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Joined 5 months ago

hai :3

she/they btw

i feel a little more comfortable commenting here.

being a smaller community, i feel like i'm actually contributing when i post something, instead of just adding to a sea of noise

it also helps that i've come up with this new "persona". i'm able to be more of the real me than i can with my main account.

it's like half way between anonimity and publicity. this account has very little connection to my meatspace existance, so i feel safe to say anything. but at the same time i'm not gonna act like some 4chan user. halfway_neko's a good girl lol

Deleted my entire efi partition while trying to install some grub themes.

And then my backup didn't work when I tried to restore it.

I have pretty colours now though, so it was all worth it :)

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(Arch, btw)

Technical: Better, easier to use APIs for pacman. The last time I tried to do alpm stuff, it wasn't fun.

Social: Less rtfm. The manual is good, but it's not cool when people are super elitist (especially towards newbies).

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btop because pretty colors :3

i still need to learn how to use top well though, just in case that's the only option some day. if all else fails i just resort back to ps and (p)kill.


Or better yet, play it blind and then watch the video, and realise you didn't even see half of the content.

the real Year of the Linux Desktop™ was the friends we made along the way.

precious eggy. will protecc o7

ye. i've been using wayland since forever.

started on hyprland, and then moved to sway, but it's been an almost perfect experience for me

sometimes i have to install a different version of a package or smth, but otherwise everything works fine.

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I think if the keyboard had dvorak in it's firmware (rather than set on the pc) you would need a dvorak-to-qwerty conversion setting which I've never seen on a pc.

Most custom layouts (mine included) just assume the keyboard is sending qwerty.

Unexpected Keyboard my beloved.

I can't type on any other keyboard now, the symbols are too far away.

real :(

Don't worry, most modern brains have a builtin jit compiler, so when a habit starts to form, the check will be optimised out. (It saves excess neurons from being generated.)

always All. it's how i find new communities. it would prob be good if i start subscribing to more of the communities that i like though.

atm i'm just relying on the collective views of the threadiverse to feed me content.

i'd probably use tabs if they weren't so massive by default.

do people actually use 8 space wide tabs? if so, what for?

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you guys are getting settings menus? i've been doing everything manually this whole time :(

i'll have to figure out how to use this ui. i have a few "adjustments" i want to make :3

I was so excited when I read the title. Of course they would add crypto ._.

Oh, I never skip intros. I also don't usually watch multiple episodes in a row though, so maybe that's why.

thank you for this great idea. i'm saving it into my brain rn

they are very similar. my only problem with hyprland was that the mouse is still required for some things, and it's a bit annoying having to switch back and forth.

on sway, everything can be done by keyboard. i still use the mouse a lot, but there's less switching in the middle of tasks.

it's a little difference, but it was worth it for me.

there's also the drama about some people being transphobic (i think?) in the hyprland discord, but i try not to pay too much attention to that.

hyprland accomplishes it's goal of being pretty (and i got some really cool screenshots), but sway is pure functionality, and it's damn good at it.

oooh, yes!! i forgot Inside. i loved that game.

juicy atmosphere and environmental storytelling, my favourite >:)

source engine aesthetic was peak. i still love it, and nothing's been able to replicate it. some games have tried, but the source feel is just unique.

i always love stacking books in barney's interrogation room and trying to shove as many objects as i can in to kleiner's mini teleporter.

i also remember having to wait for headcrabs to finish their death animation before i could move forward in hl1,, so that's fun :P

oh. i guess i'm using the wrong editors then :P

yeah, that's understandable. i'd never thought about it that way before.

personally i use enby as a way to say that i am in the middle / don't really care.

i think the issue comes from the fact that saying non-binary means specifically non-{man,woman}. whereas i've always interpreted it as just non-"specific gender".

to me it's the etc. of gender labels, but i realise that not everyone that i think it describes would want to identify with it.

(and that means it becomes it's own label, and now we have to figure out what to call everyone_else all over again. (maybe the whole idea of gender labels was rigged from the start))

i couldn't put celeste down the first time i played it.

very fun game :3

i also remember a game called webbed, where you were a spider and got to do actual web physics and swinging. That was pretty cool.