
2 Post – 373 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Downvotes rewarded with hugs.

Re proper analysis: Intentional or not, you did a homophobia in plain sight. Just eat the humble pie and give the weird conspiracies a rest.

...and as OP just pointed out, it's an open source project? That's relevant IMO.

Yeah, but we're not looking at the root cause here. Their purpose is to train energy glutton, error prone "AI" even if experience teaches us that those ML models fuck up more often than confirmation bias allows.

"AI" is a bourgeoise and Capitalist tool and, same as with cryptocurrency, we cannot dismantle the master's house with the master's tools. Fuck AI down the drain. Make things with your own minds, your own hands.

7 more...

Huh. There is a worrying lack of license information, yes. I didn't even notice.

It's also skewing the history lesson to peddle cryptocurrency. Not all information is equal.

This reads like a whole lot of research was boiled down to fit the "barely an article" constraints of a casual news outlet. The outline is all over the place but seems well-intended; it's just not clear what information we're supposed to take away from this.

Kudos for mentioning GNU Social, Zot and Diaspora, but I'm not really sure any of them are relevant anymore?

I've never done this myself but if you want to keep it simple and be able to play all video formats, why not just stream from VLC?

I'm happy to be corrected on this, but it seems the simplest solution to a potentially complex problem. Everybody uses VLC, right?

4 more...

First I've heard of Virpus but thanks for the heads up. More than 50% packet loss does not sound like a working infrastructure, much less one that should be marketed to consumers.

I'm with you. 720p unless I can't find lower than 1080 — for my setup there isn't much point. The TRaSH guide parameters make my head ache thinking how much I'd be shelling out on bandwidth and storage for no discernible difference on my home theatre.

No, of course not. I thought the movie sharing was your primary concern, sorry if I misunderstood. Hope this solves at least part of your problem.

So SBCs are shit now?

Nothing changed, the hardware is the same as before. Your little pi servers are still doing the exact same work they did before. The only variables are prices on SBCs vs used small factor x86s, and the short, short attention span of terminally online hobbyists.

Use whatever you like, no need to race after others' subjective (and often hyperbolic) judgment.

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Plain banking apps for smartphones. Having those developed in the open would hopefully make it possible to have forks that work on rooted devices without hiding magisk and whatnot.

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federates the Dominion


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This is why you don't sign up with the biggest possible instances, eventually they will become the biggest possible bottleneck in a network. Anything dot world admins do will affect all of their users, that shouldn't be surprising 🤷

As for dbzer0, this might affect users in the short term but eventually people will figure out how to access the sub from more friendly instances.

That's not fair. You can also ruin the environment with it, it's baked into the technology.

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Well, counterpoint: Photoshop tries to be an "everything for everybody" app, and GIMP/Krita don't need to compare to that, as little as any user needs all the features of Photoshop.

Nobody can avoid Photoshop

Call me nobody, then. I worked with the Adobe suite professionally for 15+ years, haven't touched it for the past six. You won't find a single 1:1 replacement. It's just a matter of quitting and accepting the individual limits of different alternatives.

8 more...

Yeah, don't offer open signups, kids.

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LOL, not in a million years. Dumping this like the cryptocurrency infected garbage it is.

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Phanpy, a mastodon frontend is somehow going to co-lead a battle against Meta? I'm not at all against unionising, but it sounds like you're cherry picking whatever you personally happen to use as representative of the fediverse.

So, car factories have used custom built robots on assembly lines for decades, I want to say close to a half century? Why on earth would anybody want to replace those with humanoid robots other than, I dunno, having severed ties with reality to live out his days in a deluded fantasy?

This is as great example of Musk's """genius""" as that time he decided to move a Twitter data centre with the help of his own incapable hands, a cousin and some homeless people.

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There's another reason I don't share "It's FOSS" links anywhere: this should have been a github issue but it's turned into a clickbaity headline. Every othe article coming out of "It's FOSS" is either low effort, sensationalist, or both.

What can possibly go wrong?

So Hollywood copyright lawyers will target illegal subscription services rather than individual downloaders? Fine by me.

I can understand paying for a legal streaming service where at least a tiny percentage of profits goes into producing new material. I pirate out of convenience and availability, because movies and series aren't released immediately in my region.

Paying somebody for streaming film and TV shows that they have no hand in producing, and thus not supporting new productions — same as I can download for free myself? — that makes no sense to me.

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LOL, you maniac. You did it, you finally did it!

Funny how Bountysource deteriorated at the exact time cryptocurrency got involved.

Ooh, good one! I'll try to stick to the very basics that I've installed, different strokes for different use cases and all.

  • MicroG — a non-Google framework to circumvent annoying GSF dependencies.
  • DAVx5 — will sync calendars and contacts from your own cal/cardDAV instance.
  • ICSx5 — helps add external ICS calendars into your calendar.
  • Syncthing — keeps documents, pictures, etc synced between devices.
  • KISS launcher — search based launcher. No bloat, no muss, no fuss. Everything else seems to try too hard after KISS.
  • Fossify apps. There's a whole suite but I only use
    • Fossify calendar,
    • Fossify contacts,
    • Fossify SMS messenger.
  • Fennec — a Firefox that passes F-droid privacy muster.
  • K-9 mail — um, is this top grade email app named after the robot dog in Doctor Who? Affirmative.
  • Open camera — so much better than a basic Android camera app.
  • Authenticator Pro — 2-factor authetication (dunno why it's called "Pro", it's not like there's a paid tier)
  • Obtainium — another app manager, for the fringe cases where an app isn't on F-droid but you trust its source enough to download it from there.

Edited to add:

  • NewPipe! — third party YouTube player that puts a stick in Google's tracking and profiling.

