2 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

liberal conservative

Cleveland, OH ๐ŸŽธ

Seriously, I've never been more disgusted in this countries foreign policy.

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You might wanna backup your dotfiles somewhere remote too. I literally lost dotfiles that I'd been building up for years because I couldn't remember the password to my Linux machine after coming back from vacation. Funny enough though, a couple hours after nuking my OS I magically remember my password.

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I think it's about to be the weather

Elaborate what DE is

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Very fascinating really, mostly religious mumbojumbo but he did make some points that are relevant till this day like

"The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes.

Anyone who disputes with them on this alleged fact is accused of anti-semitism."

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Comment of the week, here's your medal๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ‡

I'm glad there's another human being who appreciates them as much as me!

Nothing you listed is liberal or left wing about LinkedIn, I mean I do fucking hate it too and you're kind of forced to use it if you want to reach the upper echelons of corporate America and some companies will straight up just make you one without your permission which in turn will make your personal information available to anyone with a search engine.

Linux, Firefox based browsers, vs code, KDE, and the fediverse.

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It's like she didn't realize her CEO was Jewish

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Wow That is a ugly logo ๐Ÿคข

Lately it's been Islam, because of the clean living aspect. Like they consider alcohol, cigarettes, pork, and anything bad for you a sin. And I do respect that about their religion, it's a good value to have in your life.

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I remember the days when airbnbs were a cheaper option to hotels, now their service fees have just ruined the site.

I've been learning French on there for awhile now and it's been extremely effective por moi. They teach you as much French as you would get in a 4 year university program. Plus having an AI powered practice set is like having a teacher who knows exactly what you know and what you need to learn more.

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An oil change place completely draining my car out of oil and not putting a single drop in. This eventually caused my car to overheat and the engine ended up blowing up. After this I've come to realize that there are some truly evil people who will try to sabotage your life without even knowing a single thing about you. Pretty much don't blindly trust anybody even authoritative professionals like doctors, mechanics, law enforcement, etc..

That man should be in prison! He created regulations that benefits ISPs and then gets a job working at one.

Just be glad you don't live in Detroit or you'd be shelling out close to $6000

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I grew up in Iowa, and I live in a large Ohio city now. There are barely any LGBT folks in Iowa, even per capita, it's just not normal or accepted there en mass. There was literally only one gay kid in my high school of 1500.

I move to Cleveland, then I meet more LGBT people than I have ever seen in my life, even having 4 lesbians in my workplace and one FTM.

But social media is probably the biggest driving factor behind the rise of so many LGBT people in the past decade.

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Arch Linux based distros (arco, Manjaro, endeavor) have my favorite package manager in the world (not pacman) but yay. I've tried every package manager and for me nothing comes close to yay. But the sad part is arch updates have completely destroyed every arch based distro I've ever had. The last one (endeavor os) literally made me hate Linux for awhile, because I put a great deal of work and love into setting up a desktop environment, configuring the hell out of my terminal and my dev environment and one update just destroyed my whole desktop. It takes me more than 2 days to completely get my Linux desktop configured to where I like it, and endeavoros just breaking my desktop environment really demoralized me from trying to set up another Linux box again for a long time, so I just went back to my super stable MacBook that wasn't as fun or ergonomic but at the end of the day it's never given me serious issues. Of course I'm back to using Linux, this time with stable old Ubuntu.

I just tried this yesterday and I was still getting different prices for the same hotel on desktop and mobile, it wasn't as bad as when we were on vacation where every single person in the car was seeing a different price for the same search criteria we put in. About 70% of the hotels had the same price yesterday but the other 30% ended up being almost $50 more expensive when I looked on desktop. So I don't think it's a coincidence at all and I actually encourage you to try searching for the same thing on different devices to see what I'm talking about.

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I've been an athlete since a child so in some weird way I guess I've been raised to just enjoy the discomfort of working out because I know the reward is tenfold of whatever discomfort I'm feeling while working out. So basically don't raise sedentary kids, give them a love of working out so they can live a healthy and happy life.

Im in the U.S as well, T-Mobile with unlimited 5G home Internet is $50 a month with no commitment. I've used hundreds of GB's per month with 0 cap or slow downs.

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Unlimited Internet is a thing now, I pay $50 a month for 5G home Internet. I'm guessing you have one of those dinosaur fiber internet where a technician has to come to your house to install internet.

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I don't understand why it's appropriate to make offhanded comments about Islam and blame a whole religion of people for the violent acts of a handful of extremists, but god forbid anyone say something critical about Israel and suddenly their an antisemitic Nazi. Case in point me being called antisemitic for calling "a CEO Jewish"

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I'm glad there's another human being who appreciates them as much as me!

Work forces??

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MAID isn't available for people with mental health issues. It's mainly for people with debilitating terminal diseases. They almost did pass it for people with mental health issues though which is frightening to say the least.

He literally has said he wouldn't get involved, which is much much more than genocide Joe is doing.

Never going back

Yup, the first steps are always the hardest but once you get into a routine and start seeing results it does get very addictive, at least for me.

I really did try so many forensic and recovery tools after remembering my password but with no luck ๐Ÿ˜‚

5G is super fast, and wow you Romanians are lucky. But here in America ISPs are grinches who charge you 49.99 for the first year and then increase your price to $80, which is a whole 60% mark-up. So before 5G home Internet was a thing, you only had one provider in the area you lived, and this lack of competition basically allowed them to price gouge us over the years till our bill got to $220 for 100mb. 5G was truly a life saver for my families budget. And you are right about cable Internet being more performant, but 5G did introduce some very much needed competition in the telecommunications space.

Wait are you joking or serious, sarcasm doesn't carry over too well over text. There are proprietary add ons from ms that aren't open source, but vscode itself is oss.

You can use your prime membership for music too, it's pretty bad compared to Spotify but it will save you some coin.

It is also a racial slur that has been used historically to degrade and dehumanize blacks.

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I used to have several outages per year with fiber internet. In the year and a half I've had 5G home Internet not a single outage. But you are able to get much higher speeds with fiber, so if you had some kind of business that needed like 10 gig speeds, fibers the best choice for that. But for home Internet 5G is much more superior in reliability, and fairness in pricing for the consumer.

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It's not just jobs, Canada is extremely underpopulated for its size. There's literally more people in the state of California than all of Canada.

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I think it's more critical of how the politicians have decided to spend tax payer money, and how there haven't been any guardrails put in place to prevent male prisoners from abusing this program and transferring to female prisons to sexually assault them.

And I support your right to have it.

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