
2 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Eat the rich just got a new meaning...

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Good night. I started talking about this in like 2002 after facing the terrible heat in the middle east during my time in service. I came back and moved to New York and it was just like Chicago, you could see the haze of pollution above the city from miles away. I moved back down south and in bigger cities there, you can see it too. People didn't want to hear it, some still don't. I've had a personal moto for many years, "One person, one piston." Everywhere I look, cars, trucks, and SUVs have gotten more ginormous. Why the hell does one man need to drive a v8 2500 to an office job? Why the hell does one girl without a family need to drive an Escalade to get coffee and donuts? We, the people, are going to have to be the ones to make the changes. Electric cars are really no better as so much fuel is used mining minerals for the batteries, and so many of the power grids run off coal fired power plants. You might not have a tailpipe, but it's all coming from somewhere. I wish we could go back to the days a man had a good horse, but it seems too far gone now.

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I got shot in the head with a .38 last year about this time. My head still hurts.

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I didn't die 😲 I went deaf and fall on my face a lot, but I guess that's better than the alternatives.

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Not anymore. Goodnight y'all. 😴

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I got a felony 14 years ago for running from a cop. He got a scratch on his hand and charged me with aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer. Bogus public defender didn't even help try to fight for me and their charges stuck like glue.

Why not? I got Vete a la Mierda tattooed on my arm when I was young and still learning Spanish. Occasionally, I've had the great opportunity to pull my sleeve up.

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As someone who has experienced multiple brain traumas, I do have feelings there too. Different impacts have had different results. Falling 20ft and cracking my skull on concrete left me seeing everything in a hue of orange for a couple of years. Getting my face crushed by a car left me feeling strange all in the front. Getting shot in the head was so strange, it's like the back part of my brain still hurts. Especially when I try to remember certain things.

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Wedding rings. She's gone forever, so I threw them in the ocean.

Still trying to keep up with the KFConsole...


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Not gonna make it that long. Nice try.

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Vodka and weed.

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The 20 ft fall was bullies in school about 30 years ago. Getting my face crushed was a drunk driver running a stop sign. I was on a motorcycle wearing a helmet, but the helmet didn't help. Getting shot. I still don't know. I got robbed and gave him what he wanted, but I guess he just wanted to shoot someone and I happened to be it. Life ain't fair https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_vjNjE1JM

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Hurry up and wait. As I've seen, you get there when you least expect it.

Disorientation. I took me forever to start walking again, and sometimes, especially when I stand up, I get real swimmy headed and wake up with a broke nose like I got now.

Shhhh... I'm in that same train and DEFINITELY don't wanna go back to jail 🤷‍♂️

This is where it all gets strange. See, I fought 2 wars, Iraq, and Afghanistan, got shot in both, and it possibly made me a bit cocky. This incident was December of last year. So, my wife of 34 years left me last year in March and I moved across the country back to where I started. NC. I'm in a city I've never lived before, Greensboro. I immediately found a new girlfriend trying to get over the past, and I kinda rubbed it in my ex's face over text until I found out she actually died 6 days after she left me and stole near half a million dollars I was nesting away for us to retire on. A friend of ours, in the summer last year, told me that she had put out a hit on me. I asked how did she have time. He said she did it the day she found out I had someone new, which was only 3 days after she'd left. Late summer, a guy tried to jump me when I was getting off the bus from work and I beat the ever living shit out of him and donated a knife to his stomach. Months went by, I keep riding the bus. Coming home from work one night talking to my gf on the phone, guy comes up behind me and starts yelling to give him my phone and money. I heard the gun cock and I immediately passed him everything without turning around. No sooner he takes it, I hear the bang, feel the weird impact to my head, and then start feeling my neck getting wet. I turned around, took every mental note I could off his description, stuck my finger in the hole in the back, licked it and realized it was my own blood, and passed out for like 3 months. When I came to, the cops visited me and started asking questions. I told them everything I could remember and about 3 weeks later, they came back and told me they'd found him. They also told me I was the only person they knew had been shot in the head and lived. I finally got out of the hospital and the cops want me to go testify in court. That day came, and the instant I saw him, I knew it was him. I said "Bitch, I bet you thought you killed me." Judge threatened contempt and I shut up. Turns out the guy was from Kansas City, where I'd been living for like 10 years. He was a convicted felon as well, and they cannot own a firearm. He got life in prison for attempted murder among other chargers. I started back tracking and dug into my ex's old Facebook as she'd never changed her password and I knew them all. Turns out, she did know the guy and they started having conversations a month before she left me. Very troubling stuff, but it became obvious she had been cheating on me with him. Now I do believe my friend that said she paid him to do it. I still don't know what I did so wrong, but when we were young and had kids together, she quit smoking weed and drinking and became very judgemental of me for continuing. That's a different story. So I don't know how much she paid him, but I believe he and her were behind the attack in early August last year, and given that it wasn't a success, he took it a step further and thought a gun was the way. Dumbass shot me sideways. It went in behind my left ear and lodged into my skull in front of my left ear. Doctors say that's why I lost my hearing. Funny thing, I'd been learning sign language for about 25 years helping in a deaf church, so I was kinda ready not to hear anything anymore. There, that's a small book.

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15 minutes could save you 15% or more...

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Good gracious, I saw this flying bathtub on Reddit years ago lol


On that note, I suggest we rename Reddit to Fuckit

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I have always been a prolific commenter on Reddit. I'm doing the same over here. Hadn't been to Reddit in a couple months. Went over there earlier and explained to someone on r/electricians how an AC to DC transformer works. They permanently banned me, even though my answer was entirely correct, especially for the given problem. Heil spez, you can keep your shit show.

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Most all American cups are small enough at the bottom to fit in near universally sized drink holders in a car. The bigger ones get bigger on top. My guess is that's about 28 to 32 oz medium. About the size cup to wander around a job site with till ya all hit the Chinese buffet at lunch...😝

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I'm Steve. Wasn't ready for today and Christmas can just get on past, not excited about it either.

Thought I was playing Midnight Club for a second there...

Y'all ever heard of Bojangles?

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For those of you who haven't seen this, I saw it the other day and it's still got me chuckling... http://coco.fun/short/bK5wkq

Popped another Natural Ice. Thought that was my cue 🤣

Gin maybe. Rum gets me in trouble. Vodka is cheap and straight to the point 😁


Let's say it fair. I fought 2. War is CRUEL! Slava Ukraini!

I thought it was an ice cream bar, then I read the caption

Depends how prepared you are and how you play the cards you have. Taking care of family/others will definitely slow you down. Gas won't last and when you start seeing people roaming around, better be somewhere safe!

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Apparently I violated rule 8 about being involved in diy discussions. Well why the fuck was a diy post allowed in the first place? Truth is, you can't get schematics on most store bought electronics. You have to know color codes and troubleshoot shit backwards.

-Your strength and vigor are helping build your endurance. -Faith is believing you can and will better yourself. Among other things, faith can go into your choice of religion. My mother taught me very young there's two things not to argue about. Religion and politics.

Breathe through your mouth, not your nose.

I got like 5 usernames over on Reddit and don't like any of them. I'm using this on Minds too. Anybody else playing over there now?

No can do. My left arm is broke.

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Like that guy on the moped in NYC this morning?

I have insulated coveralls I wear with my ebike. If I'm on my regular bike, I don't worry so much because I know how quick I'll get hot.