On KDE you can try out Polonium, which integrates with the native tiling support and makes it awesome!
On KDE you can try out Polonium, which integrates with the native tiling support and makes it awesome!
Others have listed a bunch of good resources. If you are more of a visual learner, I have heard good things about the Easy Rust videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lYeJeQ11OI&list=PLfllocyHVgsRwLkTAhG0E-2QxCf-ozBkk
Hey! We have buff, and plenty of local pubs! The other things are true though, can't help you with those
There are plenty of both really, too many perhaps
RSS link so you can add it to your preferred podcast client (I use AntennaPod) -
ChinaTalk https://chinatalk.substack.com/
RSS address: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/CHTAL4990341033
This seems to have many similar ideas as Dhall Lang - https://dhall-lang.org/