Additional repositories

F-droid is great and all but its best feature really is that you can add other app repositories alongside the flagship one. IMO you absolutely need to add the following repos for the best selection (ie., adapted to my list above 😉)

Suggestions for more repos?

10 more...

Oh, like online piracy. Got it! 🤣

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Attempts and fails at Vulcan greeting.

An open-source activism platform

See our event designs on proprietary platform Figma

I dunno, feels like a disconnect somewhere.

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That'd be nice of course. Personally, I just wish everything Microsoft would wither and go away.

Google has been useless since they started "customising" search results for individual users/browsers. That was what, ten years ago?

If they've found a way to make their web search even worse, I have to applaud them for winning the race to the bottom.

Are there search engines that still work?

Qwant, Mojeek, Startpage, Ecosia. You could look for trustworthy SearchX instances too. Even Duckduckgo is better than Google (meaning better than nothing).

1 more...

Everybody seems to favour Trash Guides. Just as a counterpoint:

He is super focused on the highest quality available. Unless you're watching on a huge 4k/UHD screen with professional a sound system, take those guides with a grain of salt. Modify the values to your own screen resolution. If your screen is an older model it may not accommodate more than 1080p or even 720p video anyway.

Bandwidth may also be an issue depending on where you live and what your ISP provides. If so, downloading larger files than your screen/projector affords is a double waste. Go for h265 instead of h264 and save yourself the wait. You can always download them in a better quality when you upgrade your home theatre.

I want to make clear, I would have been lost in the *arr settings if not for the Trash Guides, but man. They're absolutely written for somebody with ample bandwidth and a huge home cinema setup.

4 more...

Look, from the exchanges between you and Rowe that Queue posted it seems that you did a lot of voluntary work that unfortunately wasn't accepted or used. Rowe makes it pretty clear in the Mastodon conversation that your patch didn't work and they decided they could make their own quicker. You did however get credit for testing.

I do understand the disappointment that hours of work didn't prove successful but you may need to accept that and move on. I only see poor communication here, on both parts, not appropriating credit for others' work.

Making wild claims that your work was stolen is... not a good look and just shows an inflated perception of your part in the process, tbh.

7 more...

There are a lot of good points here, I appreciate the time you put into it.

As an end user of both Lemmy and Mastodon, it's always an eye opener to see how developers greet user requests and suggestions with curt or snarky replies. Even "Why don't you open an issue on our source tracker" will often effectively shut down suggestions from less tech savvy newcomers.

My own concerns are more on my own level, though. It resonates with me when you write —

The Fediverse has its own existing cultures that thrive here. And when you enter a space that already exists you need to be mindful of that to prevent issues from occurring.

I've seen a few user migration waves, and I think your description of (some) Lemmy users who just want a drop-in Reddit replacement is on point. Mastodon has had its share of Twitterati who surged in trying to recreate their previous circles and tone. Obviously, it's a generalisation but we do need to face the problem.

The transition from a walled garden environment like Reddit or Twitter — moderated by professionals or enthusiasts, and algorithmically curated — to a federated space with carefully cultivated etiquettes will never be like simply picking up a conversation in another UI.

I'd be interested how a project like Sublinks would/could accommodate the existing fediverse cultures, and hopefully bridge the cognitive gap that seems to exist between threadiverse and fediverse?

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Just looking at the Utterances site, this sticks out:

No lock-in. All data stored in GitHub issues.

...so you can just migrate those comments somewhere else if you don't want to use Github anymore? If not, I'd call that textbook lock-in.

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I hope that's not the entire answer but it has to add some numbers to the jump.

Exactly. According to their replies to you on Mastodon, Rowe found a fix of their own that solved the problem faster than going through the process with you.

Your work wasn't stolen, it wasn't even used

There is an obvious disconnect between your perception of the work process and Rowe's, and that probably led to the miscommunications. You saw the collaboration as an informal deal that your work would be nursed through debugging to a workable version. Rowe, being the project lead, wanted any solution that would run on the device; found one and wrote it themself. To them the focus is not on helping make your personal contribution work, it's on shipping LibreBoot with device patches that do.

I'm not a developer but I've been in both positions as a volunteer, a freelancer, and as a project manager. Sometimes you get passed over, sometimes you have to let contributors go who either don't deliver the expected results or don't deliver on time.

And yes, I've had to field long conversations, sometimes public ones, with people frustrated that their work has been rejected. Frankly, that's not the reason anybody gets into project management. It drains energy you'd rather pour into the actual work.

The way you've brought this to Rowe on IRC, then on Mastodon, and now to Lemmy as a public grievance after they made it clear that they wouldn't engage with your complaint any more — I don't blame them for blocking you. It's clear that you're more concerned about your bruised ego than about the larger project, its importance to open computing — and the fact that there is now a functioning patch for your device.

I'm trying to put this nicely because, as I said, I've been in your position too (or similar), but I wouldn't work with someone who reacts this poorly to rejection. Coming out with baseless accusations against Rowe about stealing your work is a huge red flag to potential collaborators that you're the problem in the equation.

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I'd never heard of Servo before this, but judging from the website it's nowhere near a GUI offering. The work they're doing on the engine looks solid (to me as not-a-developer) but it's a telltale sign that there are no UI screenshots on their landing page. So, not an alternative to Firefox yet.

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Arguably, those older devices are what the archive repo is for, though.

I see OP's point but I think it's unlikely that there will be any house cleaning or improved organisation principles in F-droid. The project maintainers have it set up the way they like and they don't seem bothered to change it for others.

Interesting, the inaccuracy of the MLS was exactly what attracted me to it. I'm not interested in a location service knowing my exact location at any given time. If I'm somehow too drunk to see and realise where I am, I'll ask somebody.