
6 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“Protest and dissent is important,” Huffman said. “The problem with this one is it’s not going to change anything because we made a business decision that we’re not negotiating on.”

Honestly, my reply to this particular statement is that maybe Reddit should die!

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I agree. Honestly, I think these types of (front page!) articles are the only thing that CEOs pay attention to these days. I have no skin in the game anymore, since I deleted my (long-standing) account on Reddit and completely switched to Lemmy. However, it's nice to see people take a stand against greed and, from what I'm seeing in the last day or so, hypocrisy...

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More important IMO is the fact that Linux re-detects hardware on every boot! Try moving a Windows hard drive to completely new hardware and getting it to boot. Not a chance...

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Redhat. Wouldn't touch it at this point. All of my servers are Debian.

I hear that! I love that it made the front page of a major news organization...


Well, from what I've seen and read, this is mostly due to the fact that @ruud (am I doing that right?) has put in the time, effort and, most importantly, the money into providing server performance necessary for lemmy.world to survive and handle the load. I wouldn't worry about centralization with Lemmy, simply due to the fact that, should @ruud all of a sudden decide to turn into a first-rate a$$hole (definitely don't see that happening from @ruud's reputation!), the exact same software works on other servers which could supplant lemmy.world should the need arise. Long story short, Lemmy is tyrant-proof, IMO.

On a related note, I would encourage those who appreciate lemmy.world to visit the homepage and contribute when they can, since the associated costs are not insignificant. Who knows what may happen 5-10 years from now; Lemmy could become the dominant platform. I have no problem with that...

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This is actually a very interesting question with regards to the fediverse IMO...

It's actually getting better daily IMO...

I actually like the interface a LOT better than (old) Reddit. I refused to use the new interface because "yuck!" and old.reddit.com doesn't have a "dark mode," so I view this as an upgrade, visually (along with other UX aspects). I'm definitely sticking!

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Not sure why I posted like that. I guess I'm just used to seeing Ars referenced that way in other posts...

I think you've made the point yourself, actually. It's even worse if there's only ONE entity in charge, rather than many (as we're seeing from Reddit IMO). There's also the technical advantage of decentralization, server-wise. As someone who has moved over from Reddit to Lemmy on principle (I had no skin in the game), I also think that the federation actually makes a lot of sense, in the long run. I'm definitely here to stay! It doesn't hurt that I was able to keep my username from Reddit (much easier with federation)!

Screw that. Don't worry so much about those other Redditors. You don't need them to validate your (correct IMO) decision. Personally, I've deleted my Reddit account and am sticking with Lemmy based on the merits of Lemmy alone. It's not perfect (yet), but it's still better than the default Reddit interface, which is basically hot garbage IMO...

Like non-profit American Red Cross, who laundered half a billion and did fuck all to help Haiti https://www.propublica.org/article/how-the-red-cross-raised-half-a-billion-dollars-for-haiti-and-built-6-homes

Yea, the Red Cross is fucked up, and I learned that from my dad in 1996 when he died. All about the money. I'll send my money to St. Jude, thank you very much...

And this is why I choose Debian...

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I’ll happily switch to Linux on the day when every new release works with no extra problems, tinkering, waiting or searching caused by my choice of OS.

Yes, it's definitely getting close now...

I love the fact that you've pointed this out. EVERYTHING can fail. That's humanity in a nutshell, and that's how it's supposed to be...

Yea, I was just glad that it made the front page of a major news organization. It certainly can't hurt...

I’ve yet to see a single Linux kernel that is aesthetically pleasing on anywhere near the level of OSX or Windows 11… Or Windows 10… Or hell, 7, 8, and Vista lmao.

The fact that you're using the terms "kernel" and "aesthetically pleasing" in the same sentence (and equating that to GNU/Linux "Proper") leads me to believe that you don't understand what a kernel is. Or really know what you're talking about, for that matter...


Donations to keep the lemmy.world instance up-and-running can be made through:

https://opencollective.com/mastodonworld or https://patreon.com/mastodonworld

@ruud does good work, and he's a HELL of a good admin. I'd recommend that we all contribute in order to have a place to gather. I've been looking at the various solutions to the Reddit conundrum and, personally, I think that lemmy.world is our best bet at this point...

EDIT: I have no affiliation; I just think that we should pay it back however we can. It costs money to run servers and, even if we just "buy him a coffee," every little bit helps IMO.

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Yea, I remember Digg and the fallout from that "upgrade." Deja-vu like a MF...

Modified Ubuntu, Snap-less...

Well put...

Thanks to a comment by @LargeHardonCollider@lemmy.world , I checked and saw that ‘Federation debugging’ mode was enabled.

OMG, I just realized this user's actual handle after doing a re-take. At first I thought it was a nuclear physicist who had discovered the issue!

Hats off to @LargeHardonCollider. This person wins the internet for the day, IMO... ;)

Here's a good reference: https://linuxjourney.com/

This is awesome! Thanks! So, I'm going 5-for-5 here. $5 for Lemmy.world and $5 for the Lemmy devs. I know it's not much, but I'm not rich and it's steady monthly income so, hopefully, it helps...

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It seems to me that you've done the math...

I agree. I think that the whole movement should move to indefinite closure. If anything, it gives us a reason to pop some popcorn!


Thanks for the clarification. I still chose to set up a Patreon for $5.00 a month, because I think that hosting a Lemmy instance is worthwhile. I also think that Rexxitors may want to commit to that because, if the idiots in charge of Reddit had asked for that in the first place, none of this would have happened in the first place IMO... I still encourage those who like what they see at Lemmy to "pay it back"...

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My shoe can practically run Linux as a desktop OS.

Okay, I'm stealing this one! Awesome...

My Ubuntu desktop (Heavily Modified and de-Snapped, of course).

Actually, it's been my experience that the right (even small) dev teams can be VERY effective, depending of course on the management. I've tried to do my part by contributing to Lemmy.world but, I guess we need to think about contributing to the software dev team for Lemmy as well? Is there a Patreon link or something? Inquiring minds want to know...

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Understandable. I've done my share of Python and full-stack stuff as well but my job keeps me so busy these days that, sometimes, the only way to contribute to these types of projects is monetarily. I just do what I can, and I hope it's enough. I (we) definitely appreciate your time spent on trying to contribute more and I hope to do so as well once I can retire and tell them all to go F$ck themselves! ;)

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I agree. There are two major bugs and, if they can work past those two issues, I think the future is bright. Once it gets to that point, it becomes better than Reddit IMO...

Wow. Body count!

Awesome! Thanks for the tip!

undefined> I personally think it will be a combination of all these fediverse sites.

Good point. I think that It'll be the combination of these things that'll hurt them the most...

I've run into this issue with some of my servers in the past and it's a real PITA to deal with because not only do you have to mitigate the issue, but then you have to make requests to get de-blacklisted, etc. I finally got sick of it all and installed a Barracuda spam firewall in front of the mail server. I have MUCH easier control over IMAP/SMTP now.

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