an easy work lunches.

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Even those in heterosexual relationships could be bi.

Not having to wait 45 business days to get your out-of-network claims reimbursed just for your insurance to tell you they never got the claim and please resubmit. Which I've done. At the end of September it will be another 45 business days. This is for a weekly therapy that I expect to be covered 80% because it's out of network but maybe it isn't because fuck me and I won't know until I've been going for at least 15 weeks.

Look into textured vegetable protein, too. It doesn't have much taste of its own, but gives a ground-beef-like texture when you add it to pasta sauce. Wicked cheap, when you take into account that it's dehydrated.

Edit: good room temperature shelf life, too.

I'm a contributer! I've posted cute puppy pics, a frog I saw, and an example of chatGPT cleaning up OCR text.

Me "not eating pork" is already a political statement to my mom's side of the family and has been for a at least a decade. A government body recommending less beef? The horror!