1 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Trick question, washing machines come in many different genders:

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This strikes me as a "you will own nothing and be happy" solution. Instead of paying workers a fair wage so they can put something into savings for a rainy day, you will be at the mercy of your employer for support.

This seems to be the trend. In the future, you will have most of your needs at least met, but not through your own means, because you will have no means whatsoever. You will not be able to take care of yourself without your corporation parent. This is a very coercive situation.

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$8 for a McFlurry sounds absurd

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I'm not against bloat, I just want it to be MY bloat

Cartoon memes are starting to resemble actual art

Protein is an essential macronutrient. Life does not exist without protein. So yes, it is a health food.

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I mean, the Middle East and Africa have even higher circumcision rates and it doesn't seem to be working out for them

You are either camping with other people or are in some kind of military activity. You don't want to poop because you are embarrassed of how it smells and the people you were with on a previous occasion gave you an extremely hard time over it. Did I guess right? Please, poop in a hole or something, whatever it takes

Knowing Lego these days, I bet this cost $10

But it excludes asexual people /s

There are some things that do change. In my case, it says my window manager is sway when it is actually river. So certain things will stop working as expected if it is not maintained. This is different from a game, because as systems change, it doesn't affect how the game works if the platform it runs on can be emulated. In a sense, the game is still being updated because the emulators required to use it are being updated.

I don’t have to believe it. I’ve got the data to prove it.

Ok, this is hilarious! I actually dug into your data, but I didn't have to dig that deep to find you are COMPLETELY misreading it. Just read this from the FIRST PAGE:

Within the homeless population, people who are Black, FEMALE, and Hispanic have LOWER relative mortality risk than their white, male, and non-Hispanic counterparts.

So wait, your data which you used to dismiss the male homelessness issue by provocatively suggesting women were dying in the hundreds of thousands, actually shows the exact OPPOSITE?
I mean, I am not a statistician, I will be humble for a moment and accept the possibility that maybe I have misread something here, because this level of irony is hard for me to believe. I get things wrong sometimes! Where am I wrong? Point to me where in the data you can get away with saying that female homeless mortality is double. Make it make sense.

Owning realestate is one of the few almost guaranteed good investments working class people can make

If you're a landlord you're not working class by any definition.

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How else can it be interpreted?

Exponential increase that has been slow for decades, but is just now starting to ramp up?

This is the reason I got my first IPhone. This is also the same reason why I left IPhone.

I heard one once that goes like "a fool does what he hates, a wise man does what he loves, but a great man learns to love what is necessary."
I think I am butchering the original phrasing which is probably why I can't find any source for this quote. But I think about it a lot.

I hope they do it. I thought it was a mistake when they decided to rewrite the codebase with no hope of merging the federation changes. Federating their community could have brought thousands of active users into the lemmy network. Instead, it became this isolated community. I'm glad they are reconsidering now.

I posted this on 2022 new years. But what's your July resolution?

I wish I could upvote something twice

Yes, you do have to tip. Maybe not if it's Chipotle or a place like that. But if someone is waiting your table you have to tip. Yes tipping culture is stupid. No, nothing has changed in the US. They do not have a living without tips, so refusing to tip cuts into their living expenses after they have courteously served you your food. It's rude

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The US getting held accountable for it's war crimes? Sounds too good to be true.

Walmart frozen burritos. They are incredibly cheap, by weight almost comparable to cheap staples like pasta or rice. I can toast them on the pan and add some fire hot sauce. Tastes good. Easy to make. Inexpensive. Only downside is that there's no way it's good for you.

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"Fuck it, we ball"

Obviously Israel is the original aggressor

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It would be equally as easy to lie either way. Instead of reporting 1000 anonymous upvotes, report 1000 fake upvotes from fake users or users who didn't actually upvote. Any instance that gets caught abusing the protocol would get blocked pretty quickly though. Even though it's theoretically possible, I've never seen it happen.

Didn't know HaaS Hardware as a service was a thing

There are more living homeless men entirely because there are more dead homeless women.

You can't honestly believe this. The mortality rate is awful but it does not sufficiently explain why there are more men than women unhoused.

Edit: Turns out their own source debunks their claim on the first page. You can't make this stuff up.

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Because history is never the result of good or bad intentions, as much as propaganda would try and convince you otherwise

I take it you sleep on your back or stomach then? I think for people like me who sleep on their side, my neck hurts just from the idea of not using a pillow.

It seems like it. I see a lot of reviews that are like "app is garbage. hate it. 5 stars."

So he's trying to argue the blue area = the red area in size. Doesn't look exactly so.

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This is a data collection strategy, not a feature

Hotel: Trivago

100% of the cells of the 50% of people that die, would die.
100% of the cells of the 50% of people that live, would live.
Overall, 50% of human cells still die

57th and 1/2th street

That, or the bill will have some obvious loophole. Like maybe a hedge fund can't own a house, but they can buy another entity which can own a house.

It is a W. I don't want any farts in my water.

Whoa 🤯. Never realized this somehow. That's awesome. No ads on mobile.

Except she was the one who pushed for Trump to lead the Republican ticket behind the scenes part of a strategy to get the "most unelectable" opponent which backfired. The DNC is also on record funding Trump aligned republicans in the 2020 primary.

It's hardly a whataboutism if I'm simply pointing out the selective outrage that give people a skewed and one-sided view of reality. I wouldn't have to bring up Assange if people gave him half as much attention, something that could actually help lead to his freedom and do something instead of demonizing happenings you have no control over aside from starting WW3.