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Joined 1 years ago

For many people google (or whatever engine) was just a gateway to get informations on reddit. With all those sub reddits down at the moment, a lot of searches are really hard to get informations, because like it, or not, reddit is a big part of getting informations or opinions etc.

This is in the nature of the domain name. If you name your site "shit just works" you can't be surprised if you build a bubble for idiots in the first wave of registrations.

I'm not bashing on the site or their Admins.i say that out of own experience over the last 25+ years on the internet and some exp in hosting forums and all that myself.

Discord is the cancer of the free internet.

There are some things I'm missing.

What if I need or want a certain passwod length? Because a site only allows X or I want to have Y amount of signs.

What about the control over special characters in the password or not. Sometimes I need to generate passwords without any special character.

Where is the 2FA aspect? Sure there is no datavse with my passwords. But at least my DB is secured with username + password + 2FA Code

I still need to trust a website or app where I put my credentials in. Or is it 100% offline? Like I am with KeePass and/or selfhosted Bitwarden at home.

How do I change passwords without the need of keeping track of website name changes?

And just as a note, things like Bitwarden or KeePass are much more than only a password generator.

Extra note: we are heading towards a passwordless future with passkey etc. anyway.

Yeh, I already installed miniflux again and selfhost it for my RSS needs.


I've also never liked BR games. Too often it felt like you run around for minutes, looting stuff and nothing happens.

Then you see somebody and kill them without them noticing you. Or.. you get killed the exact same way.

Or when playing with friends. Like Apex, you get into fights with other teams, which is cool, but then third party comes in and owns you from behind.

Then it's over and you've to do everything all over again, running around looting etc.

Or you decide to drop in places where many players drop too. Then you have stupid fist fights or pistole fights. If unlucky, queue again and do it all over again.

This is more annoying than anything else. I prefer joining a fair 5v5 fight on a map where I respawn and keep going. Or real TDM/DM.

I think BR games have too much of a luck factor attached to it compared to oldschool real FPS games like CS, UT, Quake and all that. And I think that exactly is rage inducing.

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Putin made a plan with Wagner for sure. To get rid of Shoigu etc.

This video here shows it perfectly, what Putins stance on him is currently. This Body language can't be misinterpreted.


I've read somehwhere that lemmy.world now requires an email at least. Not sure if that changes anything at all though

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I see Wu-Tang colors. I upvote.

I think it's good.

Looks cool I like it. Any plans for a docker image in the future? For selfhosting.

Here is a caddy vs nginx benchmark test. A lot to read, but gives an idea where the strengths of both are and where not.


I used nginx for years. But I'm using Caddy since like 2-3 years now. But I didn't change because of speed.

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Yeh it doesn't bother me that much. Annoying yes, but not the end of the world. Lemmy devs are for sure overwhelmed because of that reddit nonsense. Pretty sure that many shortcoming of the Lemmy software only shows now with many more users that couldn't be really seen or tested before.

I tried every BR out there, even those survival games before PUBG, like DayZ. It is just not my definition of fun or competetive shooter. Too much luck factors that determine if I win or not. I am a very competetive player, so I want to win, its in my nature, I'm coming from UT/Quake times 20+ years ago. I don't know how to casually play FPS games. (which BR games are for, casual FPS for those who suck at it but can have some positive experiences with it)

"This isn’t a very good winning strategy but it is fun."

This is not how it works for me personally. I want to win and not play a genre of FPS in a weird way just to have fun and not circumvent any luck factors by playing a weird style and lower my chances of winning just to have "fun". Which is also a different definition for every individual player.

But I appreciate your "guide" to having fun in BR games though.

On jerboa I've constantly streaming error and timeouts when I switch between accounts. The app is kinda unusable if you use more than one account.

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