h3doublehockeysticks [she/her]

@h3doublehockeysticks [she/her]@hexbear.net
0 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Google stock is literally worthless and does not represent an actual stake in the company for example

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It's not. A device that rapidly cools things down placed inside it isn't implausible. He's not asking for a beam of absence, he's asking for an enclosed space that subtracts heat.

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Khrushchev did literally nothing wrong. Khrushchev spent his entire time in office being the only person trying to build international communism, and basically every single good thing that happened from the 50s and until he was ousted can be traced to him.

I am the corn stan. And unless you hate Cuba and you think apartheid and colonialism was the tits you better start putting some respect on his name.

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It depends on what comes up first. If we're talking about diet obviously you have to bring up Arch, and if you're talking about software you gotta bring up veganism

I happen to hold the controversial opinion that siding with the great Satan and fascists is bad, and supporting decolonial movements and socialist movements around the world is good. Which means Nikita is literally the only good leader of a major power since the 1950s.

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I think they can be overblamed on him. The corncob in charge may have fucked up majorly with regards to destalinzation. I'll even grant you that it's 100% a bad decision and 100% his fuck up. We can even pretend he was the only guy who wanted to do and it was never gonna happen without him and he is entirely to blame. That does not in any way justify splitting the international communist movement to go play around with the US, a flawed socialist country is still better than the great Satan

First off, obviously. Secondly I'm bringing in China because someone mentioned the split. I can't actually follow my own thread since it won't show me who replied to who except the newest post. Also why would I mention any bad things the Soviets did when I'm arguing that he didn't do anything wrong.

They get to chew on the cookie as we load the guns, it's only fair

Are we saying that the khmer rouge are not fascists? Because I don't feel comfortable calling them anything but fascist.

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The guy who ran Cuyamel back when they were bribing the Honduran government and after that the United Fruit Company supposedly spent the rest of his life drafting social welfare legal proposals for democrats. Which given just how evil the United Fruit Company was is more of an indictment of new deal legislation than anything else tbh.

It's worse than that, because a company bylaw also gives every GOOG stock a set value of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a cent and a binding part of their issuance is the clause that they can demand to buy them back for that price at any time. Google can drop like pocket lint and instantly buy all GOOG stock back.

I genuinely have no idea.

Rhebus posting is what the youth do now. Get with the times gramps

Yes or one of those weird ice cream things that has an extremely cold surface, or one of those things where you roll it in ice water or a million machines. "Machine that makes things cold" isn't sci fi.

Google, finishing a project?