
2 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's better for the politicians wallets.

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Forget the technical details. I work in a corporate security department and if yours finds out what you're doing there's high odds they would absolutely hate it. I mean it likely isn't an issue for org security (assuming they're using bitlocker appropriately etc.) But not everyone over security is so rational and there are edge case attacks which may even trouble more sensible individuals. Either get permission, expect to do this in secret, or better yet just don't.

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Made me check for my home state of Utah. But looks like they require a "substantial portion" or 1/3 of content on a site to be porn. source Looks like we all need to get busy posting tits to twitter for the good of the children.

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I do not fear becoming homeless. The state should fear my homelessness as it will only signify the next phase of my radicalization.

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Seems like a good opportunity to ask if anyone can recommend learning materials for FreeCAD? Used Solidworks and AutoCAD in school but fell back on tinkercad for a recent project just cause I didn't have time to invest in learning.

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Apparently I'm dyslexic enough that I read this twice thinking "what's the joke?"

On top of the surge pricing the bastards have been spamming me with emails. Damned if I can remember when I used my email with them, but their opt out mechanism has me pissed. Have to type in my email after hitting the link, then clearly remain on the list. Sure, FTC rules say you get 30 days or something before I need to stop receiving emails, but virtually every other marketer seems to take me off immediately.

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Bit of a tangent but: How dangerous is ripping and distributing web content these days? Like how prevalent is watermarking or other methods that could identify the account the recording originated from?

As a mormon raised cisgender I used this meme to shutdown a family conversation.

Their grip of control extends far further than it seems. I need to be taken off the records as well but know it will trigger some sort of notification mechanism and create drama with family. Even when I feel like I'm out from under their thumb there's emotional blackmail that members are willing to smile and shrug off.

Really exciting to see someone working on this. Though my immediate reaction is - not skepticism. Concern maybe? Similar projects in the past have hit walls in scope creep, lack of funding, and ocassionally lack of direction or differentiation. A truly well rounded social VR platform is far more complex than meets the eye. Even neosvr/resonite has run into large slowdowns and difficulties in stealing public adoption away from the totally centralized and closed behemoth that is vrchat. More recently I was sad to see Thirdroom (based on matrix) abandon development. Still, all the best to the project and I will definitely follow it closely.

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Seriously fucking sick of hearing stats about numbers of jobs that completely disregard their quality.

Seriously. This thought occurred to me the other day when I plugged my power bank into a car's charging port to check the wattage and wondered "why the fuck can't my phone just do this by default?" Do we actually not trust people to understand higher number = faster?

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The XJ taco holder is superior.

Anyone noticed a pricing difference with "local" grocers? Obviously there aren't many left and at least in my area they rely on a regional distributor that's pretty consolidated. Just curious if they've been treating consumers any better.

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Kid gotta learn better shortcuts than just relying on Windows + D

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obligatory "charge yo damn phone."

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How the hell do you think you put it on though?

Edit: nvm. Semi-hidden buttons at the top of the chest.

I recently was looking for apartments and got a lease which included a clause to pass property taxes onto tenants, including any new taxes introduced while you were a resident. The additional expense was counted as rent for non-payment purposes. Another clause placed a lien on the contents of your unit upon nonpayment. Absolutely insane slumlord shit in some nice new apartments. The landlords must be stopped.


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Rip their fucking eyes out

I'm so tired.

Just to clarify: what are some of your specific complaints with bad information? I ask because I've been trying to fill in business hours and other info you might find on g maps for my city, and it's definitely challenging. My new pet peeve is just how many businesses don't bother listing their hours anywhere but proprietary services. No hours on their website and not even on their front doors.

There is no FOSS alternative with half the feature set unfortunately. Neos was headed in the right direction but got tripped up with crypto and a dispute between founders. I've been watching Overte recently but they have a long ways to go.

Got the text about the increase and it's definitely nail in the coffin for me. I've confirmed that I don't need much data even with forgetting to reconnect to wifi.

Strangely found myself tempted towards Helium Mobile since it's 20 bucks for "unlimited" with 30GB of high speed. But of course it's a crypto product... I'd been planning to wait til they release a feature to supposedly cryptographically protect against SIM swap attacks here. Assuming it checks out for security I'd consider it a decent extra benefit. Thoughts?

edit: forgot to mention they're a tmobile mvno. so not exactly completely getting away from them.

Deplatformed from which platform? When your fanatics are deranged enough to follow you anywhere... They'll be chomping at the bit to hear what he said in his most recent call from prison.

Expanding on why humans don't do this (as often) the fleshy part of our ears is functional. Depending on how sound bounces in your brain can determine some additional features that it couldn't just from two ears. If I recall correctly variation in ear shape between people also creates difficulty in creating identical universal 360 sound. Can't help but find it fascinating we've had ray traced games for a bit now but sound is mostly still just faked and not simulated.


There is only one thing I'm paying attention to with the Vision Pro at this point: use in public. When the Quest 3 came out people did stupid stuff like wearing it at amusement parks and ordering coffee with it on, then stopped cause it was just for the memes. I really hope people stop being such fuckwits with Vision Pros but I'm afraid they won't because Apple status symbol.

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What I'm curious about is running a server only for myself. Am I gonna have problems with being defederated? I'm wanting to run Matrix right next to it on the same domain but they seem much more open to the concept of personal servers.

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Schwim Tech Insights

Yeah. Though I'm more partial to the offshoot project https://overte.org/ Unfortunately though I think it's another example of how far these sorts of projects are from feature parity with more established closed platforms.

As an american who shops and walks my groceries home like a european, the self checkout is the only option for me. I must have the ability to choose where to put products to keep my bags/backpack balanced to my liking and to prevent bags from failing on my walk home. Stranglely in the us, i risk approaching the "self checkout item limit" which is definitely more social expectation than actually enforced by staff.

A more specific question for you: how often do you encounter scales on self checkouts?

My money is on Florida.

My local city sub. I should really get off my ass and fix that... I'm sure I will eventually...

Many thanks. I'd been meaning to find an equivalent but hadn't stumbled on this yet.

Even shutting the fuck up is easier said than done for most.

Cause prohibition will totally stop AI girlfriend weebs

Looked it up and you appear to be seriously wrong. Source or GTFO