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In the sentence "you have a problem", "have" is the main verb. When reduced to the clitic "'ve", it becomes a weak form and is only expected to be used as an auxiliary verb. These types of verbs must be followed by the main verb. "a" is not a verb. Thus, we insert "got".

If we do not insert "got", the stress in the sentence moves and it sounds overly affected.

I'm not too sure, but I think "be" ("is", "are") is the only verb that can be contracted and still remain a main verb. I'm not too sure why.

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It's a silly nitpick anyway. The monster, Adam, calls the doctor, Victor Frankenstein, his father. Surnames are inherited, thus they are both Frankensteins.

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== is a heathen with no rightful place except equality to null. All praise ===

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I always see comments like these online, but they seem kind of absurd to me, coming from a country where it's not only totally common to walk dogs off-leash, but completely legal. There's really very few incidents of dogs darting into the streets here, and actually half the ones I've ever seen have been dogs on a lead anyway. A well trained dog doesn't do that.

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If the system is such that it warrants periodic relieving, doesn't that signify it probably deserves permanent overhaul so it isn't possible to need to borrow so much in the first place

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But they don't plan to drop MV2 though

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Excellent! Batteries in modern phones are surprisingly definitely removable and replaceable. I've done it multiple times. However, the unfriendly barrier to entry is glue and clips that require careful prying with spugers. It's quite clear manufacturers are happy blocking you getting in; plenty people just buy new phones when the battery gets too old.

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I have to write powershell scripts and bash scripts at work. I hear people saying bash is great, powershell is bad, all the time in public, but honestly I feel like these people have barely actually written powershell. It's a bit wordy, but it feels much more intuitive to me, much more akin to regular programming languages.

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Guess that settles the debate, we got to pronounce it "sequel" then to optimally match syllables

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Exactly. When I was clean shaven, it was easy, I could just hold the shaver against the contours of my face.

Now, with a large beard, I only need to shave every one or two weeks, but it takes much longer to do so and is much trickier. I've got to sculpt and shape a mound of hair manually. And every day I still brush and oil it.

Clean or short shaven was actually less effort.

This is why I rarely get on board with new Google products nowadays. I know they'll get half assed support and then be killed off really quickly.

Recently I maxed out my "Watch Later" playlist on YouTube. Turns out you can't have more than 5000 videos in it

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Yeah, but they're likely digitally editing it all now, so it loses that in the middle of the process. Can't really see why it would make sense to print a digital file back onto film.

EDIT: I did some reading, some movies have a solution for this!

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That's a bit misleading to say like that. Go to the website, scroll to the footer and click on "Legal". Your instance,, has a legal notice, with a privacy contact person, mentioning you can request data erasure, and detailing where your data goes. Mine,, has a number of in depth legal documents attached there.

However, yes, other instances they are federated with might not take it as seriously though, and if all your data is going there too, then that's a hole in your data privacy.

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No soup. Too dangerous to eat with a long beard, for a first date. Risk making a fool of myself

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The more control I have, the more likely I am to wake up, which is pretty annoying. Although, on the flip side, waking up through choice to avoid bad dreams is how I originally developed the skill of lucid dreaming. Noticing the signs of waking up and choosing to stay asleep is kind of a weird thing to do too, but it can lead to sleep paralysis.

However in any case, the level of control I have varies. Often, I am able to fly from danger or decide something didn't happen and try again. More rarely I know there are no consequences to any of my actions and can completely control space, time and narrative. It's odd knowing it's a dream, but it still feels real. Though, still with a dream brain memory and dream logic, I'm not necessarily thinking as sensibly as I would do when awake.

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Usually they're building the website with browserlist and polyfills, and they specify how old a browser they wish to support, usually by analysing percentages of public usage, or they allow types only supported in newer browsers. Meaning if they use a feature only available in newer browsers, then it won't be automatically backported to support older browsers.

But that's only if they actually use those features, they're just available to them. And it'll only break in those places they do use them, which could be quite little of the site.

So often it's just "we can't guarantee it'll work in your old browser and enough of our users use newer browsers that we'll block you and not care".

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Given that everything right now is just speculation - I say sit tight, observe what actually happens and respond appropriately if it does start to go wrong. Defederation is very easy, we can do it when we need to

Unless everybody fully customises the display and styling of the adverts for their own website, there's going to be some sort of targetable, recognisable pattern in the way AdSense content looks. Most developers just want an easy drop-in solution.

Furthermore, Google don't necessarily want to give you that level of control over the adverts, because that makes it easier to game the ads system with malicious, fake and misleading clicks or invisible adverts. They need their tracking tech attached to it.

Raise prices at peak times? ✅💰
Lower prices ever? ❌📈

Properly done dynamic pricing rewards customers with cheap prices for going at off-peak times, and the opposite on-peak. However this other form of "surge pricing" is really just price gouging under another label

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Waterfox is a version of Firefox that is modified for tighter privacy, with support for Chrome and Opera extensions too.

You used to be able to use the Chrome Store Foxified addon to allow you to install Chrome extensions in regular Firefox, however it looks to be broken now and no longer in the Firefox addon store.

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Okay fuck, you got me

Jerboa has the column separators. Looks like it also has alternately shaded rows.

Because you are an outlier when it comes to most people's experience of battery life in their phones.

The recycling scheme is a good idea too, we should do both.

Reducing is just as important as recycling. And reducing the amount of people buying new phones because their battery dies is a win.

Also there are these well-used battery recycling boxes in plenty shops where I'm from. If people could remove their phone battery, they might still throw away their phone, as there's not as obvious, easy and visible a recycling system for those yet, but perhaps some might at least take out the battery first and chuck it in the recycling bin next time they go to shop.

A. If I move a large hula hoop over your body, you don't go flying out the other side. Portals are just large hula hoops with either side in different places.

!random ?

Also, can I see the screenshot?

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Except I can see a new post from Beehaw. I'm having a conversation with somebody on a Beehaw community right now.

It seems the catch here may be that they are a Mastodon user. I guess Beehaw is still federated with their instance and so are we, so I can still see their content as if it were from Beehaw and we can comment to each other there!? But I guess if any Beehaw users join in, I'll not be able to see their comments and they'll not be able to see mine?

It's quite odd, interesting and confusing.

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What are those crazy power sockets with so many pins and two different types right next to each other?!

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I've found it's best use to me as a glorified auto-complete. It knows pretty well what I want to type before I get a chance to type it. Yes, I don't trust stuff it comes up with on its own though, then I need to Google it

People equate maths to programming, but I think if it more as a creative, problem solving field. Most real world coding problems don't have a precise single correct way to solve them; it's more like architecting a building: you have multiple goals and a lot of freedom in how you achieve them and to what degree

Schools teach their lessons in english.

When you have to pick a language to teach in, isn't this the best language to teach in though, in a predominantly English speaking society?

I don't think segregating classes into separate language-based ones would be a good idea. That leaves kids not speaking English at home nor at school in an even bigger disadvantage in terms of learning English and we need we need kids of all different backgrounds mixing together so that they may understand and accept one another.

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I have ad blockers everywhere, except native mobile apps. I've clicked on an Instagram ad for shirts. I bought the shirts. People keep complimenting me on the shirts. No regrets there

I'm from the UK, we are the natives here.

Though, I would agree in the UK when it comes to other native languages under threat, like Scottish Gaelic and Welsh.

However, I still think in any English speaking country, proficient English is the most important thing a child can learn in order to thrive in modern society. And separating children of different languages is not a good thing, it only makes racism worse. Instead, we should focus on lessons and programs that teach other native languages, to preserve them, and also teach English to those that don't speak it at home.

Teaching and preservation programs have worked well for Welsh and the language is growing once again.

And not all homeless people are sleeping rough, some are in temporary accommodation etc

I've been wondering this. If a comment contains illegal content, which is possible in some cases, and blame can be extended beyond the commenter to the content provider, which is also possible, then is every instance the comment federates across culpable?

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One of my problems is that I often do get work done, just the wrong work. I can't bring myself to do the work I'm supposed to be doing, and end up doing doing something I wasn't supposed to do, but at least it's still work I guess

I have a basic £30 (£50 post inflation) pop-up frisbee tent and it works just fine on its own in heavy rain. Water only gets in when the door is open. It really just needs to be double layered, taut and have a decent groundsheet, but that can all come built-in without needing to be expensive

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I'm very saddened she shows these strong hateful opinions now. The books and films were so much a part of my childhood and I still really enjoy the whole world they've created. And watching her earlier interviews, she seemed like a nice, interesting, smart, softly spoken person, with a love for my city. Also through indirect personal relations, she was quite kind to us.

This idiom confused me for the longest time, because I use "have" and "eat" very interchangeably. "Are you going to have dinner?" etc. I didn't see that, rather, they meant "have" as a synonym for "keep".

And yeah, it's definitely backwards. "Have" doesn't suggest "will have", it's a present term only. I have a cake, can I eat it? Yes. Switching the order makes more sense. Furthermore, I think "keep" at least suggests long term.

I propose "You can't eat your cake and keep it too"

Yet still, who ever eats a whole cake? I definitely keep some for later.

And certainly now that I've fully left Reddit, I'm no longer spreading the word of Lemmy there