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Joined 5 months ago

But wasn’t the API situation caused by revenue lost through the absence of advertisements in 3rd party apps? Are you trying to tell me that faultless angel spez, former moderator of /r/jailbait, misled me?

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Excuse me, don’t mind me. I just came to receive my downvote from OP like everyone else.

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It really, really depends on the instance’s users. So long as they’re tolerable, there’s rarely a reason to defederate. If you host mostly trolls, spam, illegal photos, or hateful content, tolerating it is unnecessary. I’m not here to interact exclusively with folks who seek only to regress my understanding, personally.

Relatedly, the most delightful folks exist on a broadly defederated instance, beehaw. Also relatedly, solarpunk hosts my second favorite userbase. You guys are fantastic.

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Mixing up my lyrics like a semen crepe batter
Dummies gonna eat it so the protein don’t matter

I’m a bit surprised at the ieee hosting nontechnical articles. How long have they published “news” in this capacity? suggests 2021 but it may have been earlier. Seems a poor decision for an ostensibly professional website to branch out like this. God, I hope .gov sites never start hosting blogspam.

And furthermore

Being entirely untouched was what made it funniest. Welp, joke’s over. Everyone go home.

I dislike having an unwritten code of conduct upheld via admins but that really doesn’t extend outside their instance. Their users are largely fine so I’m fine with the instance. I do avoid their communities, though. Those are unpleasant due to the code of conduct.

I thought I was clear in my attempt at blindsiding that user by first defending them and then disagreeing with them in both substance and spirit. My b

sourced information is downvoted

Every time. Still a net positive despite the issues involved in live oral vaccines. If you argue otherwise, you’re being contrarian.

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