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When you don't provide a political solution to a situation, people will resort to non-political solutions.

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Yelling nonsense is a job requirement for his caucus.

President Biden had classified documents when he wasn't president. This is a no no. A special counsel was created to investigate and see if he broke the law (which requires showing a level of intent). The special counsel interviewed Biden and afterwards put out a report and was like "we shouldn't procecute this case, the jury would see him as a forgetful old grandpa" (this is not a real quote).

Now congressional Republicans want the justice department to release the audio of the interview. They say they want this to find evidence of criminal activity (as if the justice department wasn't doing the same thing?) And Merrick Garland is refusing under the reasoning that it wouldn't serve a purpose, and disclosing information on someone who hasn't committed a crime, you are going to prosecute, is bad. Imagine if the government did that to all people they didn't like, start an investigation, get a bunch of dirt, and then publish it?! It's insane to me IMHO. So then they decide to hold Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress which is the only escalation they have in this position.

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I think you make a great point, but I would add a caveat. There IS a difference between Biden and trump. One will listen to protesters, and the other won't. You can pressure Biden and he will change his position because he seems to care what voters think, and Trump doesn't.

This shows Jesus creating cheeseburgers which arent kosher.

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The idea of republican Jesus cooking up some beyond burgers is very funny

Thank you for the hypothetical explanation. I was utterly unable to figure out how something so insane actually happened. This at least makes some sort of sense.

We were gonna wait till you were older, but it's good you know now.

But isn't broadband access one of the main requirements for using technology? I understand not wanting to interact with politics, but nothing in our life is truly separated from it.

I thought it was broken, because I asked if it was an oven, and it said yes... And then nothing. Just a bit confusing to people who don't understand AI and fuzzy answers.

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It's one of the most damning indictments that their religion doesn't change who they really are.

I can't believe this is a real game I might get to play one day. The trailer doesn't even look that good, I'm just excited the project survived.

I used to live in Alabama. This is a version of what they want. But I also agree with the chump who said "it doesn't affect me". Because that's what allowed all the atrocities of history to happen. Sometimes you have to stop evil people from being evil.

Depending on your definition of "unofficial", nothing. But at some point you need to make media to tell people about your tournament, or you want to stream the tournament, and doing either of those without using Nintendo's copyrighted material/trademarks is impossible.

I think the attorney general wasn't appointed right away or something, but it still took quite a while.

It's making a lot of references to the war on terror. Here's my bad translation:

Op thought npr wasn't progressive enough for OP when NPR didn't call the waterboarding, that happened at Gitmo, torture. OP does concede that NPR is a better news source than others, especially when they are commuting and want to hear news on the radio.

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There is a worse example than that! At a panel in 2015, he was asked if he has ever prayed for forgiveness, and he said no. It's the core part of protestant conversion, and he denied doing it and seemed confused by the concept.


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The translation was happening when describing peaceful Palestinian protestsers, that was the problem.

I can tell you not good things about season 2 even if it isn't out. Season 2 will eat whatever it finds in your fridge and put what it doesn't finish back in a different location. I've never met a dog or cat that liked season 2. Season 2 has a weird smell that reminds you of the first time you felt homesick and knew you could never go back home.

Because they did it so much, that people associate it with them. It's like asking why swastikas are associated with Nazis when it is originally a Hindu symbol. Symbols get associated with the bad people that use them.

Thank you for the good summation.

You need to get some gray hair dye. Apply only a little, where people's hair mostly starts to go grey, and then come in to one of your shifts. When the first person comments on it, act surprised and say "the witches curse was real! She said I would lost 13 years for encroaching on her house in the woods!" This way, you will get even more sympathy for being older. Your youth was stolen from you.

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Always has been

That seems like a very frustrating bug, but good podcast choice!

I don't agree with them per se, but I think the point they are making is that you can find a crazy doctor who will agree with anything. Like if all you needed to get your kids out of a vaccination was a doctor's note, there would be a well known doctor writing so many to all the home school parents.

I agree, but I definitely had microwaves in my classrooms (small school, we would eat in classrooms).

He's listed as an unindicted co conspirator. The reason for not indicting him can come down to local laws. The law in Georgia on conspiracy has a lower bar, which is why he got charged there.

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That's not all Bruen did. Bruen also said a restriction on gun ownership had to be consistent with our history and values. Which we assume means you have to point to laws that did the same thing during the 1700s/1800s. Whether or not this is idiotic is rhetorical, but you can't point to a law that said you could take guns away because of domestic violence from that era, because domestic violence wasn't a crime then!

What do you like about mkwii that mk9 doesn't have/do?

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This is what they do in the manual decompile projects (like is happening for Majora's mask now), but this tool can only preserve logic.

Great point. Many governments have media teams that produce propaganda and present it as news. This can be confusing, so social media sites label articles from these government entities as state-sponsored or whatever. It's supposed to help Americans not trust propaganda that another country puts out, uncritically.

It's Calvinball. They change how they are making the rules to weed out what they don't like. Don't like Roe? Throw out the 9th amendment. Don't like firearm restrictions? Rewrite how we are supposed to interpret the grammar of the constitution. Don't like other rules? Make up that it has to apply to "history and tradition". It's ruling on top of ruling that are impossible to universally apply meaning they get to remain with all of the power to strike down what they don't like.

I think they've said that Twitter and musk stories get a lot of traffic.

Yeah, I don't want this for my phone right now, but I do think that this would help me sleep easier with my grandfather who has already fallen for multiple scams.

Is that a fun way of saying glasses?

What do you mean? It has never been playable on the switch before.

I hope it works out.

Congratulations on making a game!

If someone said they enjoy something, why did you reply about how you think it's bad? It's a story that means a lot to them. I know this is the Internet where the other users don't have feelings, but come on.

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I asked if it was an oven, and it said yes